Female Serial Killer Gets "Fast Track" To Execution

Aileen Wuornos, who was convicted of killing six men and claimed that she'd done so because they had sexually assaulted her, may have won her fast track to execution Friday after a Florida circuit judge said he would recommend to the Florida Supreme Court that Wuornos' execution be carried out. Wuornos recently admitted that she had lied about being sexually assaulted by men, that she just wanted to know what it felt like to kill a man. From the story: "I am a serial killer. I would kill again," Aileen Wuornos said during 1 1/2 hours on the witness stand.

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Discrimination Not To Blame For Women Leaving Labor Force

This article from Excite News claims that women take longer than men to find new work after losing a job, and are more likely to choose part-time work or not re-enter the labor force at all. Surprisingly for mainstream media (Reuters), the story points out that the reason for this "disparity" is not discrimination against women, but a result of women making their own choices, especially if they happen to have a man around who is already bringing home the bacon. The article also hints at the fact that women generally have more choice about whether to work or stay home than do men.

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Sexism Against Men a Result of the "Patriarchy???"

Here's an interesting bit from Excite News. The National Organization for Men Against Sexism has organized a conference to discuss how sexism against men is a result of a "sexist, patriarchal society." The overwhelming majority of murderers and homicide victims are male, and men are more likely than women to use drugs or drink in excess. These are the results of a sexist, patriarchal society, according to Brian Klocke, a University of Colorado-Boulder doctoral candidate in sociology. Although I'm happy that these folks want to shatter male stereotypes, I don't think doing it under the flag of feminist dogma is the way to go about it.

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Misandry and Jewish Culture

Glenn Sacks wrote a particularly courageous editorial for the Intermountain Jewish News. In it, he describes his experiences with Jewish family and friends and the excessive male bashing he's found from Jewish women. While many people will take exception to Glenn's focus on misandry in Jewish culture, Glenn is Jewish himself, so no one can accuse him of harboring anti-semitic prejudice. In an e-mail to me he said he is not attacking Jews in general. Note: This was our 1,000th posting to Mensactivism.org!

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Media Watch Submissions

I'd like to thank the people who have been writing in about the Media Watch page and making suggestions. I promise to update the page this weekend, as I'm busy playing catch-up with work and e-mail today.

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MA Child Support Awards Unfair to Fathers

The Worcester Telegram printed this story about the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines hearings, with the title, "Support levels high in Mass." It's a supportive article that objectively explains the bias against Non-Custodial Parents in divorce and the reality of false accusations against fathers. How refreshing it is to see such a positive piece about an emotionally charged issue in the mainstream news!

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Executive Women Choose Flexibility Over Pay

BusterB writes "As reported in the National Post of Canada, "A survey of 350 female executives in Canada revealed that an overwhelming majority prefer incentives that allow them to attain balance in their lives...." This article outlines how women executives—the positions that feminists are always whining that women have trouble attaining—prefer job flexibility such as a four-day work week over more pay. The problem for feminism, of course, is that this kind of survey puts a lie to their claim that when women are paid less than men for the same job, it's because of discrimination."

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Words of Advice From Daniel Amneus

I'm posting this article for two reasons, firstly it summarizes all his work, so please read this article very carefully and examine everything he says, and lastly, the main point Amneus makes is that by paying child support, alimony, etc, men are paying for the destruction of their own families and themselves, something that cuts close to what countless divorced dads know all too well.

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New Commercials Break Down Latino Male Stereotypes

According to this article from Excite News, the creator of the GOT MILK? ad campaign is starting a new Spanish language advertisement which also focuses on shattering the stereotype that Latino men "wouldn't be caught dead doing woman's work," or spending time with their children. The commercial features a father and daughter shopping for groceries together. The article generalizes that Latino men are family-centric, but most ads depict them as hardened and unemotional toward their wives and children. This sounds like a good spot for the "pro-male" category on our media page.

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Australian Web Site Attempts to Stem Suicidal Tide

Doctors in Australia have launched a new Web site (the server is apparently not up yet, though) in an effort to stem the alarming tide of young male suicides in that country. According to this story from Excite News, the suicide rate for young males in Australia has doubled since 1975. One in four deaths of young men in that country is a result of suicide.

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Wrongly Convicted Men File $60M Lawsuit

The men in this story from Excite News were convicted of murder based on the testimony of one female witness, who later recanted and said she testified against them for the $1,000 reward. The two men spent 14 years behind bars before a private detective located the real killer. One woman's word is worth the word of 100 men, perhaps?

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Campaign to End Selective Service

An Anonymous User writes "This isn't an article per se, but were you aware that the Libertarian Party has launched an online campaign to end Selective Service? Did you know that a bill to end the draft has been introduced to the House of Representatives? Check out the official website for more information, and to sign the petition supporting HR 1597: endselectiveservice.org"

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The Mensactivism.org Media Watch

I added a Media Watch page to track companies or groups that portray men positively or negatively in the media. Use the list to voice your opinion to these entities and encourage pro-male portrayals and discourage (even boycott) companies or groups which bash men on a regular basis. The initial list is a compilation created from our last on-line chat session and recent e-mails we received on the subject. Thanks so much to the people to contributed to this list!

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The Politics of Prison Rape

frank h sent in this article from FoxNews and writes "I know I'm treading on thin ice here, but I hope our gay readers will give me some leeway because this article brings up some interesting questions. First among them is why is it that prison rape gets so little attention until it happens to someone who looks/purports to be a woman? I take no issue with Cuoco's desire to change gender, but I have to assert that if Cuoco had presented herself as a male, this would NEVER receive national attention. Is the best way for a man to get attention to injustice to change himself into a woman? Why is it more wrong or more noteworthy to rape a woman than it is to rape a man? If the state regards Cuoco as a man and if the court finds the for the plaintiff (Cuoco), then what precedent is set for other men who are raped in prison?"

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On-Line Chat: Strategies for Promoting Men's Rights

Yes, it's time again for our weekly chat - last week's was very productive, and the list of pro and anti male companies should hit the web site later today. Tonight, our topic will be strategies for promoting men's rights. What new and unorthodox methods need to
be tried in this arena? Are there any special tricks or techniques in
the traditional methods (letter writing, etc) which you feel helped to
get your voice heard? Join our discussion and learn how to maximize
the effectiveness of your activism! Click here to go to our chat page at 9:30 PM Eastern Time tonight.

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