Circumcision and Consent

J. Steven Svoboda, Executive Director of Attorneys for the Rights of the Child (ARC) submitted an abstract of an article about the needless procedure of circumcision. "The article, "Informed Consent for Neonatal Circumcision-An Ethical and Legal Conundrum," appears in the Winter 2000 issue of the Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy." Click "Read More" below to view more info on this article and what it's all about.

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APHA Newsletter Prints Facts About Health Research

Ed Bartlett from Men's Health America had an article (scroll to bottom of page) printed in the Spring 2001 issue of the American Public Health Association's Journal Section on Epidemiology. Ed tallied the participation in several key research areas, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, and injury, among others, demonstrating the fallacy that women were routinely discriminated against in health research. Check it out.

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Jennifer Lopez, Porn, and the Hypocrisy of Equality

Elliot Zaret from TheGuyCode sent me a link to this article, which is superb. It discusses the hypocrisy of female stars, such as Jennifer Lopez, who complain about the way women are portrayed in film but then "flaunt their stuff" when it is to their advantage. The article is also interesting in that it is laid out as a dialogue between himself and Lisa Napoli, the co-author, with each side giving their own take on the issue. Both agree that women's sexual power is a very real force and one that isn't recognized as such these days. It's a great read.

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MA Court Rules that Non-Bio Dads Must Still Pay Support

Not PC and Jim Castelli submitted this link from the Boston Globe, a serious setback for male reproductive rights. Not PC writes, "The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court says that it doesn't matter if there is a biological connection of a man to a child, he's still the father. In other words, he's guilty of being a man. Women, on the other hand, can bear children from any man and never worry about getting paid for it. They can even get college expenses for those children in Massachusetts." "Guilty for being a man" is exactly right.

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Hopkins Researchers: Medical Research has Favored Women

Further evidence of bias against men in medical health research was noted in Ed Bartlett's MHA mailing list, message 319. "The journal, Statistics in Medicine, has just published an important article that compares the number of single-sex studies done for men and women, and compares that number with the disease burden faced by both sexes. The study, "Estimation of Gender Bias in Clinical Trials" looks at articles published from 1966-1995. The article...concludes that while women were underrepresented in heart disease trials, men were underrepresented both in cancer and in other trials. The article further abolishes the myth that women were "routinely excluded" from medical research.

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Violence Toward Men: Fact or Fiction?

Dr. Murray Straus e-mailed me about this report from the American Medical Association about violence against men. He wrote, "despite the title, [this report] presents a quite reasonable statement on male domestic violence victims. Since the AMA is such an authoritative source, you might want to look at it and quote from it, perhaps especially the recommendations at the end."

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Take Back the Campus

Wendy McElroy's newsletter featured this web site by a woman who's had enough feminist propaganda thrown at her. It was described as, "Dedicated to advancing reason rather than feminist propaganda on campus. "Are you tired of male-bashing and victimology? Have you had your fill of feminist 'Ms./Information?' Have you been mislead by factually challenged professors?" Take their test and see if you need to be de-programmed."

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Tony Blair to Reserve Jobs for Women in Every Government Dept.

AngryHarry submitted this story from the UK Telegraph. In Tony Blair's campaign for re-election, he has promised to reserve a position in every government department for a woman. This move is intended to "compensate" for the fact that he disbanded the women's unit, which we reported on earlier this month. (Warning: sarcasm ahead) It's nice to now that, in this day and age, gender discrimination is so unacceptable to our enlightened souls.

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Blaming Men for Women's Choices

Not PC submitted this article from Town Hall and writes, "After years of attempting to educate women on the foolishness of having children out of wedlock, it would appear that the next step is to blame men. Suzanne Fields says that 1.3 million babies are born without fathers. Of course, these children have fathers -- it took two people to make a baby. What she really means is that either these women don't know who is the father of their children or that the father of their child is not married to them. Let's put the blame where it belongs, Suzanne!"

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International Reading Association Seeks Gender Issues Leader

frank h directed me to the International Reading Association's special interest group on Gender Issues in Reading Achievement and writes, "The person who currently chairs this group is unable to continue and the group is likely to fold. This is a wonderful opportunity to have a direct, positive effect on the success of males in reading education, especially considering the demonstrated poor performance of males in the recent NAEP results." Please consider volunteering if you have the background, and pass this information around to anyone you know who might be interested. Contact information is on the web page linked to above.

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USA Indifferent to Prison Rape of Men

Anonymous User writes "Here is an article I think you may find interesting about male-on-male rape in men's prisons in the USA." From the article: ""I have been sexually assaulted twice since being incarcerated. Both times the staff refused to do anything except to lock me up and make accusations that I'm homosexual...," wrote J.G. of Florida...."Roughly half of all states don't even gather specific data on prison rape. And those that do, the data is just not realistic," said Joanne Mariner, author of the report. "The fact that other states aren't even collecting the data shows that they are not taking the issue seriously.""

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Liberté! Egalité! Stupidité!

Patricia Hausman is on a roll lately with her latest article about the futility of creating equality of outcomes: "Like any good gender warrior, La Parité says it is motivated by the principle that the sexes deserve "equal representation" throughout society. Au contraire. The low number of females among prison inmates, workplace fatalities, and non-custodial parents does not trouble this crowd. It focuses solely on stations in life that involve money, power, and prestige. La parité, it seems, is French for a world where women are guaranteed at least half of the good stuff, and men most of the bad."

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Director Battles Paternity Fraud in Court

Carnell Smith submitted this press release. It outlines Smith's Georgia court session where he explains how he was frauded into fatherhood. From the release, "We don't know and we won't have an answer from the Judge until he completes his review. There was one great victory for Smith, the mother's attorney admitted in open court "they do not want future child support" and the judge replied "I understand that child support is waived". The court recessed after conflicting testimony of the mother and her best friend. Smith observed several members of GA Dept of Human Resources present at the trial, along with 20(?) supporters of CAPF and other interested parties."

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Male Suicide in Australia

bernee writes "The high level of suicide in Australia in males aged 29-30 is noted in this article from The Canberra Times. No mention is made as to how to counter this trend nor the reasons for it." Well, I suppose acknowledging the problem is the first step, but not even offering any kind of explanation for the reasons behind it does seem kind of callous on this critical issue.

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The Death of the UK Government's "Women's Unit"

Jonathan writes "This is a short article highlighting the fact that for once, the UK Labour Government is removing a useless layer of bureaucracy, the Women's Unit. Unfortunately, despite accepting the fact that it was an embarrassment, derided by both men and women, they are still going to press ahead with positive discrimination for women in Government. This will be achieved by installing far more women ministers in the next Government, irrespective of ability. Click here for the link."

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