Feminist Claims Idaho Suffers From Wage Gap

This story, which originally appeared in the Biose State U.'s The Arbiter claims that female graduates from the college will make less than male graduates for doing the same jobs. Interestingly, the subject quoted in this article does hint that women often choose lower-paying careers than men, but blames this on the way daughters are reared. She shoots down her own blame of The Patriarchy, though, by also claiming that "Women are traditionally not only child-bearers, but also caregivers." So... it's women who are rearing women to take on those smaller paying positions, then? Well, perhaps feminists should then be looking for ways to defeat the "Matriarchy."

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Increase In Male Enrollment Causes Housing Problems

A 40 percent increase in male enrollment at Texas Christian University this year has caused dramatic housing problems on campus, according to this story on Excite News. Many freshman males are being housed in frat houses and residence hall lounges until better accomodations can be made. The campus provides more housing for females than males "because of the female-to-male ratio," the story says. I wonder, though, if male dorms would be forced to house female students for a time if the roles were reversed?

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Women Coaching Male Sports Teams

Neil Steyskal writes "Here's the latest front in the Title IX war. Women are suing to coach men's teams." The article brings up a very valid controversy about the nature of discrimination. Read it here from TownHall.com and think. Thanks also to Not PC for sending this in.

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Writer Berkoff Speaks Out Against Rape Accusation

Writer Steven Berkoff says rape laws should be changed to protect men from false accusations. This comes after a woman recently filed rape charges against him. Berkoff, who has claimed to be a male feminist, now says "I have dedicated my life to love and to women and to relationships," he said. "In my poetry and plays I have castigated men for what they have done to women. "I have done nothing wrong and nothing to be ashamed of. All I can say is I will not be vindictive." Berkoff, at the Edinburgh festival with his new play The Secret Love Life of Ophelia, said: "I used to be a feminist. Now I'm a misogynist. Update: I was just made aware that I neglected to post the link to the original article. My humblest apologies. :(

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Not All Child Killers Are the Same

Robert Cunningham writes "Gender feminists join forces with traditional conservatives in promoting that women deserve special treatment, even when children are killed! I thought a crime was a crime was a crime. You might like to send Janet Albrechtsen, the author of this article an email for presenting the case in lucid form that equality does not mean just in the work force, or providing services for female victims of domestic violence. NO, NO, NO. Equality also means that men and women ought to receive the same punishment for the same crime. And also the same compassion, where appropriate!"

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Protecting Primary Breadwinners In France

An interesting article from the Spectator about France, it seems that the French actually protected the traditional breadwinner role of men, by keeping heavy industry around, and unlike alot of western countries they're better off. The writer seems to think this is a bad thing however, towing the rad-fem line at a point, Still, it's an interesting read so click here to read it. On a side note, I have been thinking about how heavy industry might be regenerated in the west to help men out, do any of you have some ideas?

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Minimizing the Problems of Boys and Men

Robex writes "I came across this article in the UK Independent by a columnist called Natasha Walter. It was written in response to Doris Lessing's (a well known feminist) recent assertion in the UK National press that it is "Time for men to hit back." Lessing was referring to the brow beating of boys and the male gender in UK schools and their subsequent poor exam performances. Natasha Walter's heart apparently "sank" when she read Lessing's words because she does not know where the smug and complacent females referred to by Lessing are. Click Read More for the rest of Robex's commentary.

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Lesbian Moms and Junk Science

frank h writes "In this article on toogoodreports.com, Dr. Gerald Rowles provides a rebuttal to Dr. Peggy Drexler's "Moms are Enough" piece submitted a few days ago. Needless to say, Dr. Rowles and I agree 100%." It's great to see a printed rebuttal. Now if only the LA Times would print some of those Letters to the Editor.

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Ann Landers Blames Husband for Wife's Behavior

Both Hawth and Neil Steyskal submitted the following Ann Landers column. Hawth writes "Ann Landers responded to a man who complained that his wife was spending too much time playing computer games (and chatting excessively with a 25-year-old man!) by telling him that HE needed to liven up the marriage and that his wife was probably just bored. Had it been a woman who wrote in that her husband was spending all his time playing computer games and chatting on the phone with a much younger lady, I doubt Ann's response would have been the same."

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Secret Underground of The Patriarchy Exposed!

With this exclusive first-of-its-kind photograph, the misandrists finally have proof that, yes, we males really do control everything! What do you know? They finally discovered our secret. Hey, Scott and Adam, isn't that you in the front row? ;) (Folks, please do be aware that this piece is assigned to the "humor" department.) ;) Perhaps we should print out this page and tack it onto our bulletin boards.

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Judge: Father Must Allow Boy to Stay Overnight With Mother in Prison

cheddah writes "Risking contempt-of-court charges that could land him in jail, a father is refusing to let his 6-year-old son spend the night in prison with the boy's mother, a convicted killer." Unfortunately, the father agreed to visitation terms upon their divorce which allow the mother to have the children from Friday through Saturday. It is notable, however, that the mother is not asking the prison to change its rules to comply with the divorce decree for her 11-year-old son as well. Children do not belong in adult prisons. The story is here.

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The Reintroduction of Fatherhood

Robert Cunningham writes " Being an active and involved father does make a difference. I am very thankful that now, compared to when I was a child, more fathers want to be actively involved with their children. But does that mean that fathers are simply male mothers? Do they have a distinctive contribution to make? Just as mothers have a distinctive contribution to make. The following is a good attempt to explore this important domain." Interestingly, this report does try to strike a balance between fathers sharing motherhood roles and making their own father-specific contributions as well.

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MANN Chat: The Good That Men Do

Tonight's chat will be guest moderated by Steve Imparl, who also picked tonight's topic. Steve writes: In William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Anthony declares that the good that men do "is oft interred with their bones." Is this really true? Do our good works live on in our children, our creations, and our interactions with others? Do our good deeds have great value to all of us today and tomorrow? What good deeds are characteristically male actions? This week's chat topic is "The Good that Men Do." We will explore those special things that men offer the world, list them, and consider how to use them in men's activism. The chat begins at 9:30 p.m. ET and may be accessed here. Click "Read More" below for the complete details.

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Los Angeles Daily News Addresses Male Victims!

Marc Angelucci writes "The Los Angeles Daily News, which is the biggest competitor of the Los Angeles Times, printed an opinion piece by Glenn Sacks addressing the discrimination that male victims of domestic violence face throughout the County of Los Angeles. It mentions the data, the discrimination, just about everything that can be put in a short opinion piece." This is one of the best examples of careful accuracy and concision in newspaper commentary on these subjects I've seen in a while.

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Is Sexual Harassment Policy Driving Up College Tuition?

Wendy McElroy examines the other costs of extremist sexual harassment policies on college campuses these days: a rise in tuition. McElroy uses several cases as examples, including one in which California State University at Fullerton was ordered to pay $75,000 to a student whom they basically told to "keep off the grass." The student claimed she was reprimanded because she was female. CSUF is just one school. Sexual harassment policies, procedures, complaints, and lawsuits are ongoing at virtually every university and college in America. No figure exists on how much money harassment suits have collectively cost academia within the last twelve months. Nor is there an estimate on how much tuitions have risen in response.

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