DV Against Pets?

frank h writes "This link will lead you to an article that portrays men not only as abusers of women and children, but also as the sole and exclusive abusers of pets. What next? Abusers of stuffed animals?" While people who are violent to other people are probably more likely to be violent to animals, this does seem to be pushing the concept a bit far. The article just reeks with the gender politics of domestic violence we're so familiar with.

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Bogata Holds a "Night Without Men"

Anonymous User writes "Bogota's mayor really has found the way to make the hatred of men even more present in Colombia. Click here for the article." To "cut down on street crime and domestic abuse," the mayor imposed a curfew on men and encouraged women to go out and party all night. I can't think of a more humiliating way to marginalize men in society that's been done before. If something like this spreads, we'll see just how hopeless today's men have become.

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NIH Retractions Reported on by Wall Street Journal

It's starting to happen - awareness of the misleading notions we've had about gender health disparities are entering the mainstream media. The Wall Street Journal has reported on the NIH retractions of statements claiming that women's health research has been neglected. Click here to read the article, which was forwarded to the Men's Health America mailing list. Now is the most critical time to keep pushing these facts into the open - we are close to, or at, a pivot point where a flood of news articles on this issue could break free.

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Angelucci to Discuss DV on KRLA Radio Program

Marc Angelucci from Men Enabling New Solutions will be hosted on radio station KRLA in the Los Angeles area, to discuss the reality of domestic violence against men. You can listen to the show on-line at this link. He will be on the air from 11:00-11:30 AM Pacific Time. Marc will be referring to facts and statistics about domestic violence that can be read on this web site. Click "Read More" below to view this information.

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Good Overview of Boy's Issues

An article by Meghan Cox Gurdon from the National Post does a great job covering many gender issues that boys face - including the high rates of male dropouts and boys who are held back a grade, the overprescription of Ritalin and other drugs to modify boys' behavior, the way male sports are being marginalized to compensate for girls' lack of participation, and the stereotypes that have been broken through for girls but not yet for boys. I feel this is a great introduction to the problems our young men have to face, and the lack of attention they receive.

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Update on NC Attacks on Pro-Family DV Treatment Programs

Dave Maupin has sent me an update on the current situation in North Carolina, where new domestic violence legislation would deny court referrals to DV treatment programs which don't meet a series of politically-inspired "rules" about treating victims. Dave's non-profit program has been had great success in the past but is now in danger because it provides family intervention programs which help to keep families together, rather than pull them apart. "Read More" below will take you to his message. Anti-male DV programs will only become stronger if we don't act to stop this now!

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Men the Minority (in Education)

Glenn Burger submitted an article about his theories on why so few men are in today's colleges and universities. Glenn's premise is that the physical demands of "masculine" kinds of blue-collar labor take away a lot of energy that is needed to get a degree, while the jobs that women often take (or are able to get due to discrimination against draftable men) put them on track to improve their education and skills both inside and outside the workplace. Click "Read More" below for Glenn's interesting essay.

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Government-Approved Drug Addicts

In this article Tom DeWeese links the recent school shootings with "Government-Approved Drug Addicts" - also known as kids who've been put on Ritalin and Prozac against their will. As Tom truthfully writes, "Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AHDH) are complete frauds. There is no scientific evidence whatever to prove either exists." Please drop him an E-mail of thanks and ask him to write more articles like this.

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Book Review: A Long Way to go for a Date

David Shackleton, editor of the Everyman men's journal, was kind enough to send me his review of Henry Makow's book A Long Way to go for a Date. The book is about Makow's experience with a "mail order bride" from the Philippines, but goes much deeper into gender issues, male psychology, and the often confusing and sometimes irrational state that men and women find themselves in, particularly in relation to each other. Click "Read More" below before making too many judgments - this is definitely an interesting book for those in the men's movement.

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A Major Inroad on CBS "48 Hours"

Bill Kuhl submitted comments on last night's CBS 48 Hours program, which confronted the issue of domestic violence against men in a fair manner. This is something to write positive letters in to reinforce the airing of this important issue. Click "Read More" below to view Bill's comments...

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Office of Men's Health "More Money Down a Rathole"

Joseph Farah, a writer for WorldNetDaily, doesn't like government programs. While he is entitled to these views, he has chosen to do a lot of harm to the efforts to create an Office of Men's Health by mocking it and calling it a "rathole" that money is being wasted on. Regardless of your views on libertarianism, men's health is in such a sorry state that we can't afford to miss out on opportunities to help stop the crisis. Please e-mail Farah at: jfarah@worldnetdaily.com and let him know that if he's going to complain about government social programs, that targeting men's health issues is extremely unfair given the enormous gender disparities in health and lifespan - disparities which, in all likelihood, will end up affecting his own life.

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Man Knocked Unconscious by Wife; Scenario Made Into Joke

This also belongs under the "inequality/double standards" dept....according to this story from Ananova News, a man who mistakenly sent a gift intended for his mistress to his wife was knocked unconscious by an ashtray she threw at him as he tried to flee. The incident occurred in Romania, and has been made into a joke here in the U.S. If a man had knocked a woman unconscious in the same way, even if he had found out she was unfaithful to him, we would disparage him as a jealous, dominating husband. The words "domestic violence" would be used to describe the incident. But not, for some reason, when the person being attacked is male.

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Destabilizing Marriage

There is an article in the Massachusetts News about how feminist social workers have been working to uproot marriage in the name of bringing forth female victims of domestic violence. While the article lays the rhetoric on pretty thick, it does point out that violence against men continues to go unaddressed and that the funding for these (mostly anti-male) institutions has skyrocketed in recent years. Thanks to Not PC for informing me of this news story.

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MHA Campaign Round 2: Time to Hit the Senate

Ed Bartlett from Men's Health America has begun "Round 2" of the activism campaign to establish an Office of Men's Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The first round targeted the House of Representatives and resulted in sixty-one representatives co-signing the bill! If you want to jump into the campaign and do something for men's lives, now is the time to do so. See this posting for more info and join the MHA mailing list.

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UK Pushing for Improvement of Men's Health

AngryHarry submitted this story from the UK Independent. Although it might be too early to say, perhaps a wave of awareness of men's health issues is starting to sweep the globe! The issues of male suicide as well as increased heat disease risk were mentioned in the article, and the causes of the gender discrepancy were noted as due to both men's attitudes toward health as well as lack of funding for male health problems. With the recent news about setbacks in men's reproductive rights, I think it's all the more hopeful to see some progress being made in the area of men's health.

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