More On The Ritalin Controversy

Anonymous User writes "The controversy over Ritalin is the subject of a front page article in Friday's edition of The Christian Science Monitor. Read the story, 'Among parents, backlash builds to Ritalin.'" The story's centerpiece is a young boy whose parents were charged with neglect after taking him off of Ritalin, and also discusses the rights of parents and schools in this type of scenario. Good article.

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Columbia University's New Sexual Misconduct Policy

An Anonymous User writes "Any man at this University needs to run away, and fast! This is an unbelievable, disgusting policy on sexual misconduct. Click here for the scoop" I actually felt sick as well after reading details of the new policy. If something like this spreads to other Universities and beyond it could be the biggest blow to men's civil rights ever unleashed (even more so than the paternity testing issue I mentioned a few stories previously).

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Bisexuals Immune From Harassment Charges?

The Washington Post printed this article which reports that the Supreme Court has ruled that "equal opportunity" harassers - bisexuals who treat both men and women inappropriately - cannot be sued for sexual harassment. This is very odd, and certainly unfair. It also makes me wonder if this could create a serious loophole in harassment law. Accused of sexual harassment? Simply have someone of the same sex as you accuse you of similar behavior, and claim to be bisexual. Does anyone know if this is what this ruling means?

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Take A Gender Health Test

Adam Hartney writes "This is a bit of an odd one - it's a health exam where you test your knowledge in gender health discrepancies. It turns out men are more likely to die at any age, which makes me ask: why is nature so biased against men?" Good question, Adam. No matter how you slice it, men's health is in danger for many reasons, including biological, material, and cultural reasons. We need to do our part by taking care of ourselves, but also to promote attention to men's health in general too.

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When Will Men Stand Up For Themselves?

Walter Williams from Jewish World Review wrote his latest column on the trash that men are putting up with in the media and elsewhere, and his belief that it is time for men to stop being cowards and stand up for themselves. Although I recall most of the material he refers to from John Leo's article (which he gives credit to), it is good to hear another voice calling out to encourage men to do something.

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Letter On Gore Campaign And Fathers

The Montgomery Advertiser printed this letter to the editor in which the writer clearly outlined the negative image of fathers that Al Gore is promoting in his presidential campaign. It would be nice if some day political candidates were as afraid of insulting male voters as they are female voters. Note: The Men's Activism News Network does not officially endorse any political candidates.

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CNN Flaunts The Superiority Of Women

CNN printed this recent story on the rise of female managers, who currently outnumber men in the 20-30 year age bracket, in significant numbers. It's a telling sign that when women have the advantage, the discrimination stories are replaced by elitism and even more blatant sexism.

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New Mail-Order DNA Tests Can Be Done Secretly

This is a very serious civil liberties issue....I hope there will be a lot of outrage and dissent against it. The Daily Express reported in this article that an internet based company is offering DNA kits that can be completed with a sample of hair from the child and "father," and in two weeks can return DNA test results that will determine the paternity status of the man. The cost? 195 pounds (about $288 USD). The company has no ethical qualms about performing the test without consent from the parties involved.

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Sign A Petition To Include Men In VAWA Funding

I'm sorry that I haven't been able to report on VAWA II recently, but unfortunately it looks like the bill is going to pass. As many of you know, the Violence Against Women Act is supposed to provide around 4 BILLION dollars to combat domestic violence - and is politically aimed to provide support for women specifically. There is no explicit provision in VAWA to acknowledge and fund programs for male victims of DV, and many believe that men can be explicitly discriminated against with this law. Please sign this petition to support the amendment of the bill to include men in recognition and funding for DV prevention programs and shelters. Thanks to an anonymous reader for forwarding this to me.

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Another Gender Gap?

Adam Hartney writes "A new gender gap has evolved when the Danes vetoed the Euro [a common currency for all European countries]. What's interesting is women were 60% against the Euro, and one of the reasons women vetoed it is because it would diminish state welfare. Perhaps that explains why women typically vote democrat in the US, as we all know what gender takes a lot of welfare, don't we? I found this in a Washington Times article."

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NIH Distributing False Information

I know it's a shocking headline, but it appears to be the case. According to documents from NIH, health research has been biased against women due to unequal representation of women in health research. But the fact is, men are represented less than women in the health studies which were referred to! Don't believe it? Click "Read More" to view the message from Men's Health America, which includes citations.

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MA Schoolteacher Falsely Accused?

Jim Castelli writes, "This Boston Globe article is about a male teacher who stands accused by two female students for sexual harassment in the classroom. The accuser, and another female student, testified that their accusations came after they participated in a health class on sexual harassment. Despite contradictions in their testimony, the prosecution is proceeding in its case. After 26 years of teaching science at a school in Cambridge with no previous accusations, Louis Silva finds his career, his reputation, and his freedom, on the line in a Cambridge Courtroom. School officials would not comment on the case, abandoning Mr Silva to face his accusers alone. Where are Mr Silva's fellow teachers (both men and women) in his hour of need? Has the tyranny of male-bashing-feminism rendered his collegues too afraid to speak up on behalf of Mr Silva and other men who are the targets of this modern day McCarthyism?"

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What Would You Do If Falsely Accused?

ABCnews chose false accusations as a recent topic for their "Working Wounded" column. You can read it at this link. It includes a story by someone who was unfairly ousted from his job after having been accused of sexual harassment, and in the end he concludes that the had no rights at all. It's quite bold of ABCnews to post something like this, so encouraging letter writing is strongly suggested.

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Feminism And Party Politics

Adam Hartney writes "I found this at worldnetdaily, it's written by Linda Bowles about the gender gap in political parties and feminism; well worth a read. Click here." The conclusion to the article is great: "And then, perhaps as an omen, Gloria Steinem, a feminist icon who spent an entire lifetime demeaning men and marriage, delivered a stunning message to her sisters. She got married for the first time, at age 66. The message she delivered is this: It's never too late to grow up."

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Eye-Opening Article On Our Modern PC Age

Paul Craig Roberts wrote a disturbing article for The Washington Times, which can be read here. In it, he makes analogies between the political climate which gave rise to the Nazi party in Germany and how our media and academic environments are similar. Likewise, the instability of families, facilitated by the government, is being done along the same lines as the Nazis did so. There are just too many coincidences that he writes about to ignore. Hopefully it will knock some people out of the complacency that they're in.

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