Spa Vacations Now Catering To Men

This article on Excite News bodes well for advertisers and the media once again recognizing the buying power of men. According to the PR piece (that's really what it is) more and more men are taking "solo" spa retreats, and more spa vacation packages are beginning to offer the "adventure" type retreats men are seeking. Unfortunately, the article also suggests that the reason men are taking these "solo" retreats is to meet single women. I say perhaps we just want to get away for a while.

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Anti-Ritalin Lawsuits Dropping Fast

Unfortunately for people who's children (mainly boys) are misdiagnosed with ADD or ADHD, credibility for claims of misdiagnosis is being shot down almost singlehandedly by an overzealous 65-year-old psychiatrist who wrote in a recent book that children should be having sex with each other as a means of liberating themselves from "parental oppression." The psychiatrist in question also happens to be one of Ritalin's biggest foes. This article on Fox News spills out the gory details.

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Woman Jailed Over False Abuse Claim

frank h sent in this story and writes "Finally, someone in law enforcement has woken up to the fact of false allegations! According to court records, the woman took photos of a bruise to her thigh she received in a fall from a ladder, using it later to try to prove her husband had kicked her and thrown a metal file at her."

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Weekends Peak Time For Men's Heart Attacks

There's been a tremendous amount of focus on women and heart disease in the media lately, which is surprising when you consider that men have traditionally been more likely to die from heart disease than women. This story on Excite News examines some potential reasons why men are more likely to get heart attacks on weekends rather than during the week.

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University Bookstore Controversy Reveals Other Women's Studies Problems

This story on Excite News is largely about the women's studies and English departments at the University of Arizona supporting an independent bookstore rather than the university bookstore. To combat this, the university instituted a policy in which all professors must submit book requirements for their classes to the university's bookstore. It also reveals how misleading the titles of women's studies courses can be. In some cases, such as the incident that sparked the institution of the policy, the required literature from Antigone has been about gender studies. Rep. Linda Gray, R-Ariz., who came out in support of the policy, said that was not the main issue for putting the mandate into place. "That really wasn't the important aspect," she said. "However, this student had signed up for a women's literature course and was not told it would be a celebration of the gay and lesbian community." Gray said instructors should be "up front" about the content of their courses, and they should practice "truth in advertising."

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Women's Studies Program Becomes "Gender Studies"

This article on Excite News claims that one of the oldest women's studies programs in the U.S. is changing its name to "gender studies" to "more accurately reflect the goal of the program." Unforunately, it does not appear to me that the program is being in any way altered to include men. Perhaps men aren't even a sex anymore? Numerous courses are offered through the program that have "gender" in their titles, but the department does not feel that more male students will feel welcome to take such courses.

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Female Politician May Lose Votes From Men-Only Club

A Massachusettes politician who was told she cannot speak at a men-only veterans dinner because she is female is enraged and thinking of taking legal action, according to this story on Excite News. The club in question does have some female members, but is a bona fide private club and can, therefore, exclude whom it wishes. The woman says that she could lose a prime networking opportunity if not allowed to attend the dinner. Silva told DeFranco the men-only dinners are a tradition. "And that's the way it's going to be," he said.

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Colorado State U. Offers Help For All Victims of Sexual Assault

This story on Excite News reports on a new advocacy program geared toward assisting victims of sexual assault on that campus. The story specifically states (twice) that the program is there to help both female and male victims of sexual assault. We'll all remember that Colorado State U. is one university that received quite a bit of flack for preventing male students from participating in "Take Back The Night" rallies, and for repeatedly perpetuating the notion that women are victims and men are predators. Although this looks like a step in the right direction, I am still uncomfortable that the program is run by the "Office of Women's Studies."

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DC Police Family Violence Study Biased

Neil Steyskal writes "The Washington Post reported here about a DC Police Dept. evaluation of their handling of family violence cases. The study interviewed only women. Let's remind them, again, about the men victims. Write to:"

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Australia Considering "Divorce Tax"

Robert Cunningham wrote in about a proposed tax in Australia for the "guilty party" in a divorce, and brought up some interesting points: "A "Divorce tax on the guilty party" is a retrograde step! Why increase suffering? Rather it is helpful to try to reduce the suffering of those who are divorcing, both men and women. Marriage is extremely important, especially when children are involved! But couples ought not to be forced to stay together who ought to separate. The goal is shared parenting, not forced marriages. The response of Michael Green to this article is most pertinent. Michael Green has a web-site at You can send him an email, via the web site."

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Are Your Tax Dollars Being Used to Fund Andrea Yates' Defense?

frank h writes "I really didn't want to submit yet another Andrea Yates story, but this one is making me vomit. I just read another article about how the feminists are being financed by the federal government, and it seems like the feds might even be funding Yates' legal defense!" While I didn't see anyting in the article that stated that money is directly going from federal programs to Yates' defense, these two articles, taken together, strongly suggest that it could be done.

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Parental Alienation Questionnaire

Stan Hayward writes "A questionnaire on parental alienation set up by Families Need Fathers in the UK is getting many responses from around the world, and in particular from the USA. Check out the website at for the main site, and click here for the questionnaire. It is permitted for this questionnaire to be used by other fathers groups."

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Stop Anti-Male Bias

Steve wanted to announce a new on-line resource for people to focus on stopping male bashing and anti-male bias. Appropriately, it is titled Stop Anti-Male Bias and is a Yahoo! Club. Their mission is: "This club is dedicated to promoting a gender-neutral approach to equality, and stopping the destructive influence of anti-male bias in the media, legislation, and general society. "Don't get mad - take action""

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Women Allowed to Humiliate Men Via One-Way Bathroom Mirrors

This story in The Sunday Times is as much an insult to men as the accusatory college campus urinals we discussed recently. It seems that some bars in South Africa have decided to put one-way mirrors between men's and women's restrooms so that women can see men at their most vulnerable. They've installed couches in the women's restrooms so that the women can sit "in comfort" and gawk (and laugh) at males. I wonder how long it would take a woman in the reverse situation to file a lawsuit?

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Male-Only Golf Club Under Fire

Rams sent in this link to an ESPN article about a proposed male-only golf course in Arizona. The club is meant to be specifically geared toward "serious, low-handicap golfers" and will be limited to about 500 members. Is this the 'ol boy network at work, or is it truly analogous to women's health clubs? In any case, it is believed that the club will be legal because it does not serve the public and has a small number of members.

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