Toyota dealership inspired by #MeToo likely discriminated against men, state says

Article here. Excerpt:

'A South Florida Toyota dealership looking to bring balance to a male-dominated sales team likely discriminated against men when it advertised exclusively for female sales associates last year, a state commission has determined.

Now a man from New York whose application was rejected by Earl Stewart Toyota in Palm Beach County is battling the car dealership in court and seeking “back pay and front pay from the date the position was filled by a less-qualified individual,” along with damages and attorney fees.

In a 2017 job listing on the website Indeed, Earl Stewart Toyota stated it was “taking the radical approach of actively soliciting women salespeople.”

At the time, the sales team consisted of 22 men and 5 women, a company publicist told the Miami Herald.'

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Lindsay Lohan Apologizes for Criticizing #MeToo

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an interview with The Times, Lohan slammed sexual harassment accusers saying they “look weak,” and insisted that some “do it for the attention.”

“Everyone goes through their own experiences in their own ways. If it happens at that moment, you discuss it at that moment,” the Parent Trap star said. “You make it a real thing by making it a police report.”

But after days of sustained backlash, Lindsay Lohan is now apologizing for her comments.

“I would like to unreservedly apologize for any hurt and distress caused by a quote in a recent interview with The Times,” Lohan told People in a statement, according to PageSix.
The 32-year-old actress also said that she feels “very strongly” about the #MeToo movement and admires the women who have come forward about their experiences.

Lohan also insisted that those who have spoken out have “served to protect those who can’t speak.”'

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UK: Mother blasts 'women only' swimming pool policy

Article here. Excerpt:

'The mother says she has complained about the Everyone Active policy for two years but her frustration was reignited when she tried to book a session at another centre.

Everyone Active, which has more than 150 centres across the UK, has a policy which does not allow males of any age to take part in female only sessions.

It means that boys – no matter how young – are banned from the weekly, 90-minute female only swim sessions.'

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The Backlash podcast episode 4: the men's rights movement

Article here. Excerpt:

'For our fourth episode of The Backlash podcast, we went inside one of the world’s largest gatherings of men’s rights activists (MRAs) in London, and spoke to some of the men, and women, involved in this anti-feminist movement.

We hear from Alastair (who didn't give us his surname) from the UK fringe political party Justice for Men and Boys which organised the conference. We also speak to Karen Straughan, a revered figure within the MRA movement and “the most famous anti-feminist in the world.”'

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Sexual misconduct: California court says college was unfair to the accused

Article here. Excerpt:

'A California appeals court has joined the debate over how colleges should handle sexual misconduct cases, saying a school disciplinary board should require an accuser to attend a hearing and answer questions before suspending or expelling an accused student.

The ruling Wednesday by the Second District Court of Appeal in Los Angeles comes while the Trump administration is calling on colleges to set a higher standard of proof in cases of alleged sexual assault or harassment and to strengthen rights of the accused, most of them men. Women’s rights advocates have filed a nationwide suit in San Francisco against Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, saying her new guidelines are based on sex discrimination.
When a student faces “potentially severe consequences” such as suspension, and the outcome depends on the accuser’s credibility, the accuser “must be before the finder of fact,” either in person or by videoconference, Justice Helen Bendix said in the 3-0 ruling.

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SAVE: DOJ Wants to Expand Sex Offender Registry to Include Campus Kangaroo Courts Findings

From SAVE:

How many students do you know have been wrongfully found responsible by a campus disciplinary committee?
Would you believe the Department of Justice is considering a proposal to have these students listed in a public Sex Offender Registry? Here's the notice:

Over 100 judges have ruled in favor of students who sued their universities for lack of due process.

It is urgent that we all speak out against this idea. Contact Samantha Opong, SMART Office. Email:,  Phone: (202) 514-9320.

The SAVE Team

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Feminists turn on Kimmel

Article here. Excerpt:

'Michael Kimmel, Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, said last week that he’s deferring his acceptance of a major sociology award for six months, over what he called “rumors” about his professional conduct. And while Kimmel’s terminology was criticized as dismissive of his accusers, the harassment allegations against him circulating online and off were then anonymous.

But on Thursday one of Kimmel’s former Stony Brook graduate students put their (the student's preferred pronoun) name behind a detailed account of what they called his explicit sexual talk, homophobia, transphobia and general “lack of respect” for anyone but cisgender heterosexual men. In an essay published in Medium, Bethany M. Coston, now an assistant professor of women’s, gender and sexuality studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, said now was the time to share their experiences.

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There is a gender war

Article here. Excerpt:

'Forget the mythical war on women.

What we’re really seeing in American culture is a growing war on men. There’s a bias against men that seeks to demean, devalue and ultimately emasculate normal, healthy men and boys in virtually all aspects of life — the U.S. educational and legal systems, the workplace, pop culture and even modern-day families. And you have the radical left and feminists to thank. Under the banner of championing women’s rights and “female equality” — effectively for decades — they also have been waging “jihad” against their male counterparts.

Take public education. It’s no secret that the American public K-12 school system — in an effort to empower its female students — is now predominantly “teaching to girls,” vs. providing curricula and atmospheres that educate, support and empower all students equally. Of course, education officials won’t admit to any form of bias — intentional or otherwise — as gender discrimination is illegal, but all you have to do is look at college enrollment data and judge for yourself.

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California may mandate a woman in the boardroom, but businesses are fighting it

Article here. Excerpt:

'California is moving toward becoming the first state to require companies to have women on their boards –assuming the idea could survive a likely court challenge.

Sparked by debates around fair pay, sexual harassment and workplace culture, two female state senators are spearheading a bill to promote greater gender representation in corporate decision-making. Of the 445 publicly traded companies in California, a quarter of them lack a single woman in their boardrooms.

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Case against Ole Miss Title IX office could set national precedent for sexual assault cases on college campuses

Article here. Excerpt:

'Doe v. The University of Mississippi will appear before the fifth circuit court on Aug. 14, and it could set a precedent for the way sexual assault cases are handled across the country.

The case centers around a March 30, 2017 sexual encounter between John Doe and Jane Roe, both undergraduate students at the University of Mississippi. On March 31, Roe filed a complaint with the university Title IX office, who notified the University Police Department. Doe was in New Orleans at a fraternity formal with another woman at the time.

In the weeks since the initial incident, Doe and Roe remained friends and attended social functions together. On April 18, 2017, Roe indicated she did not want to press charges against Doe. Two days later, she met with a UPD officer and confirmed her desire to not press charges, saying she “felt she had the closure she needed to go about her routine and was happy with it.” Subsequently, Roe completed a non-prosecution form.'

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Ocasio-Cortez Tries To Blame Sexism For People Calling Out Her Claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the self-described “Democratic socialist” running for congress in New York, has apparently decided that crying sexism is the way to win debates and endear oneself to the Left. Considering how Democrats often play the victim card, she may be on to something.
Secondly, Ocasio-Cortez’s default response appears to be to cry sexism. She’s essentially saying: “It’s my first campaign! Why are you being so mean to me?” and suggesting she's only being treated this way because she's a girl. Well, she's being treated this way because she was immediately latched on to by the left-leaning media as a new star because she beat the number four Democrat incumbent in the House, she would be the youngest person to be elected to Congress, and she’s Latina. She’s just a bunch of boxes to the Left.'


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California firefighters

Click "Read more" below to see the two pictures I attached to this piece. These are exhausted firefighters in California getting some sleep before going back up against the fires.

Not one is female. If there are any female firefighters taking on these fires, they are very few in number. AND YET, not a single word of thanks to them from the Feminist Establishment. Feminists scream to bigh heaven should there be one more man than woman in a high-paying, clean, safe line of work, yet say nothing about fire-fighting (except occasionally, and then quite selectively), garbage collection, ordnance disposal, police work (except only occasionally and in re specific cases), or military combat roles except in re the "safer" ones. There are others: maintenance workers of all kinds, for example.

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Hungary Bans Gender Studies Programs, Cites Concerns with Lack of Jobs

Article here. Excerpt:

'Several news outlets reported on Friday that the Hungarian government has banned gender studies programs, citing a lack of jobs for graduates.
In a move that will certainly spark debates over censorship, the Hungarian government moved to ban gender studies programs, primarily from the two major universities in the country that offer gender studies programs. One of the universities is public and the other is private.

According to, the part of the amendment which concerns gender studies provides no explanation whatsoever. Two universities are concerned: Hungary’s biggest state-funded university ELTE, and the Central European University, founded by George Soros. If the amendment becomes official, it will mean that nobody can attend gender studies courses in Hungary and get a degree in the subject. notes that CEU offers both Hungarian and American degrees, the amendment will not affect the latter.

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No men allowed: UVM hosts women-only debate championship

Article here. Excerpt:

'The first rule of a North American debate tournament to be held in Vermont this weekend: No men allowed.

Some 150 debaters from 18 schools across the U.S. and Canada will compete in the special tournament, which is designed to be a safe space for women who complain of bias when they debate against men.

Although some men will be allowed to serve as judges, organizers say the tournament at the University of Vermont offers women a chance to hone their speaking and arguing skills and gain confidence and friends without being subject to sexism.

"There is also a lot of sexual predation that happens in the debate community," said UVM debate director Helen Morgan-Parmett. "The tournament, I think, provides a safe space where people feel they are debating other women, and their bodies aren't necessarily on display."

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A Guide to Dating Women Raised in a Matriarchy

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have since learned that it is a shocking amount of trouble to tell men on first dates that I was raised by a single mom. They are always well-intentioned, flirtatious, curious, nice — and blindingly ignorant. At first I thought they just lacked imagination. But I’ve come to see their responses as indicative of a more primal fear: Lots of people think that women need men, if not for their charm and likability, then at least for their ability to father children. A girl with no dad suggests maybe men aren’t so necessary after all.
My mom chose to be a single mom and also had five children: My older siblings and I have donor dads, and my two younger siblings are adopted from Guatemala.

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