Urge Northeastern University to Sanction Dr. Suzanna Danuta Walters

Article here. Excerpt:

'On June 8th, 2018, Dr. Suzanna Danuta Walters - professor of Sociology and director of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Northeastern University, and editor of the Gender Studies journal Signs - published an opinion piece in The Washington Post entitled "Why Can't We Hate Men?" The title of this article immediately struck me as deeply offensive, but having earned my B.A. in Literary Studies, I am well acquainted with the technique of authors and journalists who employ shocking and/or hyperbolic headlines or titles simply to hook their audience. Thus, I decided to give Dr. Walters the benefit of the doubt and read the article.

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Mark Reason: Serena's sexism reflects America's culture of misandry

Article here. Excerpt:

'North America is the country where some women have gone on a long feminist march to misandry and it is poisoning the culture. American newspapers now routinely give women a platform to publish the most vile man-hating stuff in the name of feminism.

Suzanna Danuta Walters, a sociology professor and editor of the "gender studies journal" Sign, wrote in the Washington Post, "It seems logical to hate men...When they have gone low for all of human history, maybe it's time for us to go all Thelma and Louise and Foxy Brown on their collective butts."

"Going low" presumably includes the works of Shakespeare and Tolstoy, the paintings of da Vinci and Michelangelo, the music of Beethoven and the Beatles, the discovery of penicillin and electricity and all the other quite mind-shattering creations and inventions of the male sex through history.

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#MeToo has morphed into a career-destroying angry mob

Article here. Excerpt:

'#MeToo has done a lot of work exposing uncomfortable truths, but now its eagerness to denounce is taking on a censorious tone. #TimesUp is becoming #ShutUp.

Recall that the movement got going when women who had long remained silent felt emboldened to speak up after many years. Yet last week one such woman was telling her story. There was a broad public attempt to silence this Korean runaway who doesn’t know her own birthday and grew up eating out of garbage cans on the streets of Seoul before being dumped into an orphanage. Her adoptive mother, she says, regularly belittled her, abused her and essentially made her serve as a household domestic. Then this crazy momster labeled her daughter “retarded.” After all of this, Soon-Yi Previn doesn’t get a right to speak? Because she’s married to Woody Allen?'

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Dems: We already know he's guilty

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kavanaugh, many Democrats say, is clearly guilty.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said Thursday: "I believe her because she is telling the truth and you know it by her story."

"Judge Kavanaugh has not asked to have the FBI review the claims," Gillibrand added. "Is that the reaction of an innocent person? It is not."

When Sen. Duckworth (D-Ill.) was asked about Kavanaugh denying the accusation, the senator responded, "Well, I have heard, you know, many, many predators say and refute allegations against them."

Former spokesman for Bernie Sanders and CNN contributor, Symone Sanders, said she didn't even need to wait for more information: "For me there is no debate. I believe Professor Ford. Judge Kavanaugh has lied multiple times under oath."

And here are other select quotes from Democratic lawmakers:

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Six rules for conducting the Ford-Kavanaugh hearings

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rule 1: No one should presume that either party is lying or telling the truth. There is no gender-based gene for truth telling. Some women tell the truth; some women lie. Some men tell the truth; some men lie. Without hearing any evidence under oath, and subject to cross-examination, no reasonable person should declare psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford to be a victim or federal judge Brett Kavanaugh to be a perpetrator. Nor should anybody declare the opposite. The issue is an evidentiary one and evidence must be heard and subject to rigorous cross-examination, preferably by an experienced and sensitive female litigator.

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‘This is what allyship looks like’: HuffPost men reportedly allow women to throw things at them

Article here. Excerpt:

'We’re not sure how seriously to take this tweet from Friday, which comes to us from HuffPost women and politics reporter Laura Bassett, so we’re assuming this gesture of allyship went down in HuffPost’s office.

There’s a lot to unpack here, as they say these days. Was Friday really that special? Do men throw things at women Monday through Thursday? What about the gender fluid?

Apparently, this was how men at HuffPost demonstrated that they were allies in the feminist cause.'

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Colleges, Buffeted by Courts and Washington, Navigate Sexual Assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'Colleges and universities are wrestling with a rise in sexual-assault claims, lawsuits brought by those accused of assault and conflicting directions from courts and the federal government on how to handle them.

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, which covers four Midwestern states, recently ruled that those accused of sexual assault must be allowed to face their accusers—a right they don’t have in other states. State appeals courts in Texas and California are also weighing in with different standards.

Meanwhile, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is preparing to release new rules strengthening protections for students accused of sexual assault and lightening the burden placed on schools. The rules will narrow the definition of sexual assault that schools are required to adjudicate and will restrict eligible cases to those that occur on campus.'

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Letter: Women's march to demand that old white men get out

Article here. Excerpt:

'To the editor:

I have been following this Supreme Court fiasco since Mitch McConnell stole President Obama's court seat. First Gorsuch and now an alleged assaulter. This is what needs to happen, and it needs to happen before November.

Imagine 25 or 30 million women in the streets of Washington D.C..marching, rallying, organizing, saying, in one voice, no more rapists, no more wife beaters, no more cheating husbands, no more.

Imagine if 30 million women went to Washington and said, in one voice, enough is enough with all you disgusting rich old white men destroying our country and the rest of this earth for the sake of your greed and lust and selfishness. Enough of your plundering of our treasures and killing our loved ones and destroying the planet that we are leaving for our children. Enough! Trump, get out! McConnell, get out! Grassley, get out! And take all the other Republicans with you.

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Feminists on Kavanaugh-Ford: ‘We Don’t Need to Prove This Beyond a Reasonable Doubt’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Canaff also said Americans must “start by believing” all women who make allegations of sexual assault against men:

Another thing that we believe in violence against women is to, what we call, “start by believing”: SBB. That doesn’t mean that we continue to believe despite any fact that might emerge. … When we begin by believing survivors, then we allow them to open up their minds. We allow their anxiety to go down, their self-esteem to go up. More facts come forward, we actually reduce bias, and we’re able to get to the truth a lot faster.

Indira Henard, executive director of the DC Rape Crisis Center, said Americans must “believe” Ford’s accusations against Kavanaugh:

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#MeToo inspires false accusation in eighth grade leading to "Crucible"-like abuse of boy

Article here. Excerpt:

'Following in the footsteps of George Carlin as the class clown can have serious consequences in the “#MeToo” era, 13-year-old eighth grader Keith Bailey recently learned. He thought he was in trouble when he made a wisecrack about a classmate looking “like a school shooter,” but that was nothing compared with what changing his avatar would trigger. Apparently, teen girls have figured out how to make claims, and ruin the life of anyone they get mad at, thanks to democrats.

On Wednesday afternoon, the vice principal of a Colorado Springs middle school dragged Keith from the classroom and marched him back to her office for a secret two-hour interrogation. Administrators did not notify his parents or allow them to be present while he was questioned, just like in the play, “The Crucible.”

The media can have a powerful influence on young minds, especially “drama” loving teen girls. Dianne Feinstein would be so proud at what she accomplished as a role model.

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The #MeToo movement now represents a threat to basic justice

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you ever find yourself on a rape charge and you happen to have Jenni Russell on the jury then you should be worried. Jenni believes that ‘justice is being betrayed by society’s bias towards believing men’. In fact, as Jenni says in a Times column, she knows ‘how men with sterling reputations can behave’.

No need for evidence, ‘we just know’. Such is the prejudice displayed when discussing the Democrat takedown of Brett Kavanaugh. This is the kind of thinking that saw black men lynched in the Deep South on the say-so of the nice white lady. Sure, we just know what they are like. Those black men.

In fact, the last time the Democrats attempted a takedown of a Supreme Court nominee was indeed against that uppity black man Clarence Thomas, who was a conservative and refused to stay in his lane, aka the Democrat plantation. They failed then, but they destroyed his reputation in the eyes of many.

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Michelle Malkin: 'Believe Women' is perilous baloney -- believe evidence is truth

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have a message for virtue-signaling men who've rushed to embrace #MeToo operatives hurling uncorroborated sexual assault allegations into the chaotic court of public opinion.

Stuff it.

Your blanket "Believe Women" bloviations are moral and intellectual abominations that insult every human being of sound mind and soul.

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Joe Biden Suggests Me Too Should Mean Assuming Accused Men Are Guilty

Article here. Excerpt:

'Here’s Biden this week, reflecting on the allegations against Justice Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh: “For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time.”

In other words, “start off” by presuming accused men are guilty. To the contrary, the Me Too learning curve we all lived through— arching dramatically through the varying cases of people like Harvey Weinstein to Aziz Ansari to Asia Argento — demonstrated pretty clearly why such presumptions are wrong.'

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It’s Time For The #MeToo Movement To End

Article here. Excerpt:

'All of the problems with #MeToo movement have come bubbling to the surface these last two weeks as the Ford vs. Kavanaugh saga has put the movement's flaws on full display. It should be enough to discredit the whole #MeToo crusade and finally return some semblance of rationality to the discussion of sexual harassment and assault. I suspect that it will have the opposite effect, however, as feminists will only redouble their efforts to dig up the real or imagined skeletons of every prominent male figure in America. But hopefully the sane among us will now finally see this campaign for what it is.
1) #MeToo does not allow sexual assault allegations to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
2) #MeToo does not acknowledge the possibility that women lie.
3) #MeToo equates very unequal kinds of sexual misdeeds.
4) #MeToo infantilizes women.
5) #MeToo is mass hysteria.'

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Chris Wallace: ‘I’m Kind of Stunned’ Christine Ford is ‘Setting the Terms’ For Her Testimony

Article here. Excerpt:

'Chris Wallace expressed surprise over Brett Kavanaugh sexual assault accuser Christine Blasey Ford‘s list of conditions for testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Appearing on America’s Newsroom Friday, Wallace said that the Senate Judiciary doesn’t want it to seem as though they are “railroading” the Kavanaugh accuser.

“I’m kind of stunned at the idea that a witness is trying to dictate to Congress the terms under which she’ll testify,” Wallace said. “Usually, Congress sets the terms under which a witness testifies. This is another indication… of how delicate a time we’re in in the Me Too movement. And that Republicans, even though they’re in the majority on that committee, don’t want to look that (sic) they are railroading Christine Blasey Ford.”

The Fox News Sunday host believes the committee will accommodate some of Ford’s requests. But he believes it’s “maybe impossible” for Kavanaugh to testify first, as she is looking to do.'

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