Part 2 of "Mothers Need Money Not Fathers"

I'm half tempted to not post the latest piece of anti-father psuedo-science by but I think some activism is needed here. To get straight to it, they blame fathers for the nearest mothers' problems and think a socialistic quick fix is the answer, among other points of mindless folly. If you want to respond to this, try writing in the letters to the editors section. And guess what? it says "Note: Women's Enews reserves the right to edit or delete letters." Funny thing is, that wasn't there last week...

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ACLU Defends Colorado Misandry

Steve writes "The ACLU wants to prosecute the man who stole the ceramic penises. The story is here. You can also vote on whether he should be charged, and comment on it." It looks like they've closed the voting poll, but people have clearly come out against the display, saying that the man was justified in removing it.

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Sexual Harassment False Accusations Site

Erik has an excellent web site about false accusations, particularly with regard to sexual harassment. Anyone with personal experience or other interest in this topic should check it out: He includes information about many high profile sexual harassment cases, some of which are real eye-openers.

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Men Need Not Apply?

Fredpro writes "I was just browsing through my University's online jobs listing, and of the three relevant positions available one specifically (and quite obviously) encourages females to apply.
The job is in the physics/engineering/computer science field and I understand that females are a minority in this particular area. My question is, are they allowed to recommend a specific gender should apply? I'm unsure, and before I whine to the employer, I would like to get my facts straight. Thanks!"
Also note that this University is in Australia.

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Robert Rowan May Join On-Line Chat

This is a currently unverified rumor, but I have been told that Robert Rowan, the man who stole the male bashing art display from the Boulder, CO library, is going to participate in our on-line chat tomorrow night. More details will follow as they become available. Don't get your hopes up just yet, though....

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Men: The Expendable Sex

I wrote this column about the draft and the perceived expendability of men versus women a while back for my now-defunct The Guy Code column. Wendy McElroy at graciously agreed to use it as a guest editorial on her page. I am also linking to it from MANN because the draft is, of course, a hot topic for us.

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Murderer Receives Domestic Violence Award

Amazing. This story on BBC News details the awarding of a "domestic violence" award to an Asian woman for "breaking the silence" about domestic violence against women. What did this Asian woman do that deserved the award? She murdered her husband rather than going to the police. In fact, she was jailed for life for the brutal murder, in which she set her husband on fire. Scott's note: Also thanks to an Anon User who submitted this story.

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Men's Hour Program No. 7

The Men's Hour, an internet radio program about men's issues, has released program number 7, which can be listened to with either the WindowsMedia or Real players. They also just registered a new domain name, This espisode was shortened due to technical problems but they discussed news about World Male Health Day, the proposed "Men's Day of Shame," and calls for submissions to the upcoming masculist anthology. Check it out.

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A Game Show for Fathers

nagzi writes "This is a game show from Japan which centers on the father. The point is the show gives the father a task to do. He has one week to practice the task, and then he does the task on tv. If he completes his task his family wins a total of 3 million yen in various prizes. It won the "Golden Rose Award" from Geneva, Switzerland in 2000. The show is available in the US (Hawaii only) via Kikutv, or the internet if you know where to look. The tasks range from completing a Rubic Qube in less than 3mins to memorizing the first 100 places of the square root of 3."

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Reflections on Veteran's Day and the Feminist View of War

Although the timing is now pretty bad (it's 40 minutes until midnight), I wanted to post something about Veteran's Day. First of all, I hope everyone took some time out to reflect upon the sacrifices that war veterans have made for us, and what we owe to them. Ed Bartlett wrote up a short essay that relates to men's issues and the way war is often spoken of as an expression of masculinity - when the only thing particularly masculine about it is the body count. Click Read More for the submission.

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"Hung Out to Dry" Penis Exhibit Update

Thomas writes "This is a recent report on the Boulder Public Library's display of hanging, ceramic penises. Apparently, the thief, Bob Rowan, hasn't been arrested yet. Note that Susanne Walker, who created the outrage, said "the the theft contradicts the values symbolized by the flag and 'makes a joke of the pain and suffering involved in this exhibit.'"" Thanks Thomas - keep us posted on updates to this story!

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Donna Laframboise Needs Our Help

BusterB writes "Donna Laframboise, a controversial Canadian newspaper columnist who is sympathetic to men's points of view and who regularly takes feminists to task, has been laid off by Canada's National Post. She is asking readers to enjoy her columns to subscribe to her writings as one would to PBS. See her site for details."

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Pres. Bush Proclaims Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

nagzi writes "I got
via the Menshealth a yahoo egroup. I'm not an American, but this is certainly good news for men everywhere. The press release mentions a few interesting facts, such as that prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer (with the exception of skin cancer)."

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LA Times Finally Prints the Word "Misandry"

Marc Angelucci writes "The LA Times printed my letter to the editor on how the Taliban treats men. I've been wanting to get the word misandry in there for the longest time. This wasn't the best use of the term, but it still worked. Now let's see if we can get them to print the word "masculist.""

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Ceramic Penis Display Stolen

According to this story at, the controversial ceramic penis display in a public library was torn down and stolen recently, and replaced by an American flag. The artist, library, and police are up in arms about the theft. The article makes a point of saying that the display was meant to help places which protect "women and children" victims of domestic violence. No mention of male victims. Those of you writing the paper, the artists, and the library, make SURE you mention that women and children are not the only victims of domestic violence. And make SURE you don't stop any planned protests. Just because the exhibit has been removed doesn't mean minds have changed. (I also do not advocate such illegal means as theft as a way of getting one's point across.)

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