Obtaining Your Child's School Records And Grades

Dadsdivorce Magazine has some useful information for fathers who are being blocked from accessing their child's public school records. You can read the guidelines for obtaining legal access to them here. Your rights are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

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Wage Gap Article In Kiplinger's Magazine

There was a concise but relevant article in the February 2001 issue of Kiplinger's Personal Finance. "After narrowing throughout the 1980s, the so-called gender wage gap actually widened a bit in the '90s, with women earning only about 75 cents for every dollar that men make. But that doesn't mean that wage discrimination is rampant, or that it even explains why the gap exists."

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Must Women's Gain Be Men's Loss?

There's an interesting article by Maureen Freely about replacing the women's unit with a "gender equity unit" in the UK, while looking at one of the major men's issues, namely the lack of parental rights. While she does believe a few feminist myths, (i.e, men had all the power while women were the second sex, etc.) she does seem sincere about making men equal in the article, which you may read by clicking here.

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Restoring Respect To Boyhood

The London Free Press had an opinion article on the topic of boys being taught that masculinity is toxic at school. The author frequently quotes Christina Hoff-Sommers' latest book The War Against Boys, and insists that we need to start treating boys with more respect and to understand the different conditions under which boys thrive on in school.

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Letter Writing Campaign For Len Miskulin

Backlash.com is sponsoring a letter writing campaign to help raise awareness of Len Miskulin's hunger strike, and to help ensure that the media and courts have little room to escape accountability for ignoring his situation. Even if you're from the U.S. or Canada, your letters can go a long way to help this cause.

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Clayton Giles Update

Clayton Giles, the fourteen year-old boy who is hunger striking to get his mother to sign over custody to his father, has moved his web site to a new server. Click here to read his frequent on-line diary entries. At this time his mother has still not given in, and he is still going without food.

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Erin Pizzey Puts Feminists On The Defensive

There was an interesting article from The Scotsman on the topic of domestic violence and Erin Pizzey. Pizzey was one of the first people to open battered women's shelters in the UK, and is an equity feminist as evidenced by her frequent criticisms of feminists who support the anti-male portrayal of domestic violence as one-sided. Apparently she has ruffled quite a few feathers, and this article sounds almost apologetic when discussing modern feminism. One thing is for certain - with more and more people challenging false information about domestic violence, radical feminists will be forced to go on the defensive in the near future.

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Save The Males Web Site

Henry Makow wrote in to tell me about his new web site, which has a neat multimedia introduction to the issue of men and the anti-male climate at the University of Winnipeg. Henry was formerly a professor of English at UW until he was ousted from the school because he was seen as anti-feminist. You can read his story here. I will be posting a review of his book on this site by the end of the week.

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Problems Plague Child Support Office

An article from the Topeka Capital Journal is about the headaches and problems the child support office has caused, not only for non-custodial parents, but also for the CPs and children. Over 2,400 people did not receive child support checks in the month of October from the Kansas payment center. We have reported on other major issues stemming from paperwork and computer problems at child support agencies, and from this article more than one woman quoted in it has become so fed up that they have stopped using the agency.

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Equal Parenting Hunger Strike In UK

Richard writes "I am passing on a special request from Len Miskulin. He asks that as many people as possible go to this website and submit a letter of support for him. He needs as many letters as he can get as quickly as possible. Please take a couple of minutes to do that. It's important for him and all non-custodial parents." Len has been striking for a month now, and has stated that he is willing to die. You can find out more info on this site. Please take a moment and show your support of Len.

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Martin Luther King Remembered

I was looking around on the web for something to post here about Martin Luther King, Jr, but found a short e-mail by Ed Bartlett to be very appropriate. It's a quote from Dr. King, and reads, "If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live." - MLK Speech in Detroit, June 23, 1963. I believe the men's movement as a movement can learn a lot from the civil rights movement. Here is a web site at Stanford devoted to the original writings of Dr. King.

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Male Health Problems Prompt Little Sympathy

And here's a perfect example - this story from DrKoop.com talks about the various health risks and developmental issues that boys have, and essentially ridicules them in a condescending tone: "So much for the macho male...New research...says guys are -- brace yourself -- 'fragile.'" The author then goes on to talk about how boys shouldn't be treated so callously and roughly when young. Apparently it's ok to shame and patronize them, though.

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Fifty Australian Men Sue Government For Not Paying For Male HRT

The Sydney Morning Herald carried this story today, reporting that a class action lawsuit of fifty men are suing the federal government for sex discrimination because testosterone hormone replacement therapy is not covered by the state (as it is for women's HRT). The case may bring attention to the issue of "male menopause," an often neglected men's health problem.

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NIH Changes Position On Health Research Discrepancies

In a major victory, Ed Bartlett from Men's Health America is reporting that the National Institutes of Health have modified their position on the "gender heath research gap." From the article: "According to William Harlan, MD, NIH Associate Director for Disease Prevention, 'Women have been included with overall equivalency in most observational epidemiological studies when the conditions commonly affect both genders.'...[the] statements came in response to the recent report, 'Were Women Excluded from Medical Research?' by Men's Health America."

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Columnist Retracts Support From Father Of Hunger Striking Boy

Licia Corbella of the Calgary Sun was covering the story about Clayton Giles, the 14 year old boy who is on a hunger strike to protest the mistreatment of children in family court and his own custody ruling that kept him from his father. She wrote an article stating that upon review of the court documents in the Giles' case, she was appalled at the vindictive behavior of Clayton's father, and regrets writing in support of him. You can read her article here (sorry, as of 1/14 the link is now outdated). Clayton wrote an e-mail response to Ms. Corbella which can be read from his diary entry. This is obviously an extremely controversial case.

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