Marriage doesn't correlate to increased male earnings

Article here. Excerpt:

'Their analysis, however, is missing an important factor that might change the conclusions derived from these previous studies. They do not address the issue of whether self-selection could be a factor affecting the relationship between marriage and quality of life. In other words, it could be that happy and healthy individuals with more earning power are more likely to marry, painting a different picture of the effects of marriage. There is evidence to suggest that people select into marriage based on personal income, parents’ income, education, and whether or not are they are depressed. As such, research on the benefits of married life would not be complete without a discussion on selection mechanisms into marriage.

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Egard Watches: What is a man? A response to Gillette

Video here.

A short film - Dedicated to all those who sacrifice everything to make the world safer and better for all of us.

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We Need To Retoxify Masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Much as I advocate global warming, I am a strong proponent of toxic masculinity. It’s also known as “masculinity.”




These are the qualities the SJWs want to wring out of us. Why? Because these are the qualities they cannot overcome. They want us weak, passive and obedient. That’s how they get power. Some bloated Trigglypuff screaming about the male gaze can’t force us to do anything. Sure, a lot of them have weight on us, but if we laugh at them and simply say “No” to their demands, they’re stuck. Are they going to go get a rifle and make us? 

Nope. They have to talk us into surrendering, or really, pester us into surrendering. Which means talking us out of the uppity, aggressive, no-damns-given masculinity that is the last obstacle to their fussy, naggy domination.

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I know all about toxic masculinity; toxic feminism isn't the answer

Article here. Excerpt:

'After surviving a drunken, violent father who victimised my mother, I know first-hand about the evils of domestic violence and the dangers of toxic masculinity. And I especially don’t need women like Jane Caro and Clementine Ford, in their defence of the misandrous Gillette advertisement, manshaming boys and men.
The Australian feminist Bettina Arndt, in her recent book #MenToo, also argues that radical feminism, where men are presented as violent and sexist, is guilty of manshaming and destroying what should be a bond of mutual acceptance and respect between the sexes.

In her essay titled "The demonisation of men – our anti-male society", Arndt makes the point that in society, media and the law there is a pervasive “anti-male bias” – a bias that in areas such as divorce, cancer research and domestic violence prioritises women while denying men’s rights.'

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Mayor of Dallas: Men who don't like Gillette ad are prob OK with hitting women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, who led a campaign in recent years to end domestic violence, said he was not surprised by the reaction, even though he finds it troubling.

“This is why domestic violence continues to be a major scourge in America,” he said. “Because some men feel like they have permission to hit women. And maybe those are the people who don’t like the ad.”

Rawlings, a Gillette razor customer and former advertising executive, lauded the ad for depicting men standing up for the rights of women and children. He said his only critique is that the ad didn’t put more of an emphasis on preventing family violence.'

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Coordinated serial killer gang suspected of targeting young men

Article here. If these were women it'd have been national news long ago. The police seem utterly disinterested in solving these cases. You can be sure had the vics been college girls there'd be 24/7 effort. Excerpt:

'James fits the profile of the other suspected victims: smart, athletic, popular, college-age white men who went out drinking and never came home, they say. More recently, some alleged victims have been openly gay, like Dakota. Like him, weeks later, their bodies were discovered in lakes or rivers with smiley-face or other graffiti specifically connected to the group spray-painted nearby. So far they’ve connected about 70 deaths with similar graffiti nearby. About 30 of the men, including Dakota James, had the date-rape drug GHB in their system, according to the autopsy reports.

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Bogus stats of the violence-against-women industry

Article here. Excerpt:

'The “statistical myths” that pervade the rape-is-rampant claims, states libertarian feminist Wendy McElroy, start with “deeply biased researchers,” who proceed invariably from a “false premise or assumption,” who then use biased and small samples whose selection, in turn, is further slanted by paying participants.
Indeed, lifetime rates inflate outcomes considerably and make for good copy. One wonders, however, what existential meaning can be attached to a report that once in an entire lifetime someone a woman knew touched her knee without consent? There must be, on the other hand, some existential significance to the fact that women continue to live longer than men, that many more young men commit suicide, are more likely to be unemployed and less likely to get another job, and that men are infinitely more likely to suffer potentially life-destroying industrial accidents.

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Liberals and Gillette characterizing all men as predators

Article here. Excerpt:

'The condemnation of masculinity as naturally awful and violent misses another important point through more gender stereotyping: The horrible behavior of some women. The female of the species, while our style may be different, engages in sexual harassment, denigration, sexual assault, battery, murder and general mayhem. As women gain more power in society, the romantic view of what we are capable of will dissipate.
While the viral reaction to the Gillette ad makes clear Americans are rejecting this effort to demonize men, it’s worth remembering we’re not dealing with just an idiotic misstep by a marketing company. The APA guidelines demonizing “masculinity” sends an authoritative message to society in general, creating a dangerous environment for any boy or man who does choose to seek the assistance of a psychotherapist. It’s time we stand up for ourselves and insist this pathological frenzy to marginalize boys and men stop.'

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Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist

Article here. Excerpt:

'"The guy at the ad agency" is actually philosophically unpleasant feminist Kim Gehrig. Hiring her to court the male market is like expecting to accrue impressive rainbow flag sale numbers with spiels from Farrakhan.
She'd previously made the bizarre "Viva La Vulva" spot for Swedish feminine hygiene company Libresse. In that surreal ad, objects that included a conch shell, sliced orange, papaya, and coin purse stood in as ersatz female intimate parts. For the ad's nearly three-minute duration, these items were manipulated as unnatural "singers" of Camille Yarbrough's "Take Yo Praise."
Adweek pronounced Gehrig's group libel the "Ad of the Week."  Gehrig's efforts were also recognized by Best Ads on TV. 

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Finnish Study Validates Jordan Peterson's Take on Nordic Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to Sanandaji, men compensate for the lower level of education by having longer working hours. Men are thus over-represented in the top and bottom parts of the career pyramid, whereas women dominate the middle.

Sanandaji ascribed Nordic women progressing more slowly in their careers to generous contributions from the welfare state.

"It encourages women to stay out of work or work part-time, which is detrimental to their careers. On average, women work less than men and that is the main reason why 'glass ceilings' exist at all. The Nordic welfare policy only strengthens this effect," Sanandaji explained.

Another factor that impedes women's career progression, according to Sanandaji, is high levels of taxation which discourage people from working, while at the same time make it more difficult to procure household services to the same extent as, for example, in the US. By contrast, freeing up more time for work would not only increase productivity but provide jobs to others.'

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"Gillette commercial controversy: Men should just get over it and adapt to #MeToo era"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Anyone freaking out about a depiction of men intervening to stop bad behavior of other males should ask themselves why they are so triggered. This is simply a fairly anodyne ad encouraging men to rise to the occasion in the #MeToo era. The mere suggestion that perhaps men haven’t always behaved perfectly shouldn’t cause such an uproar, and it likely wouldn’t if it didn’t strike so close to home.

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Penn State student editors deem sports, playing outdoors ‘hyper-masculine’ activities

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gillette’s new commercial for its razors has polarized the right side of the pundit spectrum, with some arguing it doesn’t attack masculinity and others arguing it treats masculinity itself as “abusive.”

Political progressives, you might guess, are having an entirely different conversation.

“[T]he truth is, men can get a lot better,” wrote the majority-female Daily Collegian editorial board at Pennsylvania State University, using the Gillette ad as a starting point for their grievances with the opposite sex.

All the board’s women “reported a bare minimum of being patronized or demeaned in some capacity” by men, and “the persistence and frequency of these types of actions have done damage to women’s psyches, confidence and self-worth — and no man has any right to lessen those,” according to the editorial.

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Portlandia: New city councillor says 'self-centered' white men allowed to disrupt city council meeting

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jo Ann Hardesty, the first black woman to be elected to Portland's City Council, says white male privilege is to blame for disruptions during weekly council meetings.

"The reality is there are white men who think it's their job to come into Portland City Council and disrupt the meetings," Hardesty said Wednesday.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler on Wednesday called Hardesty's assertion "factually correct."

Hardesty sent a letter to Portland media organizations late Tuesday night explaining her concerns. She said those men act "disruptive, disrespectful and self-centered," and those behaviors may discourage first-timers from visiting council and participating in local politics.

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UK: Firefighters forced to apologise for putting up sign telling passers-by they’re proud to be men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Firefighters have taken a break from putting out fires to instead create one of their own by raising an inflammatory sign defending masculinity.

Staff at Newtown Fire Station in inner west Sydney were forced to apologise after they updated their sign to read: 'House fires are toxic, our masculinity isn't'.

'The sign was for those concerned there is way too much toxic out there,' the fire station said in an apologetic Facebook post.

'To show there are groups that fight it … Every man needs to be in touch with their feminine side, every woman needs to be in touch with their masculine side.''

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Title IX Complaint Forces Tulane University to Stop Offering Female-only Scholarships

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tulane University has reached an agreement with the federal government to stop discriminating against men by offering female-only scholarships and financial aid. The announcement marks a rare victory for men in this increasingly hostile post-#MeToo climate.

“By September 6, 2019, the University will ensure that it is not treating male students differently on the basis of sex by providing different amounts of financial assistance, limiting eligibility for financial assistance … or otherwise discriminating with respect to financial assistance," the agreement said.

Furthermore, Tulane has agreed to provide updated training to its financial aid officers to ensure "nondiscrimination in financial assistance."'

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