The Dilemma of the Liberal White Male in an Age of Identity Politics

Article here. Excerpt:

'In short, the ideal society as I see it is one in which we’re all free to express who we are without facing adversity or a lack of opportunity because of factors we can’t control, such as race, sex, gender, sexuality, religion, creed, etc.

And while I recognize the privilege I enjoy as a white man in this society, something deeply disturbing is happening underneath all the noise and bullshit that’s been inherent in our news cycles since Donald Trump was elected president.

It’s this: people on the left — especially women and people of color — have become quite comfortable expressing misandry (the hate of men) and/or racism — in this case toward white people.

A few points if I may:

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Satire: "How To Be A Good Male Feminist"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The following is satirical.

Some of you men out there are probably asking yourself: “How can I be a good male feminist?” Some of you men are probably asking yourself: “How can I find a woman who will stick a lit cigarette into my private parts while whipping me with barbed wire?” There’s no accounting for people’s tastes.

But for those of you men who want to be better feminists — for some reason — here are a couple of handy tips.

If you want to be a good male feminist, remember: always listen to women when they’re blaming you for something. This will save you from ever having to do anything else but listen to women blaming you for something.

If you want to be a good male feminist, never accuse women of being irrational and hysterical but instead just stand quietly while they scream nonsense at you, and then do whatever they tell you.'

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Georgetown prof tweets feminists should kill white men in the Senate

Article here. Excerpt:

'Georgetown Professor C. Christine Fair tweeted over the weekend that “entitled white men” should have their corpses castrated and then fed to pigs.

Fair, an associate professor in Georgetown’s Security Studies program, tweeted, “Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement.”

Fair linked to a video of Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham defending Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh from allegations of sexual assault from when the judge was in high school.

“All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps,” Fair wrote. “Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”'


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Woman refused sex, knifes man in face

Article here. People react at their worst when their delusions are challenged. Many women think two things are true which are not: they can have any man they want any time and he will eagerly bang her. Neither are true. Excerpt:

'The combination of lust, liquor and a large kitchen utensil landed a Vero Beach woman in jail on charges of felony battery with a deadly weapon, cops say.

An arrest report says when a Vero Beach cop showed up at the apartment that 27-year-old Katherine Nieves Tavarez shares with live-in boyfriend Amaury Vazquez Carrero, Nieves Tavarez “answered the door with blood on her clothing and blood on her hands.”

Then the officer saw Vazquez Carrero “fall to the floor with blood covering his face.” When asked what happened, he replied, “she hit me with a knife” and “I can’t see.”

He told officers Nieves Tavarez had been drinking before she approached him early Thursday as he sat on the couch with a request for sex. His repeated refusals, he said, brought the wrath of her yelling. He said he went out to the patio.'

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UK: Feminists are just ‘whining’ for ‘special privileges’, says Ann Widdecombe

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ann Widdecombe has said women have never had it so good as she slammed feminists for wanting ‘special privileges’.

The former Tory MP said we are in the age of ‘whine’ and ‘whinge’ and attacked women for saying they have it harder than men.

Writing in the Radio Times, the 70-year-old said: ‘Until the 1970s it was lawful for employers to advertise a job with two rates of pay, one for men and one for women.
'The feminists of those years yelled that all we wanted was equality. Now that has turned into a pathetic whine for special privileges. No, thanks, sisters. I’ll do what I’ve always done and compete on merit.’

The former Celebrity Big Brother and Strictly Come Dancing contestant said it was hard to see what some women complain about when Britain has its second female Prime Minister and the Metropolitan Police is being run by a woman for the first time.'


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California has a new law: No more all-male boards

Article here. Excerpt:

'Companies headquartered in California can no longer have all-male boards.

That's according to a new law, enacted Sunday, which requires publicly traded firms in the state to place at least one woman on their board of directors by the end of 2019 — or face a penalty.

It also requires companies with five directors to add two women by the end of 2021, and companies with six or more directors to add at least three more women by the end of the same year.
But setting quotas can be controversial, Vicki W. Kramer, lead author of the landmark 2006 study, "Critical Mass on Corporate Boards," told CNN last month. Opponents argue that pressure from quotas will lead to unqualified female members and potential discrimination against male candidates.'

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UK: Man lets in cat, wife assaults him

Article here. Excerpt:

'After sixty years of controlling behaviour and physical violence, Jim changed his blood-stained shirt and walked back to his wife who was making them a coffee after smashing him in the face.

He had asked her to let the cat in while he cut the grass outside.

But instead of turning left to the kitchen, he turned right, walked out of the door and kept on walking away from his life of abuse.

With only the clothes he wore, he didn't look back, and at the age of 78, he started his life again.

Jim is one of a growing number of men telling other men it is okay to admit to being abused by women.'

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Ann Coulter: No More Mr. White Guy

Article here. Ann can be funny and also on point. Not always, but a fair bit of the time. Excerpt:

'“They know the optics of 11 white men questioning Dr. Ford ... will be so harmful and so damaging to the GOP.” -- Areva Martin, CNN legal analyst

“They understand that you have all of these white men who would be questioning this woman ... the optics of it would look terrible.” -- Gloria Borger, CNN chief political analyst

“Women across this nation should be outraged at what these white men senators are doing to this woman.” -- Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif.
Let me begin by saying these commentators are making a brilliant and totally ORIGINAL point, the plain truth of which is outshone only by, as I’ve said, its sheer no-one-has-ever-made-that-observation-before-ness.

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Federal court determines uni violated Title IX by cutting women's sports programs

Article here. Excerpt:

'Eastern Michigan University women's sports teams will not be cut after a federal court granted a preliminary injunction to stop the elimination of the programs by the university.

According to court documents, EMU violated Title IX by eliminating two women's sports teams earlier this year in an effort to cut back on university expenses, a federal court decided Thursday.

The lawsuit was filed after EMU announced in March it would get rid of four sports teams including men's wrestling, men's swimming and diving, women's tennis and women's softball.'

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Female Host Slams Idea Women Should Be Unconditionally Believed, Crowd Boos Her

Article here. Excerpt:

'CRTV host Allie Beth Stuckey was booed during the 2018 Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, Texas after she said that unconditionally believing all women is unjust while she defended Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"I'm devastated to see a man's life almost in ruins based on uncorroborated and unsubstantiated allegations," Stuckey told the audience. "I'm devastated by the thought of a world in which people are guilty until proven innocent and the burden of proof is on the accused."

"I listened to both of their testimonies and while I think both are believable, I think only Kavanaugh is credible," Stuckey continued. "He's the only one that has any substantiation for anything that he said; he's the only one with any corroboration; he's the only one who has gone through six FBI background checks; the only one that has any evidence for anything that he is saying and witnesses to back up what he's saying."
The crowd started to boo.

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Want Equality? Make New Dads Stay Home

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'More than a third of American firms offer at least some paid maternity leave, and an increasing number of them are extending such benefits to new dads as well. But paternity leave is useless if men don’t take it. A 2018 Deloitte survey of more than 1,000 men found that a third worried that taking a leave would hurt their careers, and more than half feared it would signal that they weren’t serious about their jobs. A 2017 Pew survey found that the median paternity leave was just one week. New moms, meanwhile, typically take whatever time they can get.

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Teacher Acquitted of Having Sex With Student Finds Work as a Waitress

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former high school teacher in Maine is now working as a waitress after she was wrongly accused of having sex with a student.

Jill LaMontagne, a married mother of two, was a health teacher at Kennebunk High School.

Last year, the 30-year-old’s world was shaken after a 17-year-old student came forward to claim they had engaged in a sexual relationship while she was tutoring him.

She was forced to resign and was criminally charged with 14 offenses.

“The way people in public interpret that is like, 'Oh, she's gotta to be guilty, 14 counts,'” she told Inside Edition.

At the trial, the teen testified that he and LaMontagne had sex in her classroom and home. But the jury questioned his credibility, and after deliberating for just two hours, they returned with a not guilty verdict.

“I had to hold it in, if needed to hear all 14 before I could release the floodgates,” she said of her acquittal and vindication.

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UK: Tesco accused of sexism against men for selling ‘Future is Female’ t-shirts

Article here. Excerpt:

Dozens of shoppers have hit out at Tesco, branding it ‘sexist and stupid’ for selling T-shirts with the slogan ‘The Future Is Female’.

They claim the £7 T-shirts, in the F&F range, are unfair to men and sexist.

One of the T-shirts has the slogan ‘Fearless and Feminine’ on it while the other has ‘The Future is Female’ emblazoned across the front.

Customers have taken to Twitter to vent their anger over the sale of the tops.'

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UK: Feminist accused of threatening to ‘thump’ trans activists

Article here. Excerpt:

'A private prosecution was launched against Linda Bellos, 67, after she allegedly made the statement at an event in York, on November 8, last year.

The Labour activist, who is a vocal opponent of transgender reforms, reportedly told the ‘We Need To Talk About The GRA’ (Gender Recognition Act) event: ‘Having born two children I think I’m physiologically, and in many other senses, a female and a woman.

‘But I play football and I box, and if any one of those bastards comes near me I will take off my glasses and thump them.

‘I am quite prepared to threaten violence because it seems to me politically what they are seeking to do is piss on women.’'

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Staunch feminist Clementine Ford claims straight women are better off living alone

Article here. Excerpt:

'Staunch feminist Clementine Ford claims straight women are better off living alone and inviting men 'into houses as guests occasionally'.

The bold claim comes from the hardline feminist and mother-of-one's most recent book, 'Boys Will Be Boys'.

Ford argues that boys grow up in a world of 'toxic masculinity' that allows them to do 'deeply sh***y things' and get away with it.

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