Manly Heroism

Here's a conflicting article
From Fox News, I say conflicting because in one-way men are glorified for putting their lives on the line to help others, and on the other hand praised for being open with their emotions. For example in the article Liz Quilty says "Not just because they are the picture of strength and masculinity, but also because they've done the hardest, most noble job of all, which is to put their own lives second to others." and then Nancy Kirsch says "There is also an inner strength shown. Men on television are welling up and crying, but it doesn't mean they aren't strong ... my gosh, it is the opposite." Can you see the culture clash now? Keep your eyes on this one, it's bound to evolve into something interesting.

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UN Neglect of Afghan Men's Human Rights

Men's Health America released a second special report on the neglect of Afghan men's human rights. This time, the focus is on the United Nations, which has spoken out on many occasions against the treatment of Afghan women, but neglected men. The report outlines several examples of this, and will serve as good material for any letters you decide to send in to the media. Neil Steyskal is our main media watcher for this campaign, and will be forwarding stories to this site which are in need of response.

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Biased Article Ignores Afghan Men, Again

Neil Steyskal writes "The NY Times has published another editorial about Afghan women -- still without a word about the many men in Afghanistan who have been executed, tortured, and subjected to forced labor. Comment to:"

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Violence Knows No Gender

Mike LaSalle writes "Men's News Daily has published an original article by Bill Kuhl on the subject of women's violence against men. Kuhl is currently writing his graduate thesis on the subject. Men, he says, endure as much violence to their possessions as they do their persons. And women, it turns out, often use weapons to gain advantage in their violent encounters."

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The Selective Brutalization of Men In Afghanistan

This Men's Health America posting outlines the consistent human rights violations perpetrated against Afghan men, both before and as the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan. The request in this activism project is to let others know about these facts, by distributing the post to friends and mailing lists you belong to.

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Female Rap Star Celebrates Men

Ched writes "In [the song] 'Brotha,' Angie Stone celebrates black men instead of dissing them in the usual hip-hop way. ''When I give a concert now and say, `Where are my guys at?' they all go, `Yeah!' Because maybe for the first time, they can really enjoy a show. They don't have to squirm down into their seats because they think a woman is going to cut them up." The Boston Globe story can be read here.

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Turkey Writes In Law That Men And Women Are Equal

This story in the Chicago Tribune reports on new legislation to equalize men and women (particularly in divorce) in Turkey. The legislation was lauded by a women's group calling themselves "The Flying Broom," but what's more interesting is the fact that the legislation genuinely seems to promote equality rather than privelege of women over men. Previously, in a divorce women were entitled only to property legally registered in their names. Now, property and assets are to be divided equally. At the same time, men will be able to seek alimony from wives. Of course, we'll need to wait and see how Turkey interprets the application of the law toward men down the road.

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Activism Project: The Plight of Afghan Men

Today, the Men's Health America mailing list announced an activism campaign to break the silence about the brutalization of Afghan men. While we've all heard about the oppression of women under the Taliban, the treatment of men under this regime can in no way be likened to "freedom" and "empowerment." It's time to remind the media about this, and to do so in numbers. Starting Friday, November 23, and for at least the next 10 days, messages on the MHA mailing list will outline activities you can participate in to make a difference. Please join the list if you're not a member, as it's a great resource. We will also be linking to each message related to this project.

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A Hero Without a Country

The latest column by Glenn Sacks isn't directly focused on men's rights, but it does deal with the very real phenomenon of young boys being impressed into armies and forced to do horrendous things. Glenn's article, A Hero Without a Country, tells the story of a young boy who is drafted into a Guatemalan faction's army, and his eventual escape and later life as an illegal immigrant in the U.S. It's the kind of article that gets you to stop and reflect for a minute.

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The "Boy Code" at Work

Emanslave sent in this story from It's about the socialization of boys and girls with respect to what kinds of toys they play with. It points out that when girls play with "boy" toys, that it isn't a big deal with other children, but when a boys plays with a "girl" toy, they tend to receive sharp socialization messages which discourage this behavior. William Pollack is quoted in the article, and while I think this is a legitimate issue, I feel the article is tainted with the idea that we need to resocialize children away from any gender differences.

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Woman Murders Husband with Frying Pan; Sentenced to Four Years

krob4399 sent in this Yahoo! News story which briefly outlines the murder of a man by his wife after admitting he had an affair. From the article: "Last November, the 32-year-old housewife stabbed her husband, also 32, with a knife after beating him dozens of times with the steel pan, saying: ``You said you would die if you had an affair, so I want you to die as you had promised.''" The woman was sentenced to four years in prison for the murder in a Japanese court.

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Comment Views Changed for Most Users

I made a change to the user preferences database so that viewing comments will seem more logical. For anyone who kept their comment view as "Oldest First," I have changed this to "Oldest First (Ignore Threads)" so that comments will be displayed from top to bottom in order of their posting. I think this might make reading the comments more consistent and help prevent people from mistakenly replying to the wrong thread. If you find you don't like this, if you're logged in you can always change it under the User Preferences, "Customize Comments" section. This change affects the Anonymous User account, too.

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MANN Chat: Anti-Male Art, Part II

Good news, Bob Rowan has been contacted and he's planning on coming to the chat tonight, as is Wendy McElroy. You know the deal, go to this page at 9:30 PM Eastern Time tonight and log in! Hopefully holiday travel won't impact our turnout too much.

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Tennessee School District May Back Diplomas With Warranties

This article in The Tennessean reports on a unique new program being considered by Williamson County schools in Tennessee. The school district may back its diplomas with a warranty. If any student graduating from a Williamson County school is forced to take remedial classes upon entering college, the school system will pay for those classes. Although the issue of boys isn't specifically addressed, this could be incentive for teachers to better address boys' struggles in their classrooms. It is also worth noting that Tennessee is currently one of the lowest-ranked states in the nation for education spending, and is also relatively low in the ranks on quality of education.

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Ritalin May Alter Brain Structure

In a disturbing article from Australia's Herald Sun, it is revealed that a recent Buffalo University study has found that Ritalin, the most popular drug for treating ADD/ADHD, may cause long term brain damage. "The changes look similar to those with stimulants such as amphetamine and cocaine...One of the genes [modified by large amounts of amphetamine and cocaine] has been linked with addiction when it is activated in certain parts of the brain."

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