Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2001-11-18 17:25
Calvin Heide submitted this link to a story from It's about G.I. Joe, the military action figure that is popular among boys. Increasing sales of the toy are getting the attention of groups which oppose violence in children's toys, and this article is about that subject. While I'm particularly disgusted with the amount of violence on TV, I think G.I. Joe is the least of our worries. As the article ends, "Parents know their children best [and what is] most appropriate for them."
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2001-11-18 07:07
Robert Cunningham writes " While this report was published last year, it certainly needs a wider audience. The Suicide in Australia report is full of helpful material. It relates the suicide of men with family breakdown, in a manner that is usually ignored."
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2001-11-18 04:34
krob4399 sent in this article from BBC News about how hormonal differences between men and women relate to how they cope with stress. They found that young women cope with stress better than men, but post-menopausal women lost the advantage due to lack of the hormone oestradiol. Yet the end of the article observes that there are many kinds of stress and that broad conclusions shouldn't be drawn from the study.
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2001-11-18 01:45
Thomas writes "This disgusting editorial cartoon appeared in the 11/15/01 Rocky Mountain News. Copley News Service depicts the "normal" male as a lazy, fat pig, while his wife works outside on the lawn. This is done at a time when young men are struggling and risking their lives for us and the Boulder city government, through the library, preaches anti-male hate and promotes anti-male violence. Note: you'll have to click the "Get Image" button next to 11/05/01."
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2001-11-17 23:30
Writing for, Robert Higgs slams the draft in defense of men, by standing by the founding principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It's only 5 paragraphs long, but gets the point across. "Whatever happened to the idea that every person, even a young man, has inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Whatever happened to the idea that a just government is instituted to secure these rights, not to crush them underfoot upon the earliest pretext?" this has to be the first anti-draft article I've came across to use that argument.
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Submitted by Nightmist on Sat, 2001-11-17 20:45
This harrowing story deals a severe blow to Choice For Men as far as American justice is concerned. A young man agreed to impregnate his girlfriend (who wanted a child) as long as she signed a contract stating he would not be held financially responsible for the child's upbringing and no one would ever know he was the father. Ten years later, the mother filed a paternity suit against him... and won. Scott's note: Thanks also to Neil Steyskal for submitting this story.
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2001-11-17 15:14
LeonardMisner submitted a story about his struggle with the child support system, which overcharged him and apparently made deliberate accounting mistakes to increase his expenses. The following story will be included in his new book, In the Children's Best Interest, available through his web site. Read More below for a summary of his situation.
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2001-11-17 03:37
frank h writes "This article in the Chicago Tribune indicates complete surprise at the "astounding" way in which girls have bested boys in ALL subjects in their most recent standardized tests. These people must have their heads in the sand, what with all the NAEP and other data that's been published on the deficiencies in boys' academic performance. This is something we can do something about on a small scale, because most school districts are operated locally, and it's possible for a small, motivated group to have an impact. Further, few mothers of sons would object to getting help with their boy's reading homework, no matter what their feminist bent."
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2001-11-17 00:50
Trudy Schuett's latest DesertLight Journal is out, No. 16. You probably know the routine by now, click here for the latest issue. This particular issue includes info about a new "Activism for Newbies" section on the DLJ web site and also an announcement of a new electronic publishing company friendly to men's issues, cyberManbooks. Trudy's efforts on behalf of men are truly incredible.
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2001-11-16 23:33
From Men's News Daily: "Hi Scott- here is a link to Lowell Jaks' letter to the DA of Boulder, CO on their decision to prosecute Bob Rowan." With the address of the District Attorney in the letter, I'd encourage others to write in as well.
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2001-11-16 21:58
Neil Steyskal writes "Abigail Trafford's column in the Washington Post health section talks about 9/11 as a catalyst for divorces. It's no coincidence that the examples she gives involve women leaving men. Comment to:" Talk about a one-sided article - you'd think all divorces are simply about men being inadequate and women righteously moving on.
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2001-11-16 18:35
Neil Steyskal pointed me to this article from the Washington Post. It's about the history of religions and how they are rooted in male contempt (and fear of) women and femininity. Apparently the author of the article hasn't read anything by Rich Zubaty.
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2001-11-16 07:02
krob4399 submitted this New York Times article (free registration required to read) about how men in some parts of Afghanistan are now free to shave their beards since the Taliban have left. I thought this was a very interesting story about the new cultural freedoms men will be able to enjoy in a Taliban-free Afghanistan.
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2001-11-16 02:57
Neil Steyskal sent in this article from and writes "Kathleen Parker says that drafting women will result in a wave of pregnancies" Parker's views are mixed, she is strongly against women in combat but does seem to believe that women should make some sacrifices for the sake of our military. It seems that the main purpose of her article is to refute Anna Quindlen's recent Newsweek article which defends drafting women.
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Submitted by Nightmist on Fri, 2001-11-16 02:49
This article in the National Review suggests that Harvard's publishing house refused to publish a book titled The Case of Marriage out of a political bias for feminist orthodoxy rather than the reasons the publishing house's board originally stated: that they believed the book failed to provide evidence of casual benefits of marriage. Now, though, researchers claim to have proven those benefits: For the first time in the history of research on marriage, Ginther and Zovodny appear to have successfully shown that the "marriage premium" — the tendency of married individuals to make more money than single people — is an actual effect of marriage, and not just a function of a preference shown by both employers and potential spouses for people with qualities likely to bring about success.
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