Glenn Sacks on the Dan Curry Show

DanCurry writes "Glenn Sacks will be on the Dan Curry show
Saturday, October 20th starting at 2PM Pacific Time.
Glenn is the only regularly published Columnist in the US who writes about gender issues from a
perspective unapologetically sympathetic to men.
We will be discussing some of his recent articles, including
Domestic Violence: A Two-Way Street
and more. You can submit questions prior to the show or
in realtime via this form. As always,
you can set the pace for future shows by suggesting a guest."

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Wales Man Refunded Child Support After Proving He Wasn't the Father

In some very encouraging news, a man from Wales (UK) will receive a check for 30k pounds, plus interest, after paying child support for seven years for a child that he never fathered. He discovered this fact after taking a DNA paternity test. Gerard Bradbury decided to take the test as the CS payments began to become "crippling" to him. Bradbury said, "I don't begrudge the child a penny but I hate being taken for a fool. The last few years have been a nightmare. But now at last I can get on with my life." This was noted as the second time in Britain that a man was able to stop paying child support when backed by a DNA test. You can read the BBC story at this link.

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Paul Craig Roberts on Domestic Violence

Not PC sent in Paul Craig Roberts' latest article from In it, Roberts talks about the ways "propaganda has crowded out truth" in domestic violence awareness, with companies such as Philip Morris sponsoring one-sided advertisements "designed to arouse anger at men." Roberts also brings up the Super Bowl Sunday DV myth, which I think serves as an excellent example of how the media goes overboard when trying to report on sensational news (especially the kind that denigrates men at the same time).

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California Governor Addresses Men's Rights! Well, Sort of...

Marc Angelucci writes "Governor Davis of California just vetoed SB 700, a California bill that would give special child visitation rights to "Any female prisoner serving a term of imprisonment subject to Section 3041 who has not had a release date" but not to males in a
similar situation. Davis vetoed the bill for reasons mostly having to do with security. He did mention that it excludes males, but then he cites the problem as one of "costly litigation" rather than civil rights. Again, men don't *really* have rights. Here is all he says on the discrimination: 'Of additional concern is that by permitting specified female prisoners, but not similarly classified males, to have family visits, could lead to costly litigation due to its gender-specific provisions.' Thanks Governor Davis. Sort of."

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Criminalizing Masculinity

frank h writes "This article is an important commentary on the destruction of maleness at the hands of feminists that comes at a critical time, when we now begin to resurrect our recognition of the value of machismo and testosterone in the towers of the WTC and the mountains of Afghanistan. An unspoken message here is that the feminists have done real damage to the military and that maybe it's time for the dismantling of the Pentagon's Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS)." Thanks also to Neil Steyskal for submitting this story.

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DesertLight Journal No. 14

Need I say more? DLJ number 14 is out, and can be read at the usual spot. The focus again is on domestic violence, including a summary I wrote about Day 1 of my DV awareness project at UNH. Enjoy!

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Teen Boys Face Years of Stigma For Minor Infractions

This story in the Detriot Free Press highlights a major flaw in the sexual offenders registry system used all over this country: it can stigmatize men as rapists or pedophiles, even if their actions weren't consistent with those crimes. He was 16, wanting to be one of the guys, playing truth or dare. The dare: touch a girl's breast during a football game at Hazel Park High School last year. He did. As a result, the boy will be branded as a sex criminal until the year 2024.

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Women's Educational Equity Act is No Longer Necessary

Neil Steyskal sent in this report by The Heritage Foundation. Krista Kafer writes that the Women's Educational Equity Act is currently wasting taxpayer dollars that could be used to help economically disadvantaged children, which are currently the ones in most need of more educational resources. In the process, Kafer debunks the myth that "schools shortchange girls," and points out many areas where boys are doing very poorly. The report seems targeted to lawmakers, and includes important graphs and statistical information.

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Sacks Again Refutes DV Myths

Glenn Sacks, one of the only regularly published male columnists who writes about gender issues from a perspective unapologetically sympathetic to men, is at it again. This time he has an editorial which made it into the Los Angeles Daily Journal and the San Francisco Daily Journal, with an article similarly themed to his Daily Bruin one on the truth about domestic violence. This is particularly significant since the two newspapers are targeted to and read by legal professionals, including lawyers and judges. Since I don't have links to his story on either of those two newspapers, you can read it on his web site here. All I can say is, go Glenn!

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Free Speech Hating Feminist Accused of Hate Speech

Wendy McElroy's latest column on Fox News explores the irony of a Canadian anti-free speech feminist's recent anti-American speech. Her own government, which sponsors her with Canadian tax dollars, is now attempting to distance itself from her. According to McElroy, this woman has for years claimed that free speech is a white male plot to oppress women, and that women could only obtain power by suppressing free speech.

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Glenn Sacks Examines Domestic Violence Myths

In this article from the Daily Bruin, Glenn Sacks examines some popular feminist myths about domestic violence in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Serious research on domestic violence overwhelmingly asserts that domestic assault is committed by both men and women and that, by using weapons and the element of surprise, women are abusing their male partners as often as vice versa. Only about a quarter of violent heterosexual relationships fit the feminist "man/aggressor, woman/victim" model - about the same percentage as fit the "woman/aggressor, man/victim" model.

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Sperm Gene Discovery May Create New Contraception And Fertility Possibilities

Scientists have discovered a gene which apparently controls the speed of human sperm, and may result in new contraceptives for men by blocking this gene. On the other hand, repairing a defective copy of of this gene could help cure infertile men (if their infertilty is a result of the defective gene).

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Ford Worker May Keep Confidential Documents

This story on Excite News reports some good news for those of us dismayed by the anti-male discrimination policies of Ford Motor Co. A Ford worker allegedly stole human resources documents which prove Ford's discrimination practices (we saw portions of those documents in a previous post here, I believe). A judge has ruled that the worker does not need to return those documents to Ford, and portions of them have actually been read into the court's records.

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Men Less Afraid of Flying Than Women, Survey Shows

Steve writes "This story
from the Associated Press
reports on a recent poll showing that women are much more likely than
men to be afraid of flying in airplanes. The AP poll found that 6 out of 10 women are bothered by flying, as compared to 3 out of 10 men. 27% of women said they are "afraid" of flying, while only 10% of men said they are afraid. I'd be interested in the thoughts of other members about: 1 - Reasons for the gap between men's fears about flying and women's fears about flying, and 2 - The policy implications of this difference, if any."

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War, Violence Are Not Masculine Says Iowa U. Forum

This story on Excite News delves a little deeper into the issues of war and the gender roles involved in it that have been discussed in so much depth on this site recently. According to the article, not every country is like the U.S. in its wariness about sending women into battle. In Sri Lanka, as a matter of fact, 35 percent of the combat forces are female. "Women have actively participated as perpetrators of violence," Eyango said. "Historically, women have been combatants because of their physique and ability to conceal weapons. Women make up 35 percent of the fighting force in Sri Lanka."

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