Feminist's Anti-American Speech Causes Uproar

This story on Canada.com details a recent Canadian controversy in which a former president of NAC spoke to a women's conference (to much applause) about America's "trail of blood," adding that people should not feel pain for the deaths of those who were attacked and killed on Sept. 11. (One wonders if she would feel the same had 80 percent of the victims been female.) Naturally, the speech has generated much controversy. One interesting thing about this woman, though, is her stance on mainstream feminism: As the outspoken leader of the NAC, Thobani created much controversy when she said in 1995 that only white, middle-class women had benefited from the feminist movement. Although I do not agree with her anti-American rant, I actually do tend to agree with her statement about the feminist movement.

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New Program for Female Juvenile Offenders

Trudy W Schuett writes "While the program mentioned in this article from Connecticut's Journal Inquirer appears mostly focused on teaching girls to further manipulate their 'victimhood' as a way to success in life, at least there's an acknowledgement of the increase in females committing violent crimes."

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Dan Curry Interviews Trudy Schuett from the DesertLight Journal

DanCurry writes "The DesertLight Journal's publisher and online author Trudy Schuett will be interviewed on The Dan Curry Show this Saturday at 2PM Pacific time. Dan Curry hosts an Internet talk show focused primarily on men's issues. October being Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we want to focus on biases against men and realistic solutions for slowing the cycles of domestic violence and abuse. Dan Curry is also accepting requests and recommendations for interviewees and guests on future shows. You can submit those here. Questions for guests can be submitted before or during the show here. All you need to listen is Windows Media Player or any third party MP3 player. Webcasting is made available through the services of Live365.com. If you have trouble listening to the show from my site, help is available here."

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Some Responses to Glenn Sacks' Articles

Glenn Sacks had some responses printed about his recent articles in the UCLA Daily Bruin. In one, Glenn is sharply criticized for his article about Afghanistan's history, but the final letter is a positive and insightful response to his article on Title IX. You can read the letters here.

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War on Terrorism Renews Women in the Military Debate

This article on jsonline.com discusses not women and the Draft, but women in the military in general. Opinions from both sides are well-represented: why women should be in combat roles and why they shouldn't. It's something to think about. From an advocate for women in combat: "Women are tougher than most people think, and they can shoot as well as any man, that's not sex-linked."

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Indian Men Assist In Developing New Condoms

This story on azcentral.com reports that contraceptive use by men in India is extremely low, largely because of the high rate of failure of condoms. With that in mind, the India Council of Medical Research is measuring a variety of Indian men in order to create a variety of condom sizes, which they hope will reduce the failure rate. The ICMR officials said only three percent of Indians use condoms while 52 percent don't use any contraceptive method. " These measures could help protect men against unwanted children and disease.

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Spas For Men Springing Up In Some Areas

Getting pampered in a spa used to be a mainly female pasttime, according to this short article, but now many men are starting to look for places of their own to improve their health and appearances. Enter a Parisian spa for men, which this fall is opening a spa for men in New York. It's a response to the growing numbers of guys sheepishly seeking help at traditional spas and cosmetic counters. "The idea is that men are too intimidated or embarrassed to ask the saleslady at Nordstrom about the bags under their eyes," says Sarah Anderson of the Grooming Lounge.

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Is Terrorism Male?

This column from jsonline.com claims that terrorism is "gendered male," and points to the fact that all 19 terrorists in the recent attacks on America were male. The author goes to great lengths to suggest that "not all men are terrorists," and even suggests that terrorism, like being a doctor and smoking, may be things that are male-dominated only for a time. From a women's studies source in the article: She would have been surprised, Ferree said, if it had been women who were flying planeloads of innocent people into buildings filled with more innocent people. We know females are capable of violence, but in most parts of the world women are far better known for raising children and nurturing family and community relationships, she said. The question in my mind is: why did the author choose this subject to write about at this time?

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"Dear Abby" Acknowledges Male Victims of Abusive Relationships

Today's Dear Abby column includes a heart-wrenching letter from the parents of a man who lived with an abusive woman for years. Fortunately for him, he's broken free of that relationship, and still maintains contact with his children. The most important part of this column, however, is that Dear Abby acknowledges that women can be perpetrators as well as victims. Scott's update: We'd like to give credit to Neil Steyskal for submitting this too.

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Infomercial Promotes Prostate Cancer Awareness

nagzi writes "I was just finishing watching Star Trek: TNG (late night) and before I had a chance to turn the TV off, an infomercial came on about a product that's supposed to help with prostate cancer. They gave some pretty scary stats: 10 million men are walking around and do not even know that they have a problem. They talked about some of the operations that men have to go through to treat the cancer -- very scary. Also, Dirk Benedick (StarBuck from Battlestar Galactica) was helping to promote the product. He talked about his experiences when he tried to talk about prostate cancer on national TV, and he basically was told to stop talking about it. Maybe someone in a men's issues group could get a hold of Mr. Benedick to promote prostate cancer. The product is called Beta Prostate, and no, I don't have anything to do with it. I just found it interesting that so much information was given, and that there was actually something about prostate cancer on TV."

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Female-Only Shortlists for MPs in England

Vic writes "This is one of several articles in British Newspapers today that announce Labour's plans to introduce female-only shortlists in choosing MPs to feature in British Parliament as a means of "positive discrimination" against men to bump up the numbers of women in parliament. Is there any such thing as "positive discrimination"? - I'd like to know what others think, and would it lead to less able MPs standing in parliament? Is this cynical Blairite vote-catching in the same way Labour has a Minister for Women but not for men?"

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MANN Chat: The Draft, Part 2

Tonight's Mensactivism.org chat will be a continuation of last week's discussion on the male-only military draft. Based on the great turnout we had last week and the depth of the discussions, this topic is worthy of another chat session. To participate, click here for our on-line chat page and log in tonight, 10/3 at 9:30 PM Eastern Time.

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Prenuptial Agreements to be Legally Tested

Cheddah submitted this Boston Globe article and writes "A prenuptial agreement might not be upheld because the woman may have been under "unfair" circumstances when she signed it - MA Probate and Family Court Judge Catherine Sabaitis ruled that the agreement was not fair and reasonable, noting that Susan DeMatteo did not fully explore her options. ''I think this is a pivotal case for prenuptial agreements,'' said Mark T. Smith, one of Marty DeMatteo's lawyers. ''If this decision is upheld, then it is essentially going to make prenuptial agreements unenforceable.''" The ex-wife is complaining that her $35k/year alimony, house, car, and other benefits aren't satisfactory. The ex-husband also didn't earn his wealth - it was inherited. I think this is an obvious case of greed to the extreme.

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New DesertLight Journal, and a DV Awareness Campaign

Trudy Schuett's excellent DesertLight Journal e-zine has reached issue 13, and can be read at this link. As October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the focus is on the domestic abuse of men, with several interesting essays. Trudy's also been heading a campaign to get the media to cover battered men - click here for a letter template and how you can participate.

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Domestic Violence Awareness Program Ignores Male Victims

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and, as many of us suspected, male victims are being ignored. This Web site focuses on Domestic Violence Awareness month as a time to acknowledge only female victims. This organization may benefit from a little enlightenment by some of our folks who are familiar with domestic violence against men.

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