Domestic Abuse in Scotland

Anonymous User writes "There is a heavy duty rotation on Scottish TV of a government sponsored advert which claims that 1 in 5 women will be a victim of domestic abuse. On looking for this "recent study" I came across this page on the Scottish Executive's web site. It summarises a recent open forum on domestic abuse and reports this exchange on the subject of abused men: "A query was raised about the proposed research into abused men. Care needed to be taken with the questions to ensure a proper picture. Some men may be subject to retaliation from women they have abused. Care should also be taken as to whom should be given the contract. Academics may not have a proper knowledge of the issue. ANSWER - The Minister promised a tight specification and monitoring." It concerns me greatly that at the highest level of Parliament, there is such ignorance and dogma implicit in the research strategy. The delegate list is interesting too."

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Men Are Redundant for Reproduction? So Are Women

This story in the Guardian Unlimited claims that the invention of an artificial womb has become reality. Scientists have created prototypes made out of cells extracted from women's bodies. Embryos successfully attached themselves to the walls of these laboratory wombs and began to grow. However, experiments had to be terminated after a few days to comply with in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) regulations. Interestingly, those concerned with ethics have already scheduled a conference in Oklahoma next week. 'There are going to be real problems,' said organiser Dr Scott Gelfand, of Oklahoma State University. 'Some feminists even say artificial wombs mean men could eliminate women from the planet and still perpetuate our species. That's a bit alarmist. Nevertheless, this subject clearly raises strong feelings.'

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City Bans Clothed Public Erections

Like Tennessee and Mississippi before it, another nudity ordinance has banned clothed "visibly turgid" genitals in public, in essence banning manhood. The town officials say it won't apply to normal occurences, but it's up to them to decide what is or is not a normal erection. "This is not meant to be a tricky term, or give our police officers difficulty in enforcing the law," said Kerstetter. Before the vote, Supervisor Dennis Sharrow suggested removing the word "covered" from the ordinance. Kerstetter said the inclusion of covered male genitals in legal definitions of nudity has been upheld by the Supreme Court.

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Eight Teen Girls Charged With Attempted Murder of Counselor

This horrifying story in The Journal News details how eight girls in Cottage 12 attacked their counselor. The counselor was punched, kicked, stomped and scratched by the girls before "they doused her with rubbing alcohol and set it on fire,'' Alagno said. "They continued to beat her and then doused her face with chlorine bleach." They also cut her hair with scissors, beat her with a telephone and kicked her down two flights of steps, according to the charges read in court last night. The girls were giggling as they entered the courtroom. So far, one person said "without making excuses" said that they suffer emotional problems.

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MANN/iFeminists Chat: Norma Jean Almodovar

Tonight's jointly sponsored MANN/iFeminists on-line chat will have special guest Norma Jean Almodovar. NJ is an ex-call girl, sex workers' rights activist and author of From Cop to Call Girl. She has fascinating slants on sex, prostitution and the legal system. Join us tonight (2/10) starting at 9 PM Eastern Time in the chat room.

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Hierarchies Are Male, Right? ...Right?

bledso writes "This is a very interesting article about how men and women approach group activity. According to this article, it appears we may behave in a more similar manner than we thought, our timing is just a little different." In fact, Mast's research seems to bear out what some of us see in life every day, and her research appears to hold up what some other researchers have determined about hierarchies of late.

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Girls Becoming Pimps, Committee Says They're Victims

AFG writes "This article from the CBC reports that there is a new development with regard to the Saskatoon prostitution scene: An increasing number of teenage girls are forcing other girls to work for them as prostitutes. Thus, it seems that, in this instance, prostitution can no longer be blamed entirely on males. But of course, the other side appears in the article as well -- the side that says that these female pimps are victims and should be treated as such." Law enforcement appears to want to hold the girls accountable for their actions.

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Volksgaren Project Needs Your Help

Greg writes, "The Volksgaren Project works with abused people. We fund our work by selling the Volksgaren Journal which looks cognitively at recovery after another person's abuse. The journal is gender inclusive and aims to provide solid information to all. A current project is using Canadian Human Rights law to change Health Canada's policy on Family Violence. They use a gender-feminist viewpoint which results in harm to men and to children. We need people to subscribe so that we may hire experts to show that Health Canada are misinforming the public, resulting in real harm to innocent people. Our web site is here. There is a lot more information on our site!"

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Piney Woods School Hopes to "Save The Males"

I stumbled across this Web page while looking for information on Warren Farrell's "Save the Males" article. Apparently, Piney Woods is a predominantly black private school which has a program titled "Save the Males" geared specifically for the needs of their male students. More information about the school itself is available here. Perhaps more schools should follow Piney Woods' example? The male council's purpose is to Retain students who are close to academic and/or personal failure and enhance their academic and personal achievements. The council also provides young men with good male mentors.

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DesertLight Journal - Feb. 6 Issue Out

Trudy Schuett's popular DesertLight Journal has released a new edition, which can be read at the usual spot. Announcements in this issue include the upcoming launch of male-friendly e-publisher cyberManbooks, progress on a Commission for Men in Los Angeles county, Tom Smith's (AUM) take on the men's movement, and more. Enjoy!

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Sacks Successful on the Radio Again

Calls from divorced fathers flooded NewsTalk 550 KFYI (Phoenix) radio phone lines during Glenn Sacks' two-hour appearance on the Charles Goyette Show on Tuesday, February 5. Glenn and Charles discussed the discrimination which men routinely face in family court. Callers shared their horror stories about Move Away Moms, blocked visitation, false accusations, parental alienation syndrome, and the struggle of divorced dads to remain fathers to their children. To listen to the entire show (minus news and commercials) go to Glenn's website here.

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Woman Organizes Austin Bare Breast Protest

The citing of women for baring their breasts and men for shouldering women who bare their breasts has incited a Texas woman to organize a protest, according to this story on Fox News. Although the story is more about a woman's right to bare her breasts than anything else, the protest organizer made several interesting comments about men: "I'm not any kind of topless dancer or porn star," Estes said. "It's not a sexual issue. It's just insulting that they say men can't control themselves in the presence of a bare breast." She also points out that it is drunkeness which causes fights, not breasts.

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The Child Protection System Turning Against Parents

warble writes "In this Fox News article, we hear of yet more stories of false allegations, seizures of children, the denial of all constitutional rights, and other effects of that the feminist have when legislatures pass their brand of child protection laws. With the new laws, the CPS has successfully created a "...Soviet-style snitch network." That network consists of every public institution where we find children. It is a tragedy that America fails to realize that good families are having their children seized simply because a man changes a diaper in a park."

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Judge Flips Coin to Decide Which Parent Kids Stay with for Christmas

Ganglion42 sent in this story which states that a family court judge flipped a coin to decide which parent would have their children over Christmas. Ganglion42 writes "Finally! A judge who does something where she can't be accused of bias!" In a situation where both parents have an equally good case for visitation, I don't mind this much at all, given that other options are generally so biased against men.

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Yukon Court Narrows Definition of Harassment

donaldcameron1 submitted this article from the National Post regarding a recent Appeals Court decision in the Yukon about what constitutes harassment. The court claimed that "an "objective" standard must be met so the "words convey a threat of serious bodily harm to a reasonable person," rather than someone simply feeling afraid. This is good news, since it makes it much harder for a woman to make a false harassment claim against a man by inventing perceived threats. After all, just the existence of men today seems to threaten women, or at least the radical feminists would like us to think so.

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