Men Do Ask For Directions After All

Nightmist writes "Another shattered stereotype. The proliferation of these types of "studies" disturbs me. It's almost another one of those "let's find some more differences between men and women we can exploit and use to make men look stupid so women buy our products" study, but if that was its true intent, it must've backfired."

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One More Way in Which Fathers Have No Rights

Not PC sent me this story from the Vancouver Province, which is about a court battle a father lost to have his newborn children given hyphenated last names. The mother instead registered the two sons under her own last name and fled (kidnapped) with the boys. "When he found her living on Vancouver Island, he said, she told him "to go to hell." "She said if I didn't like it, she'd say I was being violent and stalking her."" Excerpts of the judicial decision are included, which explicitly state that as a father, he has no rights. It's a very frustrating and depressing story.

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How Far We Have to Go

Neil Steyskal has a very depressing outlook for men, which he explains in his article for "It has become clear that left-wing feminists dominate the media, the schools, and key parts of both the legal system and the government. They saturate the country with false or misleading statistics to back up the message that men are violent by nature; and that in the right circumstances, men are only too willing to abuse women and children." I hope his article will serve as a wake up call for many men - we have a long way to go.

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Deadbeat Dads Day

frank h submitted this article from TooGoodReports about the media hype over "deadbeat dads." It's an interesting, insightful article that is satirical in many places, and unfortunately, all too true. "Wake up guys! 'Deadbeat Day' is coming, and if you think you can escape the snare of a feminized society, you should be a Hollywood script writer because you are living in virtual reality."

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Number of Elderly Men on the Rise

Nightmist writes "According to this article from the Atlanta-Journal Constitution, new information indicates that the number of elderly men in this country is on a sharp increase. Men are starting to live longer, catching up to women in lifespan. It suggests that the growing population of elderly men may start to experience some of the frailty generally associated with elderly women now that men are living longer. Also, the number of elderly men is increasing more than the number of elderly women."

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Restraining Order Reform in MA

This article from the Boston Globe (by Cathy Young) outlines a Judiciary hearing in which argument were heard to reform the Abuse Prevention Law, which covers domestic violence restraining orders. "While many see the well-intentioned law as a necessary shield for abused women, there is mounting evidence that it is often used as a sword in messy domestic disputes." Young cites several examples of non-violent men who were thrown in jail for making a phone call to their child on the wrong day of the week, and similar situations. Some were even pushed to suicide after being alienated and mistreated for so long. How can this happen? Young writes, "Blame the mentality that it's best to err on the side of safety for women, even if it means trampling on the rights of some innocent men." No kidding.

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More Men Registering For Selective Service

Nightmist writes "A big part of me would love to see a day when women must register as well. This article on Excite claims the men who do not register are "missing opportunities." To quote: "But even more tragic is that our experience shows the young men most likely to miss the message are the very men who may stand the most to gain from these opportunities.""

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Mother Kills Baby to "Get Back" at Boyfriend

AngryHarry submitted this article from the UK Telegraph, about a woman who threw her 10 month old daughter out a third-floor window to "get her own back" on her boyfriend during an argument. The child was killed. "[Helen] Patterson, 23, of Newcastle upon Tyne, denied murder but pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. [The prosecuting attorney] said the Crown had decided to accept the plea following reports from psychiatrists that she was suffering from depression and other mental problems."

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To Love, Honor, and Manipulate?

Anonymous User writes "In the current issue of The Women's Quarterly (an IWF publication), Charlotte Allen offers her considerable wisdom on men, women, and marriage, in a generally negative review of Laura Doyle's recent book, The Surrendered Wife."

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Article Celebrates Circumcision

frank h writes "This link describes an Islamic celebrity who claims to have performed over 106,000 circumcisions. The story can be read here." There are a lot of references about how circumcision is the "rite of passage" that makes boys into men, but I know quite a few circumcised older males who are certainly not men. The tension between the religious tradition and individual rights continues on...

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Colleges Debate How to Attract More Males

Nightmist writes "Christian Science Monitor is running a two-part series on the gender gap at the college level. Part One partially examines the dilemma university administrators are facing as the lack of males on campuses cause both male and female students to transfer to other, more balanced institutions. Part Two, which will appear May 29, examines the origins of the gender gap in K-12."

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209A Study in MA Shows Women Just as Violent as Men

The Massachusetts News reported in this story that Steve Basile of the Fatherhood Coalition has directed a study in the state about domestic violence and 209A restraining orders. His work, which will be presented at the UNH International Family Violence Research Conference in July, demonstrates that men are no more violent that women and that a significant bias by the courts exists against men who try to obtain restraining orders against their violent partners. The article also mentions that Jane Doe, a DV group which opposes the research, went though great lenghts to attack and stop the research from happening.

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Furor Stirring At UCLA, Glenn Sacks Defends IWF

Marc Angelucci writes "Our very own Glenn Sacks printed an article in the UCLA Daily Bruin today responding to several opinion pieces that attacked the ad placed by the Independent Women's Forum. He reiterates the points he has repeatedly made in prior articles about "1 in 4," the wage gap and other myths that campus feminists just cannot seem to let go of. The ad has really caused furor at UCLA, but of course, not enough factual dialogue as usual. If Glenn Sacks' article doesn't change that, I'm not sure anything else will."

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Controversy Surrounds IWF "Feminist Deprogramming" Ad

David Byron sent me this story from the National Review. It covers the news about the full-page ad that the Independent Women's Forum has put in several college and university newspapers, which outlines the "Ten Most Common Feminist Myths" and the reasons they are misperceptions. Christina Hoff Sommers said in response to the outrage related to the ad: "This is a common response, hysteria and irrational reactions...Free and open discussion doesn't exist in most academic forums. Instead of research or debate, they hold rallies and protests - not exactly the most reasonable way to spark discussion."

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Don't Accept "Virtual Visitation"

Elliot Zaret from sent me this story from MSNBC News. It's an editorial about the latest way fathers can be alienated from their children - the substitution of "virtual visitation" for real visitation when the mother wants to move away. Brock Meeks will have none of it, and sharply criticizes the practice: "the courts believe such herky-jerky videoconferencing sessions are the next best thing to throwing a Frisbee in the park with dear ol' Dad..."This will be another tool for judges to further distance fathers from their children's lives," Stuart Miller of the American Fathers Coalition told the Associated Press." Meeks ends the article with statistics about the prevalence of physical punishment by mothers - which will certainly result in a barrage of hate mail. Perhaps you could write to Meeks and express your support for his courage.

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