John Leo On New Divorce Research

John Leo's latest column in Jewish World Review is on the effects of divorce on children, as described in the new book The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce. This book is based on new research which shows that divorce does have a definite negative affect on children's lives, and lasts well into adulthood.

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Director Of Women's Studies: "We Prohibit Any Course That Says We Restrict Free Speech!"

That title line is a direct quote from this article found at Town Hall news. It's about a professor of sociology, Dr. Richard Zeller, who wanted to teach a course on political correctness (with plenty of student support for the course) and was denied the opportunity to teach it by the department. He resigned in protest. First Prof. Asher is ousted, now Zeller. Does anyone still believe that higher education is a place were free thinking is encouraged?

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Genders Well Divided On Candidates

Adam Hartney writes "Here's an update on the election and the gender gap from the LA Times." This seems like a strong indication of a backlash against liberal feminism. It looks like we are coming toward a struggle of "boys versus girls" in politics. Perhaps this is what is needed to get men to organize and act on gender issues? Note: The Men's Activism News Network does not officially endorse any political candidates.

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British Woman Goes To Jail For False Rape Accusation

IHF submitted this link to a UK Telegraph article on a woman who has been sentenced six months jail time for making a false rape accusation and wasting police time and resources. She had made the false claim because she was in debt, and originally received 7,500 pounds for "victim compensation". Note that reported on this story earlier when it was first discovered that the accusation was false.

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Online Book: The Case For Father Custody

Adam Hartney writes "Here's an online link to The Case for Father Custody by Daniel Amneus. It takes a few minutes to load but is well worth it." Reviews, anyone? I can offer you eternal fame and fortune for submitting one (well, maybe not, unless you have a humble idea of "fame and fortune". And "eternal", too). :)

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L.A. Times Letter

Marc Angelucci writes "I submitted this short letter to the L.A. Times (in my roommate Bilal's name) disputing a columnist's claim that male hostility explains the shortage of women in science. It's my first one in a major paper." Way to go Marc! We need more like you.

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How Title IX Is Harming US Olympic And International Sports Teams

Bill Kuhl submitted this article from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch about Title IX, and how it's affecting US competitiveness in olympic and international sports. It turns out that the decimation of less popular men's sports (such as gymnastics) to meet the quota system of Title IX (whether it was meant this way or not, that's how it's being implemented) is providing fewer and fewer qualified candidates for US men's teams. Meanwhile, other countries that haven't passed such draconian measures are at a significant advantage against the US. I guess "nice guys finish last" rings true here, eh?

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Commentary On Lazio-Clinton Debate

The Washington Times printed this interesting opinion article by a woman who examines the recent Lazio-Clinton debate and is disgusted by the tactics Hillary and her supporters are using to rebuke Lazio for his explicit challenge to her campaign. She also brings up the idea that many people are voting for her as an expression of sympathy for having an unfaithful husband in office and for dealing with Lazio's aggressiveness. It's a well written piece. Thanks to IHF for submitting it.

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Gender Bias Bill In California Legislature

Marc writes "This bill (click the 9/12/00 Assembly Analysis version) in the California Legislature, sponsored by Mazzoni, requires the government to study prisoners with children, but it only focuses of female prisoners and ignores males. This could possibly be an equal protection violation. Californians should write to their assemblypersons and to Mazzoni about this, if not the Department of Justice."

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On-line Divorce Guide For Fathers

Craig Ventimiglia, Manager of writes "The following is an excerpt from our online divorce guide written by Joseph Cordell. This portion deals with the steps to take and issues to consider when a custody dispute looms on the horizon..." Click "Read More..." to read the excerpt or click here to go directly to the DadsDivorce site to read the entire guide.

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Great Interview with CHS.

Robert Cunningham writes "Here is a sizeable interview of Christina Hoff Sommers, where she persuasively argues why the special needs of boys are ignored at school. The plight of these boys is not helped when two sociopaths [The Columbine Killers] are presented by educators as symbols of the American maleness. Their plight is also not helped when these educators are silent about the role of fathers and their importance." I thought CHS did a great job in this interview. She was obviously well prepared for it.

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Women Equally Bullies In The Workplace

Rand wrote in with a very interesting story from the National Post. It's on "workplace bullies", and it was found that women bullied their co-workers and subordinates as often as men did. Very interesting findings. And here's a very thought provoking article: "'As a man, I'm surprised by those figures,' said Dr. Namie, 'but I'm surrounded by women who say, "What's the big surprise?"'" That's something to think about for a bit. You can read the story at this link.

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Feminist Lies & Misinformation

Robert Cunningham wrote in about the recent Cathy Young article about gender issues in medical research, and also to alert me to this Australian opinion piece by a woman who is attacking the September Men's Health feature article on colleges that are pro/anti-male. She quickly reduces the article to: "At the core of his argument is the assertion that anything pro-women is anti-male." and that the "implicit, and now explicit, anti-women agenda that Men's Health [magazine]...sprouts" has been revealed. Interesting that even Aussie feminists are getting upset up about this article.

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Critical News On Ritalin

This story is on the use and abuse of Ritalin, the notorious drug used for the treatment of hyperactivity and attention defecit disorders. It confirms that Ritalin is an addictive drug when abused, and suggests that children taking the drug who have been misdiagnosed should be considered "abusers" of the drug, and taken off of it. I often wonder: would I have been put on Ritalin as a child if I were born in this day, and how would it have influenced my life?

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Lazio Lashes Out At Debate Critics

You may have heard of the recent political debate between New York Senator candidates Rick Lazio and Hillary Clinton. Toward the end of the debate, Lazio walked over to Clinton, demanding that she sign a contract to promise not to use soft money in the campaign. Critics of Lazio's "confrontational" tactics were accused of being "sexist" by Lazio recently, and I think it's really good that he is exposing this double standard of gender. Lazio has also spoken bluntly on the issue of gender in the political race. You can read the article from the NY Times here (Free registration with the NYT may be required to view the article).

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