Men May Be At Greater Risk for Methamphetamine Damage

Steve writes "In this article from HealthScoutNews, Adam Marcus reports that men who use the drug methamphetamine may have an increased risk for brain damage if their mothers abused that drug. New research shows the increased risk affects male laboratory mice, but does not affect female laboratory mice. Methamphetamine is a widely abused drug and is known by the slang names 'crank' 'ice,' and

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Sitter Who Allegedly Had Sex With Children Says Boys Are To Blame

A babysitter who allegedly had sex with an 8-year-old and a 9-year-old boy now claims in this article from The Salt Lake Tribune that the young boys forced her into it. A female judge has delayed the babysitter's sentencing so the woman can "undergo psychological counseling." Male defendants convicted of molesting and then blaming young girls are routinely sentenced to prison. But on Friday, 3rd District Judge Leslie Lewis delayed Nelson's fate for 90 days, and ordered her to undergo a psychosexual evaluation by prison psychologists. "I need to know what happened here," Lewis said. Click Read More for information on contacting Judge Lewis.

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A Day of Discrimination Against Men

This article from follows one man through his workday and social life as he details every ounce of discrimination he faces. This reads a bit like fiction, and it may be, but it is still an account of problems with which we all identify. It's depressing. And I think we've found another commercial to add to the list of male bashing companies we discussed during last week's chat: Radox Bath Salts. Update: Found a strikingly similar article here at I don't know, now, if this is the same author, plagiarism, or spoof.

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Mother of "Political Correctness" Says She Was Misundertsood

Fox News' regular PC Police feature offers a couple of stories of interest for men, including a quote from Julia Kristeva, the so-called matriarch of political correctness. "Kristeva now says she and her work have been misunderstood by groups that held her out as an icon of feminism and multiculturalism. She believes the group identity adopted by some feminist, gay and ethnic leaders is "totalitarian" and that freedom of the individual should take precedence over communitarianism; that political assertion of sexual, ethnic and religious identities eventually erodes democracy."

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Latino "Men's Movement" Aims to Redefine Masculinity

Christian Science Monitor ran this article about a growing Latino men's movement. This movement seems to have adopted the feminist notion that men are predatory and women and children are victims. While it is laudable that these men should want to become more in tune with their families, it is disconcerting to hear them say things like "most of us were beaten by our fathers."

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Maine "Child Abuser" Registry Under Fire

The Portland Press Herald printed a story about controversy stirring over a registry of people who have been investigated for child abuse cases, which is routinely used for background checks by employers. Just recently the people who were in the registry no longer have to be contacted about it, and there are many people in it who have been wrongly accused for child abuse or neglect. The article can be read here.

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More Women Inmates Than Men Treated For Mental Illness

This report on Excite News claims that prison inmates who are mentally ill often go untreated, and that the number of mentally ill people in prison is underestimated. It also says that female prisoners are treated at a higher rate for mental illness than their male counterparts. Anyone surprised?

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Female Teacher Sentenced to 45 Days for Sexual Contact with Students

cheddah sent in this AP article, which as the title states is about a woman who received 45 days in prison and must stop teaching for having sexual contact with two 17 year-old male students of hers. The teacher's lawyer was quoted as saying "[his client] was worried about being treated fairly by the courts because of her gender and the publicity surrounding the charges, but was satisfied with the outcome."

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Court Threatens Right To Bear Children

Kathleen Parker wrote a great article for in which she discusses the recent WI court decision barring a "deadbeat dad" from having any more children. While the idea makes sense on the surface, there is a lot more at stake when it comes to our civil rights, as Parker clearly points out. The ruling also reinforces a gender double standard, "This court ruling is just one more message that men are no-count predators while women are hapless victims. Women choose; men lose." And this is how it's been so far in the history of men's reproductive rights.

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Boy Dies at AZ "Reform" Camp

Ken sent me a few articles about a boy who died while attending a reform school/camp for troubled youths. These camps are often harshly physically abusive to children in an attempt to scare them out of their antisocial behavior. And of course, these camps are populated almost exclusively by boys, something not pointed out in any of these articles. A story from the New York Times (free registration required to read) can be read here, and there are two other articles from the Arizona Republic, article1 and article2.

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International Men's Network

Alan Carr has created a site and a movement idea called the International Men's Network. The idea is that the network grows by each participant finding two other men to join, and each "cell" of three men writes in protest or support of a particular cause each month. I think it's a neat idea. His web site was pretty hard for me to read, and I've been told he's had problems with some people's browsers but not others, so check it out and if you are having trouble reading it just e-mail Alan at and I'm sure he'd be glad to explain.

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Men Still Account for 93% of All Occupational Deaths

As posted to the Men's Health America list, "This recent report from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that even though occupational death rates are falling, men account for 93% of all occupational deaths." The CDC report updates the information covered by Warren Farrell in his groundbreaking book The Myth of Male Power, where I first learned about this enormous gender disparity.

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MANN Feature: The Battle for Men's Rights in Scotland

Douglas Rome, a Scottish poet and professional journalist, sent in an engaging essay about the current happenings of the men's movement in Scotland, and the struggles it is facing. Of the many things one might call Douglas Rome, complacent isn't one of them - his writing style mixes news journalism with confrontational editorial commentary that makes no apologies. Douglas covers the status of several key men's rights issues, including father's legal rights, male suicide, false rape accusations, and more. Click Read More below for the essay.

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Compensation for Falsely Accused Teacher in Canada

Anonymous User writes "A former teacher in Canada has been awarded some money after a parent falsely accused him of sexual misconduct. The story can be read here." The teacher received $70,000, after having proved that the parent intended to cause "destruction through a gratuitous, malicious and a vicious attack."

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British Men Increasingly Suicidal

This report on Excite News indicates that British men are now three times as likely as women to take their own lives. In 1971, men were 1.5 times more likely. Researchers for this study claim they have not yet found a cause for the increase in suicide among men, while women's suicide rates have remained relatively stable.

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