Man Awarded $1.15 million After False Date Rape Accusation

Nightmist writes "Wendy McElroy of reports on Fox News about one man's seven-year struggle against false date rape allegations which destroyed his teaching career before it had even started. The accusations were leveled by Gonzago University (and denied over and over by his alleged victim). The man in this case was extremely lucky in the fact that his alleged victim continued to deny the charges, even through faculty attempts to brainwash her into believing she had been raped." Thanks also to the Anonymous User who submitted this article.

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Report on Child Soldiers

A.J. writes "This Reuters article reports on the use of child soldiers by militaries around the world. I'm appalled that this occurs at all but am also disturbed by the reporting. The article states that "300,000 children under 18 were fighting for government forces or opposition groups at any one time." There is one (count 'em) reference to gender of those children forced to fight: "The report said that 49 children, including 32 girls between 11 and 15, were among 140 LTTE personnel killed in a battle with security forces in October 1999" referring to actions in Sri Lanka. No mention of gender for the other 299,968 children forced to fight. What are we to assume about the gender breakdown of those children?"

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Doctors Don't Talk to Men About Prostate Cancer

Nightmist writes "This article on Excite News claims that a recent report published in Men's Health found that doctors talk to one in two male patients about prostate cancer, the second leading killer cancer among men (behind lung cancer). Likewise, the story says, many men who are high-risk for the disease are not being tested, and about one in five do not even know what a prostate is."

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Fatherlessness A Problem for Kids, Not Mothers

Mark sent in this article by Maggie Gallagher. She mentions that President Bush spoke recently to the National Fatherhood Initiative, saying that fatherlessness is one of America's largest social problems. Gallagher also derides wealthy single mothers, like Calista Flockhart (Ally McBeal), who was quoted as saying, "I want more children. I guess it would be nice to have a husband, too, and if you know where I might find the right one, let me know. But meanwhile, the baby is all I really want."

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The PC Police Strike Again

Nightmist writes "Fox News ran this column about recent legal and other battles regarding free speech v. politically correct speech. Although not specifically a men's issue, the First Amendment is taking quite a beating lately, and these incidents deserve some attention."

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Farrell Review in The Report

Canada's The Report give a review of Warren Farrell's latest book, Father and Child Reunion. It stresses Farrell's findings that children are better off with single dads than with single moms, but doesn't portray this view as too radical or antagonistic, which could easily be done by a reviewer who doesn't like Farrell's findings. Click here for the article.

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Mothers of Deception

This bold story, which appeared in the UK Observer, confronts the stark reality of mothers who use men as sperm donors, then wallets. It begins with a disturbing story of a woman who changed the locks on their house as soon as the father's name was on the birth certificate. It also mentions, "These women are not rare: the Government's Children First consultation paper found that 40 per cent of the divorced or separated mothers admitted to thwarting child-father contact....Fatherhood is an inalienable right, for both child and father, and we should defend it from those women bent on trampling it."

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National Men's Health Week is Here!

Yes, it's here again - National Men's Health Week, June 11-17, 2001. It's time to think about heading to the doctor for a checkup if you haven't been there in a while, and to educate and raise awareness of men's health issues. The Men's Health Week web site has lots of good info, including a calendar of events. I'd also highly recommend subscribing to Ed Bartlett's Men's Health America mailing list to receive updates on news about men's health. And don't forget your mental health, too - when's the last time you took a vacation?

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Men Harassing Other Men

Peter sent in this article from the New York Times (free registration required). It's about the rise in sexual harassment lawsuits filed by men against male employers. The article is testimony to the unequal treatment of gay men in the workplace. From the article: "While some of these men are complaining of unwanted sexual overtures, just as women frequently do, most complaints involve men being picked on, through boorish hijinks that come across as offensive and humiliating...Men's claims now account for 13.5 percent of all sexual harassment charges being brought to the commission, nearly double the percentage a decade ago." The article describes the problems faced by those who file same-sex harassment claims, which the courts do not take as seriously as claims filed by women against male employers.

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Country Music Scene Struggling With Gender Issues

Mark sent in this USA Today article and writes "After the success of Shania Twain's 1995 anti-male "The Woman In Me" album and the success of other female acts such as the Dixie Chicks (whose song "Goodbye Earl" was about murdering an abusive husband), country radio stations began tailoring their format to appeal almost entirely to women. Now after having chased away most of their male listeners, these stations are trying to win them back. However, the article mentions that "You can have a record that may send men screaming from the room on your radio station, but you cannot have a song that sends women screaming from the room." Still, the pendulum appears to have started swinging back. The article mentions that women are tired of "bend-over-backward proclamations of love and songs about empowered women." And any male country music listener today has no doubt enjoyed songs like Toby Keith's "How Do You Like Me Now" and Montgomery Gentry's "She Couldn't Change Me""

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University Population Explosion Creates Co-Ed Dorm Controversy

Nightmist writes "This editorial in the Daily Texan defends the University of Texas-Austin for temporarily converting an all-female dorm to co-ed because of a summer schedule population explosion on campus. The dorm's female occupants are outraged and have signed a petition to keep men out, claiming that (because men are violent and immature) women will be more likely to be attacked and the dorm will be more likely to be vandalized. The author of the editorial, however, points out that these women are succumbing to stereotypes."

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Testicular Cancer Deaths on Decline

Nightmist writes "This article on Excite News reports that deaths from testicular cancer are on the decline, although there are a greater number of cases. Interestingly, some researchers are saying that exposure to high levels of estrogen in the womb may be one of the causes for the increase in cases. Testicular cancer is also more likely in men ages 25-29, first-born sons, and fraternal twins."

Like0 Dislike0 Names Top 12 Dads of the Year

Nightmist writes "Excite News reports that father-oriented Web site has named a list of a dozen fathers its "Twelve Top Pops" for Father's Day. Among the names on the list are: Dr. Wade Horn of the National Father's Initiative; Prime Minister Tony Blair; Weatherman Al Roker; "Daddio" star Michael Chiklis; and Bill Clinton. The reasons for each selection are noted by the names."

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Egalitarianism Confronts Genetics

Now this is an interesting article. American social scientist Charles Murray believes that "advances in genetics and neurology will lead to the death of egalitarianism within 20 years." From the sounds of it, psuedo-science could finally be eliminated. This last quote is quite interesting: "What he calls the "intellectual egalitarianism" of the Left actually is not about equal outcomes at all, he says. It just "hates the idea that some people are inherently smarter or more charming [and that you can't change that] by the right social program or the right liberation of people from their oppressors." Social engineering can't cure inequality."

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Feminists and Father's Groups Clash

Feminist groups in Canada have threatened to boycott nation-wide
government consultations on changes to divorce law since they might have to sit with Father's advocates. The hypocrisy here is unbelievable, this quote says it better than I ever could "The best interests of children...can only be met by ensuring the well being of their mothers." if you think that's bad, the rest of the article gets worse. The full article can be read from the National Post Online.

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