Top 10 Habits of Great Dads

Nightmist writes "MSN published The Top 10 Habits of Great Dads today. In typical MSN fashion, they posted the list on the "Women Central" portion of their Web site (they have no section dedicated to men). The list comes from the 1999 book "Throwaway Dads" by Ross D. Parke and Armin A. Brott."

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Men More Vulnerable to Workplace Stress

Nightmist writes "This article claims that men's health is more affected by threats of layoffs or job insecurities than women. The article hints that one potential reason for this disparity is that men's lives are more devastated by job loss than women's. Perhaps this is because women still may choose to stay at home or work, while men's identities--for the most part--are still closely associated with our jobs." That sounds like a very reasonable explanation to me. What do you think?

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Child Support Slavery

frank h writes "In the Washington Times today, there is an article entitled "Study: Poor fathers need help with jobs to pay child support." I found it incredibly offensive. Absolutely no mention was made of improving custody and visitation enforcement, just finding ways to make men work harder to pay child support that was mandated by the courts without considering the father's means to begin with. "The beatings will continue until morale improves!!""

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Latest DesertLight Journal Released

Trudy Schuett sent out the May 30 issue of The DesertLight Journal, which can also be read on the web here. DLJ is a bi-weekly e-zine dedicated to father's rights issues and domestic violence against men. Check it out!

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Activism Project: Stop Paternity Fraud!

The Activism Projects page has been updated (I know, it's been a few months...sorry) with the latest NCFM letter writing campaign. The goal of the project is to write to the U.S. Justice Department and express outrage over recent court cases in which men who have been proven not to be the biological father by DNA tests were still ordered to pay child support. If you feel that paternity fraud should not be condoned by our society, please take a moment to write a letter and send it off. Click here for the Activism Projects page.

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Males Now Admitted At Formerly All-Female College

Nightmist writes "Part 2 of Christian Science Monitor's series on men in education details how men are now being admitted at a formerly all-female institution, the students at which used to sport T-shirts demonstrating the "Top 10 Reasons Not to Admit Men." Commencement speaker this year was William Shatner. A school official pointed out how appropriate it was for the captain of the Enterprise to speak where men are now "boldly going where no man has gone before."" Click here if you missed part one. And thanks, Nightmist, for all these great submissions!

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Men's Health Takes Center Stage in Ireland

Nightmist writes "The Irish Times is reporting new efforts to increase awareness and assistance for men's health issues in that country, where women's health issues have long been top priority. One positive note, in my opinion, is that the article mentions mental health as well as physical (and points out that suicide is the leading killer of young men)."

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Turning Sacred Cows into Cash Cows

Evan Gahr's latest column for Jewiwsh World Review investigates some of the taxpayer funded programs which fuel feminist institutions. He focuses primarily on the Women's Education Equity Act Resource Center and the programs it has sponsored. "WEEA allows an ideological clique that purports to speak "for women" to turn sacred cows into cash cows."

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Defendants Disadvantaged in Court of Public Opinion

Nightmist writes "The UCLA Daily Bruin recently printed an editorial in which the author examines how defendants in high profile cases are judged guilty and their lives irreparably damaged by the court of public opinion, regardless of the facts. I must agree that society as a whole assumes guilt when someone is charged with a crime (witness what's currently going with Robert Blake and the way the story is treated by late night talk show hosts...he's already guilty). This is the uphill battle which men, especially, face in our courts."

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Judge Spares Woman from Jail for Theft Due to Her "Shopaholism"

In addition to the "battered wife syndrome," which has excused dozens of women from attacking and/or murdering their husbands, a U.S. court has now acknowledged "shopaholism," which can excuse women from theft. The Sydney Morning Herald reported here that a woman (whose salary was $250k/year to begin with) was not given a jail sentence for stealing more than $500,000 from her employer - because her "shopaholic" tendencies were a symptom of depression. In the end, she was sentenced to five years of probation.

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FACT Father's Rights Conference with Warren Farrell

Rick Neagle from FACT (Fathers Are Capable Too) wanted to remind everyone that there will be a one-day workshop in Toronto, Canada on June 3, 2001, for divorced/separated fathers and non-custodial mothers, their supporters, and people who work with or provide services to divorced parents. Warren Farrell will be participating, and preregistration is required. Click here to download an info flyer in MS Word Format, or contact Rick at If you already know you want to register, just go to this site and sign up.

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Talking to Dad About His Health

ABCNews has a great article about techniques for approaching fathers about improving their health. It acknowledges that older men often don't take care of their own health well enough but offers ways to approach the issue effectively, without talking down to him. I especially liked the suggestions to work out with your father or bring the grandchildren for a visit and a walk every week - having more involvement with fathers/grandfathers is a great boost to emotional health, as well as encouraging physical activity.

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Hey, We're a Year Old...Yesterday

I knew the one year anniversary of The Men's Activism News Network was coming up soon, but I missed it! It was yesterday, May 26. is now a year old, and still going strong. And once again, I'd like to thank the regular visitors to this site for their support and participation in the men's movement - because this web site would be pointless if so many visitors weren't making use of it. I have some great things planned for this summer, and will be giving details about them next week - stay tuned!

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Fathers Day Marches Planned

There are several marches planned, the first is on june 15th called Events to mark Fathers Day by the UK Men's Movement. There's also the American Coalition for Fathers and Children protest happening on June 5 referred to as the National Family Courts Protest so check it out if you're interested. And to finish off, there's the Fathers Rights March & Rally from June 11th to June 17th - Fathers Day. Kindly pass these links along to everybody you know, and lastly, I hope these marches are a great success for all involved!

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Are Family Courts Biased Against Fathers?

Claude sent me this link to an article from Insight Magazine. It's a point/counterpoint debate on whether the family court system is biased against dads. Stephen Baskerville, a great choice for the article, lists more than a dozen jaw-dropping injustices that fathers have received at the hands of family courts, and claims that this mistreatment is not uncommon. Tim Tippins argues that while the courts aren't perfect, most fathers do get a fair shake in court, and custody decisions are generally not unfair to men. Read it and decide for yourself - and furthermore, send a letter to the editor expressing your own views. Baskerville mentions in an e-mail that "This magazine is sent to all congressional offices and media outlets, and it is influential with policy makers."

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