Date Violence Common To Both Boys and Girls

In typical feminist media fashion this article on Excite News acknowledges that both boys and girls are victims of date violence these days, but then goes on to focus almost entirely on the female victims. The report suggests that 9 percent of females and 6 percent of males in high school are victims of date violence. Not a large difference in percentages there. Wonder why male victims are ignored?

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Utah State University Teaches Women To Beat Up Men

This story on Excite News reveals a new campaign by Utah State University to teach women alone how to to defend themselves against sexual assaults. The college offers a self-defense class "for women only" to this end. The article, at the end, acknowledges male victims of sexual assault, but then dismisses them based on numbers.

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Sexual Liberation: Is It True Liberation Or Oppression?

In spite of the author's obvious support of women holding sexual power over men, this column on Excite News makes a good point about how duplicitous feminism is regarding the sexual display of femininity, specifically, the exposing of women's undergarments as a fashion statement: is it women sexually expressing themselves, or women oppressing themselves by making themselves "objects" of men's desire? Unfortunately, the author does not point out the third possibility: that these women could be using sex as a manipulative advantage.

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West Hollywood Declares September Prostate Cancer Month

Contrary to the recent feminist posting on this Web site accusing men of apathy regarding men's health issues, this story on Excite News indicts a lack of education and awareness of prostate cancer as a chief cause of a lack of early detection, particulary among African American men. Also, if we have any readers from West Hollywood, get out there on Sept. 16 and get your free examination.

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Farrell Says Frozen Embryos May Assist Choice For Men

In this column by Warren Farrell, the sage of the men's movement takes a look at how recent lawsuits over technological advancements like frozen embryos may actually assist men in equalizing ourselves with women over whether we want to become fathers. In essence, he says contract law is going to become more important in custody cases than laws based on biology, specifically because more lesbian couples are going to find themselves in the same types of custody lawsuits as heterosexual couples.

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Women Not the Only Losers of the Sexual Revolution

Not PC sent in this article by TownHall columnist Paul Craig Roberts. Roberts writes that, contrary to the common stereotypes, men have also been harmed by the sexual revolution, which is making it increasingly difficult for men to find long-term relationships and, in particular, marriage with a woman. "Men do want marriage. There is no comfort in a different woman every night. Moreover, that approach to sex might produce offspring, but not a lifetime relationship with sons, daughters and grandchildren." Later in the article Roberts also looks at the way marriage has been decimated by easy divorces. He acknowledges that marriage has even become a foolish choice for most men these days, and that some serious reform of divorce laws will be needed recover the value of marriage. His message is that the sexual revolution has also destroyed the value of lifelong fathers, and so men are also the losers of the sexual revolution.

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Reader Response on Men's Health

A. Hunter sent in a short rant (as she described it) on men's health and men's responsibility to take care of their health. You can read it by clicking "Read More" below. Hunter shares her experiences trying to get her husband to see a doctor regularly and the frustration it can cause. She raises some good points about how men are often their own worst enemy when it comes to health issues, but I think there are a lot of other factors that contribute to the problem as well.

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No Prison Sleepover for Child with Mother who Murdered

frank h writes "This article says that the Governor of Nebraska is revoking the 'right' of an imprisoned mother to have her six-year-old son spend the night with her in prison. Hooo-Ray for common sense. The judges, on the other hand, favored the sleepover. This Governor needs to hear from men nationwide who applaud his action because he will surely hear from the feminists." This brings up some interesting questions. I think everyone would agree that having a child sleep in a prison with a parent convicted of murder is not a good idea, but what about less serious crimes? Do children not belong in prisons at all or should a parent (often the father, mind you) serving some time for a minor offense be given the right to see his or her child for an extended visit?

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Men's Contraceptive

Neil Steyskal sent in this story from Australia's Herald Sun and writes "Having children that you haven't planned is one of the most serious risks for men. [This] new development brings us a bit closer to having more control over it."

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Judge Orders WOMAN Not To Have Children

In a surprising twist on the recent Wisconsin Supreme Court decision which banned a so-called "deadbeat" dad from fathering any more children, a Minnesota judge has banned a woman from having any more children after she was convicted for her role in the death of her infant. Pierce County Judge Dane Morey also sentenced Andrea Goetz, 26, to 10 years probation. Goetz was found guilty in June of second-degree reckless homicide in the death of her 3-month-old daughter. She had faced a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. Still, she didn't get her due time in jail, as a man would have.

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Republican Women Don't Get Their Way, Claim Discrimination

A group of whiny Georgia Republican women are claiming in this story that new districting maps (which openly discriminate against Republicans, according to the Democrats) discriminate more so against women. If the men's movement needed any more evidence that we are friends of neither liberals nor conservatives, this is it. It is notable, however, that the Democrat women in this controversy are not siding with the Republican women, claiming that the new maps are not discriminatory based on gender.

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Mass. SJC and Restraining Orders

JDD writes "This article from the Boston Globe deals with a woman attending a town concert and seeing a man she has filed a restraining order against also in attendance. In addition to it being an interesting read, I found the blatant use of gender in this paragraph to be disturbing: 'The zone of protection around the victim, in this case, 100 yards, is designed to create a barrier between the victim and the batterer and prevent any contact, Wolfman said. ''The victim knows she's safe,'' she said. ''The batterer knows he has to stay away. The police know they can arrest.'''"You can e-mail the author of this article at

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Culture of Dating Spreads to the Internet

This humorous column in the Nashville Scene points out that Internet dating services are now taking advantage of men's wallets in the same way women have been doing for years: shell out loads of cash, potentially get some company. Note the final paragraph of the column, as it has the most relevance to the men's movement.

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Motorola Donates Phones to "Save Women's Lives"

In a new woman-oriented PR move for Motorola Corp., the company is rounding up old mobile phones, which it then plans to donate to shelters for female victims of domestic violence. The company claims it wants to provide safety for women by providing them with an easy way to call for help. There are no plans for a similar campaign for male victims of domestic violence. I suppose this is better than donating pepper spray.

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Responses to Dowd's Dating Article

Neil Steyskal wrote in to let us know that the New York Times has printed a few responses to Maureen Dowd's recent article where she interviews people who think that women who pay for or split the cost of dates are "archaic feminist relics." The responses, which were overwhelmingly critical of this self-serving view, can be read here (free NYT registration required).

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