Boy Bashing

Nightmist writes "Wendy McElroy once again exposes the political nature of some "studies" conducted in the 1990s which led to our current public policy of demasculinizing boys. The parents of one of the boys who participated in the study are challenging its results (results which claimed that boys exist in a "bully culture" and need to be feminized). The boys themselves say many of their answers were jokes. Said one subject: "Our immature attempt at humor four years ago should not be the benchmark for the 21st century.""

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Men's Hour Program to Counter BBC Women's Hour

I think it was Jello Biafra who said, "don't blame the media...become the media!" Well, that is certainly the case for the Men's Hour web site, which was created by some individuals who felt that there needed to be an alternative to the Women's Hour program on the BBC network. The result is the Men's Hour, an audio program with interviews and news about men's issues and men's rights, listenable worldwide to anyone with an internet connection and a streaming audio player. Take a listen, they have the first program available, and while they are having a few technical issues during the program, it shows a great deal of promise.

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Ann Landers on Women Abusers

Neil Steyskal and Richard Cann sent me Ann Lander's column today, about domestic violence against men. Neil writes "Ann Landers is still claiming that there are more male abusers than female. I hope we can get her plenty of evidence to the contrary." I'm a bit lukewarm about her comments, too - while she admits that men need more services for domestic violence, she also is unwilling to accept women's violence, saying that women batterers are only alcoholics or druggies.

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Safeway Joins Fight Against Prostate Cancer

Ed Bartlett from the Men's Health America list writes, "During the month of June, Safeway Foods has joined forces with CAP Cure (Association for the Cure of Cancer of the Prostate) to raise funds for
prostate cancer research. Safeway customers can give the check-out
cashier a $1 coupon, which is applied to prostate cancer research. For more information click here.

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M.A.D. Men United Revamps Web Site

John Buethe wrote in to announce that his organization, M.A.D. Men United (M.A.D. standing for Men Against Discrimination) has become an official non-profit organization and redesigned their web site. You can view it at

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Male Bashing in Academe

An Anonymous User sent in this article. Ilana Mercer wrote the article for Lew Rockwell about how feminist ideology is attacking young men in schools and colleges. She starts out with a statement by a female Computer Science professor that men are lazy because they know they rule the world and their social status is assured. Mercer then delves into the fallacy of this attitude and of "second-wave feminism" itself, including comments by male students who feel they are treated unfairly. It's an excellent read - check it out!

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Prostate Cancer Risks Increases With Number of Sex Partners

Nightmist writes "This article on Excite News claims that a man's risk of getting prostate cancer increases with the number of female sex partners he has during his lifetime. A good case for monogamy for heterosexual males, although many scientists nowadays believe that monogamy goes against our biological/procreational instincts." And I'm sure that struggle will continue! :)

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An Interesting Difference of Opinion

Trudy W Schuett writes "I noticed kind of an interesting difference of opinion in these two articles - The Seattle Times: ""Do women batter? Sure, but not very often," said Bonnie Campbell, who headed the federal Violence Against Women office under President Clinton. "The more success we have as a society in highlighting violence against women, the more of a backlash we get," she said. "I view a lot of this talk about battered men as a significant part of the backlash."" The Irish Times: "Women are more likely than men to perpetrate domestic violence, according to new research on Irish couples who seek marriage counseling. The report, published yesterday, also found that domestic violence was one of the less important factors in marriage breakdown in the largely middle-class group studied." I wonder what the Irish know that Americans don't? From what I've heard lately, it seems the Irish are beginning to address DV as a non-gender issue, so maybe it bodes well for us Yanks!"

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Helping At-Risk Young Men Become Good Fathers

Nightmist writes "This article about a young, reluctant father who changed his ways and grew responsible is important. For years, males have been ignored by teen sex/pregnancy education programs. The young man profiled here is now assisting other young men in these types of programs, helping to get them off the streets and to teach them to wait about becoming a father, as well as how to be a good father. The article also details a bill on the floor of the Calif. legislature to extend more funding to the male program."

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Fathers-to-be Experience Hormonal Changes Too

Nightmist writes "Men's hormones fluctuate similarly to women's when a man is expecting to become a father, according to this story on Excite News. Scientists have known for years about the effects of the hormonal changes in women, but only recently discovered that changes occur in men as well. Although research in this area is new, I'd say there's a good chance it could enhance the argument that fathers have as much right to be parents as mothers do by scientifically establishing the similarities of the biological bonds. If we can't win with our hearts and souls, gentlemen, let's prove it with science."

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Here's a GOOD Father's Day Article!

Marc Angelucci writes "Los Angeles activist Glenn Sacks published a Father's Day article today that helps make up for the Richmond Times-Dispatch's sad stereotyping of dads. Both the LA Daily News and the Salt Lake City Tribune printed the article (Click on either link to view it). After mentioning how father-presence is the largest predicting factor in major aspects of a child's upbringing, Glenn explains point by point how "we allow hundreds of thousands of fathers to be locked out of their children's lives by ex-spouses . . . and by a family court system that is biased against fathers." Thanks again, Glenn!" Ditto, Glenn - great work.

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Irresponsible (Black) Fathers

Neil Steyskal writes "This column, from the Richmond Times-Dispatch, repeats the perpetual condemnation of black fathers for abandoning their children. When will somebody mention the multitude of mothers who drive black fathers away so the mothers will have undisputed control?" What a great Father's Day article - why not send Mark Holmberg an e-mail of appreciation? (I'm being sarcastic)

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Happy Father's Day!

We'd like to wish everyone a Happy Father's Day, the second one that has been around for. Here's a proclamation by President Bush on Father's Day. All sorts of events are planned, from marches on Washington to local events, such as the NCFC-NH chapter picnic in Dover, NH. Click here to view the official Father's Day 2001 web site, and enjoy the day with dad! I hope many of you also did something to promote men's health, as this is the final day of National Men's Health Week.

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Australian Magistrate Under Fire for Admitting Women Can Lie About Being Raped

Australia's ABC news network is covering the story of a female senior magistrate (judge) who has said that many women lie about rape. Pat O'Shane is defending her comments, saying she is stating a fact: "It's a fact of life, people do it...there is no question that...women do manufacture complaints against men, just as men manufacture all sorts of allegations against women, and for that matter against each other." The outcry from women's groups has been significant, and they are demanding for Ms. O'Shane to resign. The Chief Magistrate of New South Wales is considering reviewing the cases that Ms. O'Shane handles, to ensure she is not given sexual harassment or rape cases.

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CNN Positive on Fatherhood?

More fatherhood news, appropriate as we get so close to Father's Day: frank h writes "CNN actually managed to say something about fatherhood, single fatherhood nonetheless, and they did it without being critical or sarcastic!" It's a short piece on the rising number of single dads, and while they made sure to quote some children as feeling a deep loss without their mother (when's the last time an article on single mothers mentioned father loss?), the article generally seems lukewarm to single dads. Click here for the link.

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