Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2000-08-11 16:48
Aceman writes, "Here are some ideas why it's not certain but it makes you think." Thanks for the link Aceman! The article discusses several of the factors of which affect the gender "death gap", and how they change as a person ages. Take a look.
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2000-08-11 04:45
George submitted this link to a CNN men's health article. It's an account of one young man's struggle with testicular cancer, and I hope everyone will read it. Early detection is the most critical thing, and after reading the story, I went looking for some info on how to do a testicular self-examination. Perhaps you'll find this information useful, or pass it along to someone you know?
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2000-08-11 01:11
Here's an article by the Christian Science Monitor that investigates the problems of billing errors in the U.S. child support system. Here are some sobering facts from the article: "In a study released Aug. 8 by the [ACFC], 55 percent of child-support payers say they have experienced billing errors by a child-support agency. Among those who tried to get the agency to fix the error, 61 percent were unsuccessful. In 43 percent of cases, the payer had been subjected to punitive measures as a result of a billing error, such as having cars booted or assets seized."
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Submitted by Scott on Thu, 2000-08-10 10:21
In Vanier, Canada, Cathy Fordham was convicted of "public mischief" for fabricating an assault accusation made against a member of a community recovery home she directed. There several more alleged examples of false accusations she has made against various men on sexual assault charges, and one man has even finished a prison sentence for rape based on one of her accusations, which a lawyer said had no other evidence but Fordman's testimony. The Ottawa Citizen has the story here. This woman is obviously very manipulative and pathologically apathetic to the consequences of what she has done.
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Submitted by Scott on Wed, 2000-08-09 20:50
Here's a fun way to get people involved more with post a comment to the message board for this story and ask Warren Farrell a question or two! If you've never posted comments to this site before, I'd highly recommend reading the site tutorial, and then come back here and click on "Read More" at the bottom of this blurb to read what the rules are and how this will work. You can also check out Dr. Farrell's web site if you're not already familiar with his work. Update: I have submitted the interview questions to Dr. Farrell. You can see which ones were selected by clicking here.
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Submitted by Scott on Wed, 2000-08-09 20:46
Ed Bartlett of Men's Health America released another action item in his Men Deserve to Live campaign. All you need to do this week is take two minutes to write a letter to your Senator in support of the Men's Health Act of 2000. By clicking on Read More, you can view Ed's message and a sample form letter to submit to your Senator's office.
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Submitted by Scott on Wed, 2000-08-09 06:08
This is a bit old, but I thought very interesting. WBUR featured Christina Hoff-Sommers on The Connection with Christopher Lydon. There is a home page for this program and you can listen to it using Real Audio here. Most of the callers to the program gave some excellent examples anti-male and anti-boy bias, and it was interesting to hear Sommers in action.
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Submitted by Scott on Tue, 2000-08-08 21:35
USAToday reported here that a New York court has ordered a 7 year-old boy's parents to put their son back on Ritalin, after the parents decided to stop giving it to the boy because of side effects the child was experiencing. The article talks about how it could now be construed as child abuse to refuse to administer drugs like Ritalin to your child. Any parent of a young boy should be very concerned about this. Even though ADD and ADHD do exist, tranquilizers like Ritalin are being prescribed in epidemic proportions. Many psychiatrists and parents believe that what was once "normal" behavior for boys is now being treated as a psychological disorder - the idea of masculinity as toxic taken to the extreme.
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Submitted by Scott on Tue, 2000-08-08 14:45
Submitted by IHF: A new British law will ban defendants in rape and sex crimes from cross-examining their accusers in court. This will only apply when the accused is defending himself, and will force him to use a lawyer (court appointed or chosen by him) to do the cross-examination. The UK Independent has the story here. It seems every day that we move further away from fairness toward men in court systems around the world.
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Submitted by Scott on Mon, 2000-08-07 23:08
ABCnews ran this article on youth sports, and what may be the increasing amount of violence and bad sportsmanship among participants (and their parents). Considering the pressure that young men are under today, becoming obsessed with winning in sports is not something that's going to help the way they view themselves. Being active and having a healthy competitiveness in sport is undoubtedly the best lifestyle we should encourage in our young men.
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Submitted by Scott on Mon, 2000-08-07 18:53
This is a neat story that I thought I'd post here: A father and his wife and three sons went on a flight in a single-engine airplane when suddenly the pilot passed out. Having never flown before, the father took control of the plane, and with assistance from ground control, safely landed the plane at an airport. CNN ran this story of heroism at this link. This was a brave man indeed.
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2000-08-06 17:51
I received an e-mail from Les Farkas who wants to get the word out on a male bashing campaign he'd like to end. A retail store called The Alley in Chicago is posting degrading signs about boys which have said, "BOYS SUCK" and "BOYS CHEAT", among other things. Also included with these anti male signs is a "GIRLS RULE" sign. This is obviously very immature behavior, and on top of that they are promoting male bashing. This is a very busy storefront and thousands of people walk by it each day. Click Read More below to read Les' request for help and what you can do to help put an end to this trash.
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2000-08-06 07:07
The Age printed a very pro-father article on the importance and positive effects fathers have on their children. The active nature of parenting by dads and how fathers influence the child's conception of masculinity and sexual identity is talked about in a positive light. It's definitely a good read.
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2000-08-05 22:45
The Australian Associated Press printed this piece which discusses the 70% increase in suicides over the past twenty years for men aged 20-39. Mention is made of the increasing attacks on masculinity and men's roles in Australian society, as well as the significance of male shame. The article doesn't present much in the way of evidence for this theory, but I have little doubt there is some truth to it, and it is very noteworthy that this idea could get some media attention.
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2000-08-05 16:03
I'm looking for for papers and essays on the topic of men's rights and men's issues to feature on this site. Right now I am particularly interested in receiving people's opinions of the US presidential candidates and where they stand on various men's issues. In order to avoid bias as much as possible, I'm asking my readers to submit their perspectives so I can compile the results and encourage further discussion on the matter. Note: The Men's Activism News Network does not officially endorse any presidential candidates. Read on to find out the type of info I'm looking for and where to send your submissions.
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