Divorce Research Project in NY

Peter Allemano writes "The Greater New York Chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men is considering undertaking a research project involving issues surrounding divorce in New York State. Initially, information is sought about New York attorney JoAnn Douglas and New York Supreme Court Justice Judith J. Gische. Anyone with knowledge about, or personal experience with, either of these individuals is
kindly requested to contact Joseph R. Sahid, Esq.
" I've moved Sahid's other contact info into the Read More section, but his e-mail is sahid@att.net.

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What Men Want

Although articles like this one on AskMen.com leave a lot to be desired in terms of depth, I do think it brings up a good point. The author points out that society pressures men to be obsessed with what women want--what makes women happy--in a relationship. Why not turn the tables? Here are 10 things that men might want in order to be happy in a relationship.

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Young Men's Satisfaction in Life Dependent on Having Girlfriend

An Anonymous User sent me an article from the Sydney Morning Herald. It describes how young men surveyed showed a dramatic difference in the satisfaction with their lives, depending on whether they had a girlfriend or not. Furthermore, only 18 percent of fathers feel satisfied with their relationship with their teenage sons. Perhaps the two could be related? It's probable that when men are trained to depend on women for emotional support, that this kind of scenario is bound to happen. You can read the article here.

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"Politically Incorrect" w/ Bill Maher Tackles Feminism

Igor writes "I was channel surfing late last night (7/11/01), and I stopped on "Politically Incorrect," a show on ABC that tackles abrasive issues with comedy (always a good approach). Last night, the focus was on feminism and its flaws. One of the guests was (hooray!!!) Christina Hoff Sommers. She did an amazing job fending off the most anti-male guest (ironically, a man), a film director whose name escapes me. He reminded me of the way I (and, I suspect, a few of you) used to be, and I pitied him. Bill Maher (the host) and CHS made some great points during the show, and a transcript should be up any time now at the "Politically Incorrect" website."

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Male Pill Being Tested in Britain

Not PC sent me this article from the UK Telegraph about a male contraceptive pill. The drug would be a pill which hormonally stops sperm production and would be effective for three years. Testosterone injections would have to be given to maintain normal sex drive, but according to the article, "The results to date show completely reversible blockage of sperm production without major side effects."

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Wisconsin High Court Orders Man Not to Father Children

A four-man and three-woman Wisconsin high court in this story from Excite News has banned a man from having any more children while he is on probation for not paying $25,000 in child support. The decision was split along gender lines. The three female justices said that the ban denied the man his basic human (and Constitutional) right to father a child. The four male justices said the ban forced the man "to consider responsibility." The female justices and the man's lawyer expressed concern that such action could lead to the trampling of the rights of men who cannot afford child support.

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DesertLight Journal No. 7

A new issue of the DesertLight Journal is out, with information about Clayton Giles' journey across Candada and the U.S. to protest the way family courts treat children, and a new masculist literature e-mail list, among other things. Check it out at this link, and thanks to Trudy Schuett for her efforts!

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MSNBC on Baby Abandonment (It's the man's fault)

Michael Kramer sent me a link to this transcript of an MSNBC Dateline program about baby abandonment and the legislation which is making it legal (for mothers) in many states. Michael wrote an insightful response to the program and his letter can be read by clicking Read More below. As he said to me, "The madness not only continues, it worsens daily, something straight out of Kafka. If you're a male in today's America, you best start running."

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LA Times Columnist Supports Threatening Men With False Accusations

Marc Angelucci writes "John Smith sent this article from the LA Times to me. Take a look at the bigotry this columnist expresses about entrapping men: "I wish every Okinawan woman dating an American military man would implant in his brain the thought or fear that she might send him to jail." This author comes from miles away in Cardiff, California. The LA Times will print her bigotry but they refuse to print things from men's activists who live right here in LA. You can write the editor at letters@latimes.com."

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On-Line Chat Tonight

Remember, our weekly on-line chat will begin tonight at 9:30 PM Eastern Time. You can join the chat at this page. While we welcome all kinds of discussion in the chat room, tonight's main topic will be the way men are portrayed in the media. We're looking to put together a page on Mensactivism.org that tracks anti-male companies that abuse or defame men in commercials. Readers would then be able to see a list of companies that they might consider boycotting or writing to in protest.

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Men's Hour Broadcast Number Two

Episode two has been released of the Men's Hour, a streaming audio program which discusses men's rights issues, particularly in the UK. An interview with Len Miskulin, the father who went on a very severe hunger strike for 63 days, is included, as well as a man who was put in prison for giving his child a birthday present. RealAudio and Windows Media formats are available.

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Ford Dumps Discrimination Against Older White Males

This story on Excite News heralds the end of Ford Motor Co's 2000 grading scale policy, which was introduced in an effort by Ford executives to get rid of the older white males populating the majority of management positions at the company. The policy became the target of several age, sex, and race discrimination lawsuits (the story labels the lawsuits "reverse discrimination" lawsuits because the people filing them are white males).

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France Ends Military Draft

This AP article describes how France has finally ended its military draft, and is releasing all men from service who were conscripted. Like the U.S., any man of 18 years old was eligible to be drafted. Unfortunately, it is not the sexism of the draft which brought about its demise, but France's feeling that it was simply no longer a military necessity (because of volunteerism and the lack of a serious national threat).

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Making Sperm Obsolete

This article on Excite News is a bit frightening because, as the scientist quoted in the article states, it opens up an "ethical can of worms." Scientists in Australia believe they've found a way to fertilize eggs from cells from any part of the body, not just from male sperm (in mice). Scientists argue that this means infertile males may now have their own biological offspring (as can lesbian couples). Right now, they're predicting more problems than successes. Australia and other countries currently have a ban on this type of experimentation with human eggs.

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Abused Son Sues for Mother's Estate

Chad sent in this article from the UK Guardian. It's about a 48 year-old man who is suing for a part of his late mother's estate. His mother, who sexually abused him when he was a child, left him completely out of her will. Raymond Marks claims he has experienced disorders including bulimia due to the abuse, and was the only child in his family.

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