Submitted by Scott on Thu, 2001-04-05 23:43
Marc Angelucci writes "Glenn Sacks, a key activist in L.A. who sparked furor at UCLA for twice debunking the rigged "one in four" rape myth, has written another ground-breaking article. This one responds to a feminist professor's claim that "it is women who do the work of the world." Borrowing from Warren Farrell's Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say, Sacks helps expose the falsified data from the U.N. that women work "more hours" than men internationally. Sacks is upset, though, that the editors titled his article "Women Don't Do The Work of the World, Men Do," explaining he meant to argue that BOTH sexes do the work of the world. Is the title accurate? And if not, was it careless error, or sabotage? You be the judge."
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2001-04-05 20:24
Written by Erin Pizzey, this essay explains the history of the women's movement and points out some of links with communism she found in the movement. The article's an excellent read with many great insights into things she found out by working "behind the scenes." For example, in this quote, "there were just as many women pedophiles as there were men...women go undetected as usual" she explains from her experience working on child abuse cases, etc, so check the article to find out more.
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2001-04-05 03:27
Yes, it's Patricia Hausman again, and she's gotten more vicious than ever as she debunks the wage gap myth in her casual and methodical manner. As the subtitle says "Garbage in, gigantic wage gap out" so don't forget to read the article when you can.
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Submitted by Adam on Wed, 2001-04-04 20:44
This article is quite a surprise in that it's an open discussion in a UK newspaper about fathers after divorce. I've never seen such an open article about the problems fathers face after divorce - it's an excellent sign that things are starting to improve for men and fathers, so don't lose hope. Read it here as it's well worth it.
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Submitted by Scott on Tue, 2001-04-03 23:30
Marc Angelucci writes "Here's an interesting article on DNA evidence and it's gradual acceptance as an important tool not only to fight crime but to protect the innocent. The article mentions false accusations of rape. Click here for the ABA Journal article."
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Submitted by Scott on Tue, 2001-04-03 15:41
David Byron writes "I'm setting up a small web site to list and honor some of the women who are either strong critics of feminism, or involved in the men's movement somehow. Its not meant to be a resource as such, more a sort of "thank you". Please have a look, and add some more recommendations to the guestbook. Click here: Women Who Love Men"
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Submitted by Adam on Tue, 2001-04-03 02:10
Warren Farrell has just written a new article on his website, and as usual he defines the problems boys face with superb clarity and insight. He goes on to explain the double standards boys face and offers solutions for their problems, to quote him "When we seek to find boy's inner world, we will give a gift to our sons in the 21st Century." As always, he shows sensitivity to both sides of the issue, so be certain you read the article as soon as you can.
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2001-04-02 18:56
Patricia Hausman, a member of the Independent Women's Forum
has written a culture essay debunking Women's History Month, explaining how Marxist-feminists are the ones running the show. It also has an excellent counter argument against "men's dominance." What is that counter argument, you ask? You'll have to click here to find out.
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Submitted by Scott on Mon, 2001-04-02 03:31
Due to a hair-pulling deadline I have this week (yes, yet another!), I will be unable to post new stories to until the weekend. However, Adam, my lead co-administrator, will be taking over for the week and the site will still be updated with news. I'll be forwarding any e-mail news submissions to Adam, and if I seem a bit sluggish in responding to e-mail, please bear with me. Thanks to everyone who visits this site and especially thanks to Adam for filling in for me!
- Scott
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2001-04-02 00:36
Regular readers will love this commentary by Debbie Schlussel on how fatherlessness makes men like Eminem. As this quote puts it, "It should be no surprise, in this world where Hillary Clinton tells us, "It Takes a Village [to raise your children]," that the child becomes a village idiot." The commentary is one of the most enjoyably vicious articles I've ever read in defense of fathers and to a lesser degree men in general. By the way can you give Debbie an Email of thanks and ask her for more articles like this? It's a small thing to do to encourage her to writ more articles like this.
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2001-04-01 16:33
Dave Burroughs writes, "Check this out: They had this guy on Fox News the other night. His ex
girlfriend kept calling him with her threats and pleadings - sometimes several times a day for months. He got sick of it and set up this website. He has .mp3 files recorded from his phone message machine and has posted them unedited on his site. No doubt the feminists have some explanation for her behavior that lays the blame squarely on him." The audio files of her phone messages are extremely disturbing, hateful, hurtful, and manipulative. Don't listen to them if you have a weak stomach.
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2001-03-31 22:44
Last fall, we reported on the appalling actions of Columbia University's administration to pass a new Sex Discipline Policy that removes several fundamental rights of the accused in rape trials. Since then, a great deal of pressure has been put on Columbia, particularly by FIRE (The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education). After failing to participate in a public discussion or Fox television interview on the policy, the directors of SAFER (an anti-rape program on campus) have called for a reform of the policy in the school's newspaper. Nothing has been done yet, but it looks like an opportunity for change. Read the latest update on the story here.
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2001-03-31 10:09
Bill Kuhl wrote up a review of last Friday's episode of 20/20 on the ABC television network. It covered an issue you won't find much talk about these days - gynecomastia. Assuming you haven't heard of the term before (I hadn't), gynecomastia is the medical condition of having enlarged male breasts. It is obviously a very embarrassing problem for men, and if you click "Read More" below you can view Bill's comments on the program and an overview of gynecomastia. And kudos to 20/20 for their informative and sensitive coverage of the topic.
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2001-03-30 23:34
A group of pro-male activists led by the New Hampshire chapter of NCFC has been making extensive progress in the NH legislature. Earlier we reported that a report was written up on the Status of Men in NH, and as of late the group has been pushing for a full-fledged Commission on the Status of Men. They have just reached a major success, having Bill HB587 passed in the House by a vote of 182 to 145. Read the text of the bill by clicking "Read More" below.
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2001-03-30 20:04
An Anonymous User writes "While attending a meeting of the Massachusetts Joint Committee on the Judiciary which was addressing, among other things, the issue of child support and child custody, I was given a link to this page. Being a divorced Dad in Massachusetts, I was very interested in the section on how Massachusetts stacked up against other states. As one would expect, not very well."
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