Sandifer/Judge Kennedy Update

Here's an update we received by e-mail about Michael Sandifer: "Six days after being named a defendant in a $36 million lawsuit, [Colorado] State District Judge Thomas L. Kennedy had the Plaintiff, Father's Rights
Advocate, Michael Sandifer jailed. Sandifer spent 6 hours in the Criminal Justice Center of El Paso County before being released on bail. Sandifer has responded by saying: "I will be formally notifying State Attorney General, Ken Salazar, of my intention to bring civil action against the State of Colorado in Federal District Court under the Racketeering and Corrupt Practice Act. The lawsuit will seek class action status and be asking for damages in the amount of $ 1 Billion. For further information contact Chuck Hansen @ (719) 748-9058

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A Double Standard?

Chris Lee sent me this article from the Jerusalem Post. The article describes how a woman while waiting at an airport went into the parking garage, stripped off her clothes, and propositioned men for sex (not as a prostitute, but for "fun", I guess). The police found her and simply told the woman to behave "properly" in the future and set her free. Here's an exercise in thought: what do you think would have happened if a man did this?

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"Justice Files" Examines DNA Exonerations

This episode of Justice Files on the Discovery Channel Thursday night explored the use of DNA as a tool to both exonerate innocent men and identify the guilty. There were a couple of stories about innocent men who spent years behind bars, and who (only by the grace of elected officials) were allowed to use DNA testing to prove their innocence after conviction. I cannot find a repeat of this episode on the Discovery Channel Web site anywhere, but if anyone knows when it will air again, please inform us. The title of Thursday's program was "DNA On Trial."

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Help a Student Speak Out About Misinformation

Neuticle writes "I go back to college in a couple of weeks, and I remember that at the annual activities fair there has always been a "feminist"
booth. Now this booth was distributing a ton of the usual "Ms"-information about rape, discrimination and wage gap. This year,
I want to put up my own booth, with statistics and facts that present a different story, information that shows why the other
statistics are flawed, as well as examples of the discrimination against men (No reproductive choice, draft etc.)
Since I attend a very academically rigorous (and PC) institution, I know that I will need to
document good sources that I can cite to defend against the expected backlash. I have some info, but it has been scattered, and
this is a big project: I'm asking for help researching this.
I plan on publishing the finished compilation on my web site unless someone already has (which would be great)."
Please post any ideas you have in the comments section of this article - I hope Neuticle will also post his e-mail address there too!

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Gay Men's Health Issues Go Beyond HIV

From the Men's Health America list I found this New York Times article (free registration required). It's about the need for health education for gay men that goes beyond HIV and AIDS, which aren't the only health issues gay men face. The article discusses other STDs, prostate cancer, and problems many gay men face that are just as important to them as for heterosexuals.

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Man Leaves Prison After 13 Years for False Rape Conviction

cheddah submitted this article from the Boston Globe. Yet another man has been freed from prison based on rape charges that DNA evidence has vindicated him from. 13 years of Angel Hernandez's life was wasted in prison. "Hernandez, who maintained his innocence throughout his incarceration, said he forgives the state. He said he planned to spend time with his family."

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De Coster Thinks Women Are "Higher Mortal Beings"

Yes, you did read that title right - during a book review of The War Against Boys she says " A boy becomes a man by gaining strength, courage and chivalry. He is taught to respect females as a higher category of mortal being." Here is the book review I'm referring to. Her e-mail is Please kindly remind her that respect is a thing of individual merit which is earned, among other things. Be firm but fair in your replies.

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The Last Time She Hit a Man

This commentary on is one woman's story about the last time she ever hit her husband. She makes the important point that it didn't really matter whether she physically injured him when she hit him, the problem is that she hit him at all. It's always good to see someone awaken like this, although it is unfortunate that her husband had to be abused before it happened.

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MANN Chat: Using Technology to Advance the Men's Movement

This week's chat is on the topic of making use of technology,
particularly the internet, to promote men's rights and organize the
men's movement. Some people have noted that in recent years the men's
movement has made more progress than ever before, and that this has
corresponded directly with the rise of the internet. With the ability
to find people with similar views and experiences only a search engine
away, the 'net and other technologies are empowering men's activists
in ways that were never before possible. What can we do to help this
process along? Click here starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time tonight and join our discussion!

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Men's Hour Program No. 4

The latest episode of The Men's Hour, an internet radio program about men's rights, has been released on the web. Listen to it in Windows Media or RealAudio format at this page. Program 4 includes interviews with Maurice Elfeke about a hunger strike in Berlin, Michael Joiner, who did a hunger striker in Tennessee, and Trudy Schuett, author of the DesertLight Journal, and much more.

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Lessing Decries Male Bashing by Feminists

Doris Lessing, a well known feminist novelist, has recently spoken out about the needless and vicious male bashing that feminists keep promoting, according to this UK Guardian article. Lessing is quoted as saying, "It is time we began to ask who are these women who continually rubbish men. The most stupid, ill-educated and nasty woman can rubbish the nicest, kindest and most intelligent man and no one protests. Men seem to be so cowed that they can't fight back, and it is time they did."

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Divorced Dad Barred from Implanting Frozen Embryos

cheddah writes "The New Jersey Supreme Court today barred a divorced father from having frozen embryos implanted in another woman, which would make his ex-wife a mother against her will." The article is here from the Boston Globe. The argument here is clear: women cannot be forced into unwanted parenthood. Now how about the same thing for men?

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Not All Fathers Are Child Molesters

In 1971, the radical gender feminists developed a new theory about "The Patriarchy." They claimed that most fathers molest their daughters, "priming" them for wife and motherhood. Wendy McElroy in this column on Fox News puts the math to the myth.

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Men, Are You Headed for Divorce?

Neil Steyskal wrote a great editorial for Lew In it, he explains that men need to become aware of the high incidence of divorce which often is initiated by women, and to take steps to avoid it (divorce or marriage). The article begins, "Would you take action if you learned you might lose the use of your legs within seven years? Well, the odds on your being divorced are much, much higher; and it can cripple you almost as badly."

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Making it OK to be Male

Robert Cunningham writes "It is necessary for our culture to repudiate the deficit perspective on what it means to be male. Boys and men are not deficient simply by being male. Unless we address this negative understanding of the value of men and boys, which is largely accepted by our society, we cannot make inroads into reducing the high rates of suicide among men and boys. The following PDF document is a good attempt to promote a positive approach to the health and well-being of boys and men."

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