Men "Responsible" for Most Genetic Mutations

Tony sent in this article from Wired Magazine and writes "While the article is scientific and logical I just find the opening paragraph highly insulting: "It figures. Men are responsible for the majority of human genetic mutations, according to a landmark publication in the scientific journal Nature." Amazing how easy it is to open an article with male bashing." The title of the article is also, "Human Mutations: Blame Men." Can't we even get away from gender politics when writing science articles?

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Chicago Mother Guilty of Murdering 3 Children

AFG writes "The Chicago Sun-Times ran a story about a mother who has been found guilty of murdering her 3 children. The jury in the case decided to reject her pleas of insanity, and by doing so, has allowed for her to possibly face the death penalty." The woman killed her children to "get back" at her husband, who was having an affair. Thanks also to DaveW and an Anon User for submitting this story.

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Dealing With a Controlling Spouse

Laughter is the best medicine, right? Here,'s "Doc Love" gives a man married to a controlling woman advice on keeping his sense of humor, and eliminating the problem at the same time. One lesson I take from this is that, when we can, we should try to deal with our problems in good humor. Catch more flies with honey?

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Seasonal Affective Disorder More Pronounced in Men

Tony writes "The article at this page discusses a research article about weather related depression, usually referred to as the winter-blues, that found men have greater disparity than women. Maybe this is ONE of the reasons that men are more likely to commit suicide during the winter season."

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Men Win Discrimination Settlement at Ford

DaveW and Neil Steyskal both sent in articles about the recent settlement announcement in a Ford discrimination suit against white males. Dave's link is here and Neil's link is here. To sum it up from Dave's article, " The lawsuits challenged the automaker's management evaluation system, which the plaintiffs, current and former employees, alleged was unfairly biased against older, white male employees." The class action suit was settled for $10.5 million.

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Bush Administration Pledges Tax Dollars For Afghan Women, Children

In an excellent example of what happens when only one side of an issue gets all the media attention, the Bush administration has pledged U.S. tax dollars for the relief of Afghan women and children who suffered under the Taliban. Never mind, apparently, the young boys who were conscripted and the men who were murdered.

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Detainees In Recent Immigration Sweeps Are Male

Tony writes "This article raises some questions about the recent detainees. "Post-9/11, federal law enforcement is on its highest level of alert," said Dan Nelson, a Justice Department spokesman, "We are extremely vigilant in our enforcement of U.S. law." The strange part is that while they are vigilant the ONLY people being rounded up are men. While the racial profiling aspect of the roundups has been discussed it is strange no one has mentioned the obvious gender bias in this crack down." While most terrorists in the past have been men, it's not going to be long before a woman commits an attack making use of this bias.

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Men Are Violent; Men are Careless

Neil Steyskal sent in two male-bashing articles, the first one a very serious attack on masculinity by equating it with violence. Judy Mann claims that our current idea of manhood is "toxic to men and lethal to women," and equates the Taliban with "ultra-masculinists." Please take a moment to respond: The second article, this one from the UK Telegraph, is a bit less threatening, but still bashes men by perpetuating the stereotype that men are careless gift shoppers, and by extension more selfish or morally flawed than women.

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A Case Against Alimony

I've been working on this article for a while now, and thought readers might like to see how it's going. To be honest, I need to do a lot more work on it, so think of it as a preview of great things to come. :) I'll keep adding to it on the go, so it can only get better. Feel free to point things out, such as how I could make it better, arguments I might have left out, etc. You can e-mail me at Click "Read More" below to read it.

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False Rape Conviction Results in $1.1M Lawsuit

jaxom writes "A Calgary man received a $1.1 million payment for his wrongful rape conviction. It looks like the Canadian government tried to once again hide the fact that they have too many wrongful convictions of men with resulting payouts. The story is here." This article quotes Kaglik extensively on what it was like in prison (inmates tried to rape him), and the background of his false accusation.

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The Male Intellect: An Oxymoron?

David Compas writes "“The Male Intellect: an oxymoron?” - [is] a show in Reno, Nevada that begins on 9 January 2002. Probably male bashing at its worst. See the web site here." Hey, there's nothing like a guy mocking men and masculinity as a way to make money as a comedian, right? Careers have been built on this stuff.

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The Torture of Afghan Men

Neil Steyskal submitted this article from the Washington Post about the way some Afghan men suspected of being spies have been tortured. I'm encouraged to see that this issue is receiving some exposure in the Post.

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Sticks and Stones: Revisited

My apologies for the rerun here, but considering that the The Guy Code removed my column from their archives, I thought I would repost it with its new URL. Here, for posterity, is my own trial-by-fire with the phenomenon known to us as "false accusations."

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Domestic Violence and the Male Victim

donaldcameron1 writes "On I was surprised to see myself "included" in a study of my own experiences. Reading something like this is most illuminating for me. In addition to providing pure validation and catharsis, it confirms for me just how oppressed we have, and continue to, become. That which does not kill us only makes us know for certain that the system has been corrupted. We have spent much time on getting women to "come forward" it is time to encourage men to do so."

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The Boy Can't Help It

I don't normally post messages from egroups, but this one is a exception. The writer makes the case that "special needs" kids (almost all of whom are boys) suffer due to the fact that there are no role models for them, and this is why they're put in the "special needs" section. It makes for quite a convincing case, so click this link to read it.

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