Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2000-05-28 00:16
Christina Hoff-Sommers has released a part of her upcoming book: The War Against Boys in the May issue of The Atlantic Monthly. In it she is very critical of Carol Gilligan, who replied to the article, and was then rebuffed by Sommers again. You can read their dialogue here.
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2000-05-26 20:56
Anonymous User writes "Desiree Cooper wrote an interesting editorial about boys in early education, and how their needs are not being met." A surprising article, coming from DFP.
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2000-05-26 19:11
So, what's this all about anyway? Could it be true that men are discriminated against, have few choices in life, and aren't as happy as they seem? Are men really the oppressive tyrants they are portrayed as in the media and by radical feminists? Well, The Men's Activism News Network is here to fight anti-male bias and portrayal in the media, provide a forum for men to speak out in, and organize men's groups on a national level.
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