Michael Jordan's Wife Files For Divorce

This story from sportsillustrated.cnn.com reports that famed basketball player Michael Jordan's wife has filed for divorce. Citing "irreconcilable differences," she wants the house, the children, and half of everything else (the vast majority of which were built from Jordan's basketball career, no doubt). ...Jordan cited a desire to spend more time with his family when he retired from the Bulls the first time in October 1994 and again in January 1999. Perhaps now he is being punished for returning to the game?

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Sex Offenders to be Tracked by Satellite

donaldcameron1 sent in this very disturbing article from Canada's National Post and writes "I contend that this is the another step on the path to controlling the movement and lives in general of most men." The article states that a system is being tested whereby sex offenders, when released from prison, will be forced to wear an electronic ankle bracelet which can report their physical position using the Global Positioning System. Click Read More to view Donald's letter to the editor, and consider writing in about this as well.

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Women Fined for Returning After Getting Protective Orders

DaveW writes "This story, about a judge fining women who get protective orders, but later return to their alleged abusers, may indicate the beginning of a trend to curb the misuse of protective orders." I'm definitely in favor of policies which encourage people to stop and think before filing a protective order, considering how often they get carelessly used these days.

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ERA Making a Comeback?

Neil Steyskal sent in a link to an article in the Fairfax Journal, which reports that a couple of Northern Virginia legislators are proposing to revive the Equal Rights Amendment. Many men's activists have mixed views on the ERA, but from my understanding, if it passed, the ERA would put an end to allowing women to have rights without the corresponding responsibilities. Nightmist's Update: The story has moved here

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McElroy Exposes NOW's Grab For WTC Recovery Funding

Friend of MANN and ifeminist Wendy McElroy's latest Fox News Column is now available online. This week, McElroy delves into the National Organization for Women's attempt to redirect funds earmarked for the World Trade Center recovery effort to other purposes. Amusingly, McElroy points out the lack of common sense behind everything NOW has said or done related to the 9/11 tragedy so far: [NOW President Kim] Gandy then explained the proper political response to the war on terrorism: Demand justice for the women of Afghanistan, advocate the right of women soldiers to have abortions abroad, speak out for gay and transgender soldiers.

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Potential Improvement for Prostatitis Treatment

Bill wrote in about some important medical information for men who are starting to have problems with their prostate. He reports that there is a technique that some doctors should be aware of that can improve the treatment of routine prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate). If you are experiencing this problem, consider talking to your doctor about the following. Click Read More below to view Bill's letter.

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UK Police Doubt Guilt of Alleged Child Abusers

Douglas Rome sent the following UK Guardian article our way, which reports that "Terry Grange, Chief Constable of Dyfed Powys...admitted that some recent police inquiries into alleged abuse in care homes may have made mistakes - an admission that could open the way to a flood of successful appeals. Readers not from Britain should be aware that fear of paedophiles has been near hysterical proportions in this country as of late, and this admission could be the critical opportunity that many men falsely accused of child abuse need to vindicate themselves.

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Editorial's Sole Purpose is to Bash Men

ronn sent in this short editorial from the Roanoke Times. The author, Harriet Hodges, claims that "Women gentle the human impulse... [the savagery of] little boys...is tamed and channeled....Boys grown entirely among males learn arrogance and cruelty." How any respectable newspaper could justify printing this trash is beyond me.

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J.C. Penny Demeans Fathers With "One Day Sale" Ad

equalitarian62 writes, "J. C. Penney has a TV commercial for its "One Day Only Sale." This ad shows a man that has been left alone with his young son. The man appears to be overwhelmed as the
household falls apart, and he wonders when his wife will be coming home to sort things out. Meanwhile, his wife is having a terrific time at the sale. The ad ends with the message "Don't worry Dad, it's only one day." I find this ad to be demeaning to men and fathers in that it portrays them as incompetent at running a household and caring for children."
Go to the Read More section of this story to view equalitarian62's letter and contact info for J.C. Penny.

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L.A. Times Claims Child Support System Successful

Marc Angelucci writes "In this article, the L.A. Times says that California's new child support collection program is a success because a study shows that it "more than doubled the average amount brought in" and because it fostered "cooperation" between father's rights groups and child support advocates." The author does use gender-neutral language. But he only quotes from state officials and a child support advocacy group, never from a men's rights group. Had the author consulted and quoted a men's rights group, then we might also have read about things like biased custody and support awards, excessive enforcement, the system's failure to enforce visitation and ensure that support is spent on the children, or how custodial mothers receive higher support awards than custodial fathers even when all other factors are equal. Please write to the editor at letters@latimes.com."

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Disappearing Acts

I found this article a while ago, it's an opinion piece by Debra Dickerson on the state of affairs between black men and women, and it's brutally honest. To tell the truth, it did seem that she blames the nearest man, but she seems to take it back. There are some conflicting messages here, but perhaps that's because she's speaking from the heart? I don't know - read it and decide for yourself.

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Men's Safety Not so Important for TTC

AFG sent in this story and writes "For the last little while, the Toronto Transit Commission has had a "request stop" program for women on buses in between 9pm and 5am. This safety initiative (scroll down on the web page) allows for a woman to request to be let off a bus in between designated stops. While such a program is helpful, men are not given the same option, despite the fact that, in many ways, they are more likely to be the victims of violence/assault."

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Woman 'Slapped On Wrist' After Abducting Child From Father

This story in the Chicago Daily News once again highlights the fact that women are, often, given lighter sentences than men for similar crimes. In this case, a woman who abducted her child from the father 10 years ago was sentenced to probation for it. Ever though everyone agreed the crime was "horrible," the father agreed to the sentence because he wanted the long, drawn out legal proceedings over. The kidnapper had accused the father of child abuse and absconded with his little girl in 1991. Standing in court, in an anguished voice and bordering on tears, Reichart read a statement condemning his ex-wife as being a "pathological liar."

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Rape Acquittal Tactics

frank h writes "This story is a reflective on the William Kennedy Smith rape trial and acquittal in 1991. I don't remember much about the trial, but based on what I read here, the acquittal seems justified. However, what I really want to point out is that the defense used an interesting tactic to "...get around [rape shield] laws "by using ordinary language" that contingently constructs, rather than merely reflects," issues of consent, force and sexual history..." I submit this because it seems to me that this is the dawn of the new assault by the feminists on the due process afforded men accused of rape. This is something we ought to watch and react to if it happens. Perhaps we ought to take some pre-emptive action and write, including a copy of this and any current articles on false accusations, to legislators at the state level."

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MANN/iFemists Chat: Prostitution

Tonight's joint Mensactivism.org/iFeminists.com chat will be on the controversial topic of prostitution. To my understanding, Wendy McElroy's views are that prostitution in general is not demeaning or oppressive of women, but there are many other issues to discuss as well. Join us at the iFeminists.com chat room at 9:00 PM EST tonight (1/6) for what is sure to be a lively discussion/debate!

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