Foreskins Used in Burn Bandages

Neil Steyskal pointed me to this UK Daily Telegraph article which mentions a new bandage that can be used to speed up the healing process for burn victims. The miracle material the bandage is made of?: foreskins from circumcised infants.

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MANN Chat: Male Friendship

This week's on-line chat is on the topic of male
friendships, and how to promote friendship and brotherhood amongst men. Too often these days, men are isolated from each other, and don't create opportunities to meet with other men on a regular basis. What can be done to help change this, and what are some ways to establishing new friendships with other men? While this seems like an odd topic in and of itself, it's a very important one for the men's movement to consider. Our success depends on promoting meaningful relationships between men and getting men to see themselves as a group with common interests to act upon. You probably know the routine, click here at 9:30 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday, Nov. 7, to log in and participate.

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The Seat of Temperance (in Men)

krob4399 submitted this link to a UK Telegraph story which describes the discovery of a "seat of temperance" in men's brains, which is used to censor sexual drive. Apparently this part of the brain has evolved over time, as it is much smaller and less developed in primates than in human beings. krob4399 thought it was interesting to contrast this discovery with this article, which is about pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder, somewhat the opposite of the "seat of temperance" with women.

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Is Unilateral Divorce Bad For Children?

Neil Steyskal sent in another interesting link to an abstract about a study examining the policy implications of making divorce easier for parents, and how it affects children. While some common sense could easily answer this question, it brings to light issues that are starting to get some serious attention from state governments, including New Hampshire, which is considering whether to abolish no-fault divorce for parents with minor children.

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The Extinction of Men?

Neil Steyskal sent in a mixed article about men's health and social status. The article raises the point that with men's health and longevity in such a poor state, combined with negative attitudes about men's roles in society, that men could literally become extinct in the not so distant future. On the other hand, there's a disturbing quote blaming men for starting and maintaining all of the major wars currently going on in the world. Perhaps these people need to realize that it's that kind of negative attitude about men's roles in society that's the problem.

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Domestic Violence is a Societal Problem

Trudy W Schuett writes "This article in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette details the balanced viewpoint given by a female cop lecturing at Mount Wachusett Community College criminal justice classes. She says, "Do not ever make a domestic violence arrest based on gender."" I've heard a local story about some female police officers who questioned some of the training given by a local domestic violence shelter too - and I'm thankful for it.

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Woman Murders and Cooks Husband

Uberganger writes "A truly horrific story of domestic violence and murder from Australia, found via The woman abused all four of her husbands, murdering the last one in a particularly grotesque way. Let's hope she is put away for life, as the article suggests she probably will be. How long do you suppose it'll be before some group of 'do-gooders' try to present her as the real victim?"

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World Conference of Men's Health: "Men must become the new women"

brad writes "This National Post article raises issues of male health. "Doctors gathering today for the first World Conference on Men's Health in Vienna, Austria, have a solution for the sad state of today's male: Men must become the new women."" That pretty much sums up the article, too. Although it covers the importance of men to organize and lobby for men's health issues, it seems very condescending at the same time. But at least the issue is getting some more attention.

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MND Named "Cool Site of the Day" Today

mpaiello writes "Men's News Daily has been named today's Cool Site of the Day. The site will be available here for viewing and voting today only. If you support Men's News Daily, please click this link and VOTE FOR US!! The higher our rating, the more likely we'll be picked for Cool Site of the Month or even of the year. That would be a boon for putting men's issues in the mainstream of popular thought and discussion. Thank you Scott, and all the readers of Men's Activism - Michael Patrick Aiello,"

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McElroy to Debate on Prostitution at Univ. of Colorado

Thomas Walsh asked me to announce that Wendy McElroy from will be debating Kathleen Barry about whether prostitution and pornography exploits women. The debate is being sponsored by the Campus Libertarians and will be held this Tuesday, Nov. 6. A poster for the debate can be seen here. If you need more info or are interested in attending it, drop Thomas an e-mail.

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Women's eNews: Kids Need Money, Not Men

Women's eNews' attack on fatherhood continues with this commentary by Cindy Richards, who claims that fathers are not necessary and contribute nothing to the child rearing process, and that fathers may simply be replaced by wallets. Oh, and by the way, the editor's note at the top of this story says that this piece is the "first in a series." I wonder what other BS they have planned?

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Supervised Child Exchanges Becoming Popular

Neil Steyskal sent in an article from the Christian Science Monitor about a new idea that is gaining popularity in the U.S: supervised visitation exchanges of children in a neutral setting. The idea is to keep both parents from seeing each other to avoid conflicts which inevitably harm the children. The system seems fair and does what it's intended to do, so I think it's a great idea.

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Book Review: Naomi Wolf's Misconceptions

I've found this book review of "Misconceptions Truth, Lies, and the Unexpected on the Journey to Motherhood" by Naomi Wolf, a well known feminist. Reading the review, I was reminded of Carolyn F. Graglia's comment (author of Domestic Tranquility: A Brief Against Feminism in case you're not aware) that women's advocates are the biggest woman haters of all, chances are you might get the same impression as well.

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A New Warrior of the 21st Century

zerostress writes "This story of a man and his peculiar war should be an
example of what a man who desires to influence the world for
the good can do. Let's hope his example will prompt
many of us to do the utmost for what we believe"
This is an amazing story about a man who is delivering humanitarian aid on the front lines of battle in Afghanistan. He really is an inspirational person.

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N.O.W. Getting Worried About "Gender Studies"

Steve writes "Academic freedom is under further attack. This N.O.W. article attacks all gender studies which are not Women's Studies." The fear of offering legitimacy to "Men's Studies" is explicitly mentioned in the article, written by Loretta Kane. Apparently, N.O.W. is starting to get worried about the men's movement.

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