When Men Sue Women’s Empowerment Orgs for Gender Discrimination

Article here. Excerpt:

'The rise of women-focused organizations promoting co-working, workplace savviness, and old-fashioned networking is confronting a new backlash: lawsuits from men who say they are being unfairly excluded.

Yale University and the University of Southern California are under investigation by the Department of Education for programs and scholarships for women. An organization to get more women on the golf course—long a bastion of male power and a frequent locale for business deals—was sold and shut down after settling with a plaintiff for holding women-only events. The head of Chic CEO, an organization that hosted online resources for women starting their own businesses, downsized her company after settling a lawsuit alleging the group excluded men from networking events. And the Wing, an exclusive all-women co-working and social space, is under investigation by the New York City Commission on Human Rights for gender discrimination.

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Men walk in heels to help end violence against women

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'Men in Rapid City took a “walk in her shoes” on Tuesday evening, to help end violence against women.
"This is actually a worldwide event; it started in 2001,” said Kristina Simmons, WAVI’s development director.

Simmons says it's a "fun, playful way" for the community to bring awareness to violence. And victims are not only women but "people in general," she says.'

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Female prof ‘in exile’ calls out ‘toxic femininity’ and defends men: ‘Not all women are victims’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Heather Heying, a former biology professor at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, has called out “toxic femininity” to combat the ills of “toxic masculinity” in today’s society.

Heying, who, according to her Twitter bio, is now a “professor in exile,” as well as an evolutionary biologist, penned a July 9 article on “toxic femininity.”
Heying and her husband, Bret Weinstein, a former fellow professor at Evergreen State, were run out of the college in 2017 after Weinstein refused to leave the campus on a “Day of Absence,” during which all white people were encouraged to leave campus, allowing only people of color to occupy the campus.

Students rallied and demanded firings be handed for such refusals to leave the campus on that particular day.'

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Women Maintain NIH Funding Similar to Men: Study

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'While searching for reasons why women faculty members are underrepresented in the life sciences, researchers have looked at factors affecting the retention of female faculty, such as the ability to sustain funding. A new analysis finds that keeping the money rolling in doesn’t appear to be a factor. Of nearly 35,000 researchers who received funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) between 1991 and 2010, men and women maintain funding at roughly the same rates.

The authors, who published their report today (July 16) in PNAS, say the results contradict a “leaky pipeline” assumption that women lose funding more frequently than men. “We found that rather than leaving the NIH funding pool at much greater rates than men, women were much more dramatically underrepresented to begin with among first-time [research project grant] holders,” they write in their study, “composing only 30.66% of investigators in the analysis.”

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Women, token man in stand-up comedy ‘The Resistance Is Fertile’

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'By the time Monday night’s comedy show had begun, a crowd had formed just inside the front door of the Rite Spot, a Folsom Street bar and restaurant with a really good vertical neon light illuminating the sidewalk in front. All of the seats at the bar and the restaurant were pretty much taken, and comedy fans craned their necks in search of an open spot. Few found space. “The Resistance Is Fertile” is a wildly popular comedy show for a very good reason:

It features only women.

Actually, “The Resistance Is Fertile” regularly permits one token male performer. That inclusive gesture is a nod — payback, some might say — for the countless times a lone female comic has been included in a comedy lineup because the show’s producers “needed a woman.” And the show’s gender table-turning doesn’t stop there.

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The making of a man: Our son is growing up with two moms and two sisters.

Article here. Excerpt:

'And our boys would certainly be more than the dangerous idea that they would simply be boys. They would be held accountable, and made well aware of their male privilege. But we would also teach them the good things they could do with that privilege. We would teach them about the benefits of holding a strong stance, but also do our best to explain that tenderness is a valuable quality.

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How Identity Politics Is Changing Universities

Article here. Excerpt:

'This long march of feminists and racialists from near-obscurity to absolute-dominance is compared to the rise of Snopes family created by author William Faulkner in his 1940 novel, The Hamlet. In Faulkner’s book, the Snopeses move into the Mississippi community of Frenchman’s Bend and slowly take over nearly all aspects of life. Even though the locals seem to understand what is taking place, they are seemingly helpless because they heard the rumor that people that made a Snopes unhappy would have their barns burned to the ground.

In campus politics, the activists did not threaten to burn only the barns but rather the entire college campus. Anyone in higher education that might allegedly say or write something that offends someone in a politically-protected group is likely to be the focus of the infamous Twitter Mob, and even a distinguished career and something as prestigious as a Nobel Prize offers no cover, as Tim Hunt found out.

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Benevolent Sexism Attractive To Women, Study Shows

Article here. Excerpt:

'A controversial new study authored by Pelin Gul from Iowa State University, and Tom Kupfer, from the University of Kent, sheds light on what attracts women, and why.

Published in the peer-reviewed Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, the study is titled “Benevolent Sexism and Mate Preferences: Why Do Women Prefer Benevolent Men Despite Recognizing That They Can Be Undermining?”

Citing previous research, Gul and Kupfer defined two kinds of sexism: hostile sexism, and benevolent sexism.'

Also see: Study finds heterosexual women prefer benevolently sexist men

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A Fight for Men’s Rights, in California Courts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rich Allison is a former Marine Corps captain who was never in combat. Now he is on the front lines of the culture wars.

Mr. Allison, 47, is a key player in a movement of men’s rights activists challenging female-focused businesses, marketing strategies, educational programs and civic projects that have surged since the election of President Trump in November 2016 and the #MeToo movement.

He has been a plaintiff in 13 lawsuits, most of which cite discrimination against men in violation of California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, named for the politician Jesse Unruh, known as “Big Daddy.” It outlaws discrimination against all people by any type of business establishment in the state, regardless of a person’s sex, race and other characteristics. Mr. Allison and his cohort would like to remind everyone that Unruh’s broad promise of “full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges or services” extends to men.

“I believe in social justice and fairness,” Mr. Allison said.

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SuperShe Island: the holiday where men are banned

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'If the feminist struggle is a war, then this Finnish island is the boot camp of its elite forces. Think of it as Navy Seals training for feminists — with a bit more in the way of yoga mats and hygge. Peer between the island’s silvergreen pine trees and you can see them: crack troops, working hard at improving body and mind for the fight for equality. Doing plank pose. Going to lectures. Swimming in the sea. And, crucially, not bumping into any men.

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UK: Teen boys should get HPV jab like girls – to protect against cancer

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'The deadly virus can be passed on through unprotected sex and is also linked to head, neck, cervical, penile and vaginal cancers.

Girls already receive the HPV vaccine on the NHS but health chiefs have previously claimed it was not cost effective in boys.

Doctors, dentists and cancer charities have been campaigning for the vaccination programme to be extended to all children.

They said denying boys the jab left them vulnerable if they were gay or had sex with a woman who had not been vaccinated.

Now the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has suggested ministers adopt a “gender neutral” programme.'

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Ex Boys & Girls Club worker charged with sex assault

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'A former Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui employee is facing charges alleging she sexually assaulted a pre-teenage girl at the agency’s Central Maui clubhouse last year.

Victoria Satoafaiga, 28, of Waikapu was arrested in December after being indicted by a Maui County grand jury. She posted a $101,000 bail bond to be released, court records show.

Satoafaiga has pleaded not guilty to third-degree sexual assault, first-degree sexual assault and second-degree custodial interference.

Another charge of attempted third-degree sexual assault was dismissed July 11 when 2nd Circuit Judge Rhonda Loo granted a defense request.

She said the prosecution asserted that the attempted third-degree sexual assault involved sexual biting and sucking of the victim’s chest area, causing hickeys, on Oct. 27.

“The state, however, fails to include this information in the indictment,” Loo said.

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Right On Cue, Kavanaugh Accused Of Hiding Sexual Harassment

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'Fresh off the seeming success of the smear campaign against Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), a liberal feminist group is attempting to connect Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the sexual harassment of his former boss.

Kavanaugh is President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court seat vacated by Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement. Now the liberal group UltraViolet is trying to derail his nomination using the anti-sex abuse harassment known as #MeToo.

Kavanaugh had previously clerked for 9th U.S. Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski from 1990 to 1991. Kozinski abruptly retired last year after 15 women accused him of sexual harassment. Now Ultraviolet is tying Kavanaugh to Kozinski by demanding an investigation into whether the Supreme Court nominee knew about his former boss’ alleged abuse.'

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Student Expelled On Hearsay Gets Punishment Overturned

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'A judge has ordered California State University to overturn the expulsion of a male student who allegedly sexually assaulted a female student.

John Doe, as he is referred to in court documents, will be reinstated after the school relied on hearsay and misrepresented evidence to conclude he had committed sexual assault against a student referred to as Jane Roe.

As is typical in these cases, the two students met at an off-campus party. The party occurred on March 5, 2016 at the Delta Chi Fraternity chapter of California Polytechnic University-San Luis Obispo, which falls under the CSU umbrella. Both students have admitted to kissing while dancing together, but that’s where their stories diverge.'

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Canada: Paid pre-apprenticeship program recruiting women only for the trades

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women interested in careers like plumbing, electrical, and carpentry will get the chance to get paid while learning about the trades this fall, thanks to a new pre-apprenticeship program exclusively for women.

The paid program, called CRAFT Women (Creating Real Apprenticeships for Toronto) will offer 15 successful applicants four weeks of in-class training at the College of Carpenters and Allied Trades and then a 10-week job placement arranged by the Daniels Corporation or Heights Development.
The program will run from Aug. 27 to Nov. 30 and participants will earn $14/hr. According to Selva, most pre-apprenticeship programs do not pay wages.

Costs for childcare, travel, basic tools and safety equipment will be covered, along with mentorship through Sisters in Trades, an organization that supports women in construction.'

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