China Court Throws Out Country's First Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

This story details China's first ever sexual harassment lawsuit, filed by a woman who claimed that her boss repeatedly groped her and propositioned her for sex. The court ruled that it was difficult to obtain direct evidence in the case and to confirm independently the alleged victim's story. In addition, it noted that there was no law on sexual harassment in China, the official Xinhua news agency reported. While sexual harassment is wrong, the Chinese court was correct in its decision in this case. And although women's "issues" groups have been pushing for stricter policies and laws which take alleged female victims at their word (much like America), the court recognized that, in the end, it was his word against hers, and not proven.

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Is Religion's History Misogynistic?

Neil Steyskal pointed me to this story in the L.A. Times which expounds upon the popular notion that religions throughout history have been based on misogyny and "masculine insecurity." I would claim that religions and historic traditions were based on certain sex role separations for reasons of survival, not hatred, and that these roles weren't always fair or friendly to men, either. Comment to:

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Feedback Concerning Ames Stores' Misandry

James Soucy writes "The following is a letter I sent by both snail and e-mail in reply to Cheddah's submission concerning the boy-bashing products sold at Ames department stores. I strongly urge all those who partake of this website and others like it to do likewise whenever such an injustice occurs for the following reason: IT WORKS. There really is strength in numbers, guys. So SPEAK UP and be heard! It took me a whole of two minutes to compose and send this response, and I'm only getting faster with each one. You can too. Happy Holidays to all!" Click Read More to view James' letter, and feel free to post your own in the comments section of this story and the previous Ames one.

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Men and Heroism

Shawn Larsen writes "The Carnegie Hero Fund Commission presented awards to 24 individuals today for recent acts of heroism. 23 of the 24 recipients are boys and men. More information can be found here."

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Terminally Ill Boy Asks for Sex as Dying Request

donaldcameron1 writes "In an article in Canadian newspaper The National Post we are informed of the honored last request of a dying young man for sex with a woman. I'm ambivalent about this and wonder if I (one) would respond differently if this was a female adolescent making the request. Do we as a group have an elucidated opinion?" This is an interesting and unusual dilemma, what do you think?

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Men's Groups Challenge DV Reference Book

Ragtime also sent in this article earlier this month about how men's groups in the Toronto area are challenging a "standard reference book" used by domestic violence advocates which is full of the typical feminist myths regarding DV. The challenge has caused quite a stir, and it will be interesting to see what it results in.

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Ames Vending Machines Sell Boy-Bashing Stickers

Cheddah wrote in to inform everyone that at Ames department stores, (a popular retail chain in the Northeast) the vending machines found in the store or the entryway have recently included stickers that bash boys. See the Read More section below for Cheddah's description of this (including a photo) and where to write in protest. It's bad enough that children see men mocked on TV continually, but to market stickers like this to their peers? It's disturbing to think that these kids are being "trained" early on to accept male bashing as a fact of life.

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The Disturbing Truth About Child Support Collections

Mike Geanoulis from the NCFC-NH group wrote an excellent editorial which was printed in Foster's Daily Democrat. Mike's article exposes the bureaucratic inefficiency of the child support collection system, and that despite news reports claiming that the agency is collecting more and more money, the percentage collected per case is actually staying the same, or getting worse. This combined with the fact that child support collection is inextricably linked with a father's access to his children, suggests that the system is doing nothing to help children and families in its current state, and is in need of reform.

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MANN/iFeminists Chat: Reproductive Technology

Don't forget, tonight there will be an on-line chat at the chat room where guest Gordon Pusch, a computational biologist, will discuss genetics and reproductive technology. The discussion will also inevitably focus on how this technology will affect men's and women's reproductive rights. The chat starts at 9:30 PM EST on 12/23. See you there!

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New Book Exposes American Media Bias

Ragtime sent in this UK Telegraph article a while ago, which I'm just getting around to posting now. It's about the new book Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News, which claims that all of the major American media outlets have a strongly liberal bias and intentionally make conservatives or liberal cause opponents look bad. This certainly resonates with my observations of the media, but the fact that Goldberg is an "insider" and quotes people directly discussing this bias makes the material all the more interesting.

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Men Being Pushed Out of Australian Workplace

This article in The Age focuses on a disturbing Australian trend in which men are being pushed out of the workplace in favor of women. As more and more factory jobs disappear, men are having a difficult time competing with women for jobs in which prejudiced employers feel that women are better-suited (jobs with "people skills," in other words). The author, in the end, justifies the failure of many unemployed men to find work as a fitting comeuppance for Australia's "wage gap." She doesn't see the fallacy in her own logic, however, as even she points out that women are working more part-time jobs than are men.

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More Letter Writer Successes

Neil Steyskal sent in a couple of links to recent responses to anti-male articles in the news. The Dallas Morning News printed two letters from folks from England you might recognize - Raymond Cuttill and Alan Carr, responding to the Peacemaker Role Seems More Natural for Women article. There was also a letter printed in the Washington Post protesting Judy Mann's anti-male article claiming that masculinity is a "culture of violence." Bravo, guys!

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MANN Feature: Men's "Silent Health Crisis" Cries Out for Men's Health Act

Glenn Sacks, the only regularly published male columnist in the US who writes about gender issues from a perspective unapologetically sympathetic to men, wrote an excellent article about men's health and the need for an Office of Men's Health. We're running this as our newest feature article, but it was also printed in the Los Angeles Daily Journal and San Francisco Daily Journal. In it, Glenn points out the most glaring gender health funding disparities, the need for more advocacy to encourage men to pay more attention to their health needs, and that an Office of Men's Health need not "compete" with the Office of Women's Health, but the two can work together to increase the number of men and women living healthy lives. Check out the Read More section for his article.

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Dad's Love is Equally Important as Mom's

Rand T. submitted this article which announces a recent psychological study which found that a father's love and affection is just as important as a mother's love. This is something that pro-father advocates have known from the start, and you'd like to think that it is common knowledge. But considering the way dads are treated in the family courts and in many families, it's good to have some research to back it up.

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Men "Responsible" for Most Genetic Mutations

Tony sent in this article from Wired Magazine and writes "While the article is scientific and logical I just find the opening paragraph highly insulting: "It figures. Men are responsible for the majority of human genetic mutations, according to a landmark publication in the scientific journal Nature." Amazing how easy it is to open an article with male bashing." The title of the article is also, "Human Mutations: Blame Men." Can't we even get away from gender politics when writing science articles?

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