Lawyer Furious Over ‘Sexist’ No-Men Allowed Pool Party

Article here. Excerpt:

'A lawyer slammed a “sexist” no-single-men pool party hosted by a California hotel while speaking with The Daily Caller News Foundation on Friday.

San Diego lawyer Alfred G. Rava is representing three men, Mitchell Fairless, Chris Fairless and James Hamilton, in a lawsuit against DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Golf Resort Palm Springs and Plush, a party company that hosted an event at the hotel. The men are suing the hotel and party company for violating California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act and Business and Professions Code 125.6.

Rava filed his lawsuit with the Superior Court of California County of Riverside on July 26 and received a copy of the complaint Wednesday. The complaint opens with a quote: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

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UK: Male, pale and stale university professors to be given 'reverse mentors'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Male, pale and stale university professors are to be given “reverse mentors” to teach them about unconscious bias, under a new Government funded scheme.

Under the project, white males in senior academic posts will be assigned a junior female colleague from an ethnic minority as a mentor.

Prof John Rowe, who is overseeing the project at Birmingham University, said he hopes the scheme will allow eminent professors to confront their own biases and leave them “feeling quite uncomfortable”.'

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Double Standard? Wisconsin Senate Candidate Once Railed Against ‘White Male Entitlement’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Julie Henszey, a Democrat candidate for the 5th Senate District seat held by departing Republican U.S. Senate candidate Leah Vukmir (R-Brookfield), has posted some inflammatory rants on her personal Facebook page – mostly diatribes against white Christian men and their “power.”

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Vox’s Ezra Klein Defends “Kill All Men” Twitter Hashtag

Article here. Excerpt:

'In yet another article from the Left insisting that old, racist tweets from recently hired New York Times writer Sarah Jeong aren’t actually racist, Vox founder Ezra Klein veered off course into defending an old misandrist hashtag: #KillAllMen.

“A few years ago, it became popular on feminist Twitter to tweet about the awful effects of patriarchal culture and attach the line #KillAllMen,” Klein wrote. “This became popular enough that a bunch of people I know and hang out with and even love began using it in casual conversation.”

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After the bell, lawmakers still studying campus sex assault bills

Article here. Excerpt:

'Under the House bill, schools would be required to conduct the sexual misconduct climate surveys beginning in August 2019, after a task force develops a model survey designed to gather information, including the number of reported incidents of sexual misconduct on campus, student awareness of related policies, and what happens after a victim reports sexual misconduct.

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Yale Ordered To Release Sex Assault Training Materials

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yale University must release the materials it uses to train administrators investigating claims of campus sexual assault after an expelled student requested them in his lawsuit against his former school.

In court documents obtained by The Daily Wire, U.S. District Judge Alfred V. Covello ordered the university to release the materials “because the documents at issue are relevant and responsible to the earlier request served in 2016.

Two years ago, former Yale basketball star Jack Montague’s attorneys served the Ivy League school requests for “[a]ll documents provided to any agents or employees of Yale or anyone appointed to serve on a [University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC)] Hearing Panel concerning the operation, interpretations, or application and/or training on UWC disciplinary proceedings from July 1, 2011, to the present.”'

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Welcome to the ‘Man Camps’ of West Texas

Article here. Excerpt:

'There’s not much to look at except dirt, mesquite, and sagebrush around the 10 acres of flat, almost treeless land near Goldsmith, Texas, where Aries Residence Suites runs a housing complex used by itinerant oil workers. Three years ago, all 188 rooms were as empty as the landscape—a testament to crude’s tumble from more than $100 a barrel to $30. Today, prices are up around $70 and almost every Aries bed is occupied, just as at many other “man camps” throughout West Texas.

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Some equal time: women report sex dolls are 'better than men'

Article here. I totally get it. It can f*ck you all night and keep a boner with no necessity for ED pills nor breaks for water. But does it pay the tab or fork over child support? Excerpt:

'Men face being made redundant in the bedroom if women turn to silicone robots which “do not tire” or suffer from “performance issues”.

It comes as the world’s first Harmony sex doll owner exclusively revealed the “realism” of romping with the artificially intelligent android to Daily Star Online.

The male equivalent, dubbed Gabriel, is also programmed with unique conversations and stories to share with partners.

Women “will not have to worry about making any effort to get pleasure in the bedroom as the doll satisfies every whim,” Disclose reported.

The robots are said to be “extremely lifelike” with each model customised to meet the customer’s various requirements, including the head, body and gender.

They are hand painted to include detail such as freckles, birth marks and even scars.'

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Sorority at Harvard votes to close over no-single-sex-groups policy

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two years after Harvard University said it would penalize students who joined fraternities, sororities and final clubs, a campus sorority chapter is shutting down.

The Delta Gamma sorority announced Sunday that it had voted unanimously to honor a request by its Cambridge chapter, Zeta Phi, to close.

“This decision does not mean that we are succumbing to the University’s new sanctions and policies,” the president of Delta Gamma’s national organization, Wilma Johnson Wilbanks, said in a statement.

“We will continue to champion our right to exist on campuses everywhere,” her statement said. “We believe the value of sorority is too great.”
In an email to students, Harvard’s president at the time, Drew Gilpin Faust, said that fraternities and sororities enacted “forms of privilege and exclusion at odds with our deepest values” and said that the school could not “endorse selection criteria that reject much of the student body merely because of gender.”

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Woman wanting to fulfill 'rape fantasy' filed false sexual assault report, police say

Article here. Excerpt:

'The woman who filed a sexual assault report in July after an alleged attack at Mounds State Park lied to police, the Madison County Sheriff's Department said Tuesday.

Officers were called to Mounds State Park on July 3, after a 19-year-old woman said she was assaulted. The woman told officers she was jogging when a man came up behind her, pushed her down, and groped her.

Somebody else in the park saw it happen and called 911.

Police used credit card receipts to find a potential suspect, a 17-year-old who was located in Indianapolis.

The 17-year-old cooperated with police and said he met the woman on "Whisper," an anonymous social media app. He told police he responded to a post from the woman, who claimed she was looking for somebody to fulfill a "rape fantasy." The two of them arranged to meet at the park.

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Expelled Cal Poly student gets to graduate

Article here. Excerpt:

'Cal Poly must overturn the expulsion of a student accused of a March 2016 sexual assault and allow that student to graduate, a Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge ordered July 12.

Judge James C. Chalfant’s decision comes after a two-year battle between the accused student, named in the complaint under the alias John Doe, Cal Poly and the California State University system, both of which Doe accused of depriving him of his due process rights.

According to his attorney Mark Hathaway, Doe was “a graduating senior with two credits left to complete his bachelor’s degree when (CSU) Chancellor (Timothy) White and the university ordered him expelled.”

Hathaway, a partner with the Los Angeles-based firm Werkman Jackson Hathaway & Quinn, “has assisted dozens of students and faculty in Title IX sexual misconduct investigations,” according to his profile on the firm’s website.'

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Sociologist (Michael Kimmel) Facing Harassment 'Rumors' Defers Award

Article here. Excerpt:

'Michael Kimmel, SUNY Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and an internationally known expert on masculinity, asked the American Sociological Association to delay presenting him with a major award for six months, so that still-anonymous allegations of sexual harassment against him can be vetted, he said last week.

"I have been informed that there are rumors circulating about my professional conduct that suggest I have behaved unethically," Kimmel wrote in comments to the association, requesting that they be read at the association’s annual meeting later this month in Philadelphia (he shared the comments with Inside Higher Ed). "While nothing has been formally alleged to the best of my knowledge," he said, "I take such concerns seriously, and want to validate the voices of those who are making such claims. I want to hear those charges, hear those voices, and make amends to those who believe I have injured them."

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Professor Slams 'Hegemonic Masculinity' of Homeless Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'A feminist professor at Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada recently published a book chapter documenting the myriad ways homeless men allegedly perpetuate “hegemonic masculinity” while discussing their hardships.

The book chapter, “When a Man’s Home is Not a Castle: Hegemonic Masculinity Among Men Experiencing Homelessness,” was published last Wednesday by Professor Erin Dej, in a book she co-edited on patriarchy in psychiatric wards and homeless shelters.

The goal of her research, she explains, was to “assess the ways hypermasculinity is performed among men experiencing homelessness.” And to do this, Dej interviewed 27 homeless men and spent and additional 296 hours spying on them in homeless shelters.

While research on vulnerable people typically requires informed consent and approval by an ethics board, it is unclear if Dej sought this. She declined to comment on this when emailed by PJ Media, and her research makes no mention of ethics review.'

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British women-only club defends hiring male boss

Article here. Truth remains stranger than fiction. Excerpt:

'The founders of Britain’s first club for businesswomen defended their decision to appoint a chairman on Monday after criticism from some gender rights activists, saying men needed to be “part of the solution”.

AllBright, a London private members’ club launched in March to connect female entrepreneurs, announced on Monday it had appointed the former head of the Asda supermarket group Allan Leighton as chairman.

Members include the tech entrepreneur Martha Lane-Fox and actresses Naomie Harris and Ruth Wilson.

“AllBright is all about celebrating and championing women, but it’s also about bringing enlightened men on the journey with us,” said founders Debbie Wosskow and Anna Jones in a statement.

“Most importantly, we recognize that having Allan on board demonstrates the need for men like him to be part of the solution in helping to change the economic landscape for women - this is the only way that real change is going to happen.”'

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"Male sports need women — A LOT more women — to stop stupidity of men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have an idea. I’m pretty sure it will work. And I think it can solve an epidemic plaguing male-dominated American sports.

Here it is: Women.

We need women — and I mean a lot more women — to help stem the tide of all the stupidity being perpetrated by men in American sports.
It’s any number of issues, from cases of physical and sexual abuse, to less serious but also harmful transgressions like inappropriate comments, discussions and attitudes.

We need women in positions of authority and influence in our male-sports landscape. We need a different perspective attuned to the experiences, the plights and the needs of others.
Of course, simply having more women isn’t foolproof or a panacea in and of itself. Ousted MSU president Lou Anna Simon proves that. But certainly the more women we have in male sports, the better chance we have to stem the tide and heal the wounds that some men have inflicted.

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