From SAVE re stopping a Title IX registry

From SAVE:

On August 1, 2018, the Department of Justice's SMART Office issued an announcement that it plans to do a survey of the "Policies and practices regarding individuals found responsible and sanctioned for campus sexual misconduct policy violations," including the "use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology."

This sounds an awful lot like a Title IX sex offender database, doesn't it?

Since then, DOJ officials have told SAVE that they have no "plans" to establish a Title IX sex offender registry. But when we've asked them to provide an official statement on the DOJ website, they go strangely SILENT.

But we're going to be SILENT on such a radical idea. So we all need to tell the DOJ to not move ahead with its Title IX sex offender database idea. Send your polite comments to:

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Has feminism rejected fairness, truth and justice?

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s become a regular experience in Canada and the United States for a man to be accused of sexual misconduct and for an almost immediate pile-on of haters adding every accusation the mind can imagine.

Contemporary feminists have done a brilliant job in their war against men.

Unsubstantiated accusations are treated as proven guilt. Due process is dismissed as male supremacy. Accusations result in mob hysteria, from even the most allegedly reputable and responsible sources.
It appears that whenever a female complains about sexual harassment, however dubious, unsubstantiated, and indecent the accusation is, everyone assumes that what she says is honest, true and correct.

Don’t imagine that this feminist war is against only bad men. It’s a war is against all men. The object is to degrade and demote men, and replace them with females. Any and all means will be used.

Some deluded men have joined the bandwagon and will no doubt be very surprised when their time as a blood sacrifice comes.'

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Russian Feminist Blogger Investigated For Potential Hate Speech Against Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'A self-described "radical feminist" in Russia is facing potential criminal charges over social-media posts that she says investigators could deem hate speech against men.

Lyubov Kalugina, a 31-year-old blogger in the Siberian city of Omsk, said this weekthat investigators have opened a preliminary probe into material dating back to 2013 that she posted on the Russian social-networking site VKontakte.

The probe comes amid a mounting public debate in Russia about a broad crackdown on online speech in recent years -- including reposts and likes on social media sites such as Facebook -- that critics say authorities are using to stymie dissent and boost conviction rates.'

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UK: "Is 'feminist' a term you'd use now, Julie Bishop?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Feminist [is] not a term that I find particularly useful these days," Julie Bishop famously announced to the National Press Club while launching a "Women in Media" group in 2014.

In that same speech, Bishop, who yesterday announced her retirement as Foreign Minister and signalled her ambivalence about contesting the next election, also refused to acknowledge the existence of the glass ceiling in her career, saying that she would never “blame the fact that I’m a woman” for any career limitations.
I’m not suggesting that gender was the only factor at play. The leadership spill was triggered by the vocal and aggressive minority of MPs and shock jocks motivated by enacting Abbott’s revenge. And Bishop is unpalatable to the pack of pale, male, stale, sexist, and racist homophobes who speak the loudest in the Liberal party room.

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Australia: Exclusively female roles are being advertised by universities to close the gender gap

Article here. Excerpt:

'A growing number of Australian universities are advertising 'female only' roles in a bid to encourage women to apply for historically male-dominated jobs.

The University of Adelaide is the latest educational institution seeking to balance the gender issue, recently advertising eight senior positions in engineering, IT and mathematical science – just for women.

Adelaide's decision follows the call out from the University of Melbourne earlier this year which sought five women for lucrative titles at associate professor and lecturer level.
According to a recent article from Whimn, the move takes advantage of a legal loophole which allows organisations to exclusively recruit women in order to ensure equal opportunities for all genders and sexual orientations.

Technology, engineering and science have long been considered the realms of men, with female professionals significantly outnumbered across these industries.'

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Ohio Cop Says 20% Of Sexual Assault Reports Are False

Article here. Excerpt:

'While we are often told to “believe women” – and are assured no one would lie about being raped, false reports do happen. In Port Clinton, Ohio, some 20% of sexual assault reports are classified as false.

That’s nearly twice as many as the highest (misleading) claim that just 2% to 10% are false. As I’ve explained previously, that number comes from claims that are proven false, which may be just as difficult to prove as cases that are true.

This number also does not mean that the other 90% to 98% (or 80% for Port Clinton) are true. Some are classified as baseless, which is different somehow than false. Some lack evidence and some go to trial. A small percentage that go to trial result in a guilty verdict, so using the same logic as claiming just 2% to 10% are false, one could argue that just 3% to 5% are true.'

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Northeastern Prof Warns: Male Military Veterans ‘Reinforce Hegemonic Masculinity,’ Sexism

Article here. Excerpt:

'A professor at Northeastern University recently published an academic study warning that military veterans “reinforce hegemonic masculinity,” and ultimately contribute to “men’s dominance over women.”

The study, titled “How Military Service Members Reinforce Hegemonic Masculinity in Talk,” was published in the Western Journal of Communication on August 10. It was written by Northeastern Professor Bobbi J. Van Gilder.

Her research consisted of interviewing 14 current and former male servicemembers by phone or Skype. Gilder analyzed their responses to certain questions to see if any of their phrasing betrayed their thoughts on “gender and sexuality norms” in the military.
During another interview, Van Gilder criticized a gay veteran for having put on a “masculine ethos” during their conversation. Said Kevin, the gay veteran:

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Hundreds attend March for Men event in Melbourne

Article here. Excerpt:

'Watson regularly preaches to her thousands of social media followers about how Australia is “demonising” men.

On Saturday, the self-described anti-feminist has taken to the streets of Melbourne for her ‘March for Men’ to show that “men matter too”.

More than 700 people said they’d attend the Federation Square event on Facebook with 2600 more interested.

At least two people were reportedly arrested at the protest by the more than 100 police officers in attendance.

Footage from the event shows protesters and police officers shoving each other.
A counter-protest, called ‘Stand up for equality: March against Men’s Rights Activists’, was also held in the same location, at the same time.

Close to 500 people said they’d attend the counter-protest while 1300 more expressed interest.
“The purpose of this rally is not to hate on women, diminish women’s rights or make any negative statements about women

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DNC Goes Gender-Neutral, Demands Equal Number Of Men And Women On Committees

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has passed a rule during its summer meeting in Chicago, Illinois, that includes gender-neutral language in an effort to be more inclusive to the LGBT movement. In addition, all committees must have equal representation of men and women, but those who self-identify as gender nonbinary will not be counted as male or female.

The rules, according to CNN, now say that DNC committees “shall be as equally divided as practicable between men and women (determined by gender self-identification) meaning that the variance between men and women in the group cannot exceed one (1)."
State parties will adopt the language ahead of the 2020 Democratic National Convention.

When will the DNC start instituting race, sexuality, disability, career, religious, class, etc. quotas?'

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"Should those accused of sexual harassment be allowed to question their accusers?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'A federal judge instructed the University of Michigan to ignore its policies for investigating sexual assault and instead hold a live hearing so that a student accused of rape can question his accuser, Inside Higher Ed reports. The outcome of the hearing could have national implications on an emerging pattern of case law suggesting that those accused of sexual violence have the right to question the evidence against them.

The Michigan male student accused of sexual assault sued the university in June, alleging that its sexual assault policies deprived him of his right to due process. The student was accused of rape in April after a sexual encounter the previous November he claims was consensual. It has not been determined whether or not he committed an assault.

The ruling does not mean that the accused student will directly ask his accuser questions; rather, the accused will be given the opportunity to challenge the accuser’s claims.'

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#MeToo and two suicides

Article here. Excerpt:

'Since the launch of #MeToo, two innocent people connected to the movement have committed suicide — Anthony Bourdain and Jill Messick.

In February of 2018, 50-year-old Jill Messick, a one-time talent representative for #MeToo heroine Rose McGowan, took her own life.

In June of 2018, 61-year-old Anthony Bourdain — celebrity chef, world traveler, and boyfriend of #MeToo heroine Asia Argento, hanged himself in a Paris hotel.

Both untimely suicides occurred less than a year after the birth of #MeToo in October of 2017, a movement born through countless accusations against countless men in two left-wing institutions: Hollywood and the establishment media.

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Women-only ride-sharing service opening in Washington, DC

Article here. Excerpt:

'Safr, a new women-only ride-sharing service, focused on keeping women safe is coming to D.C. this autumn.

Come fall, the service, which will be available in cities including D.C., Boston, Orlando, Atlanta, Dallas, and San Francisco will aim to provide safe transportation for women. As of right now, Safr has only launched in Boston.

According to a release from the company, Safr was created "in light of the recent sexual assault allegations on drivers of other ride-sharing companies."

Safr states that drivers working for the company are personally vetted and will have to go through comprehensive background checks in both criminal and motor vehicle history.

Riders can also expect an in-ride security features that will ensure that they get to their final destination safely. If there are issues, immediate help is sent out.

The company plans to pay drivers more than the industry standard so there is an incentive to provide top service.'

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College student gets 1 year in prison for false rape accusation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Long Island woman who falsely accused two Sacred Heart University football players of rape was sentenced in a Connecticut court Thursday.

WABC-TV reports, Nikki Yovino, of South Setauket, pleaded guilty to making up the allegations and was sentenced to three years in prison. She will only serve one year, though, with the other two suspended as part of the plea agreement.

She said she made up the allegations in 2016 because she worried her consensual encounter with the two players would damage her relationship with another student.

Yovino had initially claimed she was raped by the two students in a bathroom during an off-campus party.'

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Teacher-student "affair" started with note on test

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former high school teacher who admitted having sex with a 16-year-old student on a park bench and sending him steamy selfies was sentenced Thursday to 10 years of probation.

Alaina Ferguson, 25, was also fined $800 and sentenced to 120 days in jail — to be served two weeks per year over several years. She must also perform 150 hours of community service and register as a sex offender for 10 years after pleading guilty to charges of an improper relationship between a teacher and a student and indecency with a child by exposure, the Dallas Morning News reports.

Ferguson, a former algebra teacher at Plano Senior High School, was arrested in late 2016 after she and the teen started a relationship at the beginning of the school year after he wrote his Snapchat handle on a test and gave it to Ferguson, according to an arrest warrant obtained by The Post.'

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Author reports book rejection because he is just plain too white and male

Article here. Excerpt:

'I got some bad news this week. I discovered that I’m a ‘privileged, white male’. It was my agent who broke it to me. We were talking about the trouble he’s having in finding a publisher for my book — a work of non-fiction — when the following exchange took place.
Agent: You’re a middle-aged, privileged white man. You’re out of fashion — and so is your book. Publishers think you’re too male. Too white. Things are difficult for writers like you at the moment.
At that moment I realised that my pose of high-minded neutrality was no longer an option. I’ve always sat back and watched the carnival of contemporary identity politics pass by with a mix of amusement, a touch of condescension and the occasional recognition that maybe these people have the odd point. But overall, it didn’t really affect me. Until now.

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