Massachusetts Under Pressure To Revamp Support Law

Luek writes "[This] article... is about the push in Massachusetts to revise the child support and custody statutes to make them more equitable. There are some interesting statements in the piece made to the Chief Justice (a female) sic by a Father's Rights advocate, Mark Charalambous about non-custodial parents (males mostly) being at the breaking point and threatening social upheaval and unrest. Let's watch this one." Interestingly, the Boston lawyers in this piece are arguing for more child support, even in light of the recent suicide of Derrick Miller, who was ordered to pay out 82 percent of his monthly income to his wife (who made twice as much as he in one month).

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Man Freed From Child Support He Does Not Owe

This stunning victory for a man who was sued for $12,303 in back child support, even though he was not the father of the child, is heartening. The Washington Times reports that a 4-3 vote in the Maryland Court of Appeals released Nicholas Todd Walter from the payments. "Without paternity, there is no legal duty; without a legal duty, there can be no financial obligation," according to the judgment written by Lynne A. Battaglia, former U.S. attorney for Maryland who was appointed to the court last year. The ruling reverses a 1994 decision by the state's highest court that a man who agreed to pay child support, but later discovered he was not the biological father, must continue to pay. Scott's note: Thanks also to Neil Steyskal for submitting this story.

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Three Boys Face Pornography Charges, Girl Does Not

This story in the Sun-Sentinel once again highlights how boys and girls (and men and women) are treated differently when it comes to criminal activity. Four youths (three boys and one girl) produced a pornographic video starring themselves. All four were set to benefit financially from its production. The three boys are now likely to face child pornography charges. The girl will not be charged. “You can’t pick and choose who you’re going to charge when you have more than one child involved,” Lerman said. “It shows the way society treats boys and girls. The boys are punished but the girls have to be protected.”

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MensHour Jan 2002 Program(me)

I'm again late in announcing this, but the streaming audio program MensHour has had a new release this month. This episode is a kind of year-in-review, with contributions from several people involved in the men's movement, including Karl from, Philip Cook, author of Abused Men, Trudy W. Schuett of the DesertLight Journal, Jim Bailey from Family Oriented Men, and several others. You can listen to the program here.

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The End Of Pregnancy?

I've found this UK Guardian article claiming that "Within a generation there will be probably be mass use of artificial wombs to grow babies". You're probably wondering why I posted this, the main reason is to counter all those claims that the nearest man is "redundant" and "biologically useless" by showing the other side of the coin, as it were. While the technology is still a few years off, the article makes for an informative and perhaps un-nerving read. That said, do read it, as it pays to be in the know.

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Washington Post Prints Men's Health Articles

nagzi writes "The Washington Post has this
article about the upcoming Men's Health Bill. Also, there are three articles dealing with Prostate Cancer. Facts about prostate Cancer (VERY short on facts), Prostate Cancer (filled with some interesting info), and Tackling a Man's Disease (a Female Urologist Crusades Against Prostate Cancer)."

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Man Forced to Pay CS Despite His Non-Paternity

Brian Smith writes "This an an article from the Lewiston, ME Sun Journal newspaper, about a man who must pay child support after a paternity test positively concluded he was not the father." He is still being forced to pay, and DHS is denying him visitation rights because he's "not the father." While the Supreme Court might not be of much help anymore, perhaps this man should try to establish a state court decision on Maine?

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Sanford, ME Teacher Ruined by Accusations

An Anonymous User sent in a Foster's article about an elementary school teacher who was accused of "improperly touching" one of his 11 year-old students, who he apparently had frequent contact with outside of class, as she lived a few houses down from him. I read an update on this story which I can't find on Foster's site which said that the judge declared a mistrial and the accused teacher cannot be tried again. Note that there were never any formal sexual harassment or assault charges filed against the man, nor is it ever clear that the girl once told him she felt uncomfortable with any of his physical contact. Still, I have to wonder how much common sense the guy has making any physical contact at all with his students, especially in this day and age. Update: The news story of the mistrial can be read here.

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Gender-Neutral Public Nudity Laws

Anonymous User writes "Admittedly, [this is] not the most important topic we'll ever discuss here. This article in the Bangor [Maine] Daily News reviews a Bangor judge's odd belief that a public nudity law might only apply to men. Aside from interest generated by the weirdness factor, no one else seems to think the judge is making sense."

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Does More Sex Lead To Greater Risk of Prostate Cancer?

Neil Steyskal writes "It appears that sex with more partners increases the risk of [prostate] cancer. However the quantity of sex with one parter, or alone, does not increase risk." The story is here This Spectator article was apparently generated after an anti-pornography advocate wrote to the paper hinting that increased sexual activity among men has led to an increase in prostate cancer.

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Men Need More Domestic Violence Services

Marc writes, "The LA Times printed my article addressing male victims of domestic violence. They left out the Fiebert
bibliography and a few other things, but it’s still progress. I’m working on getting them to do a story on the topic in the near future, and it looks promising. But meanwhile there may be responses that misleadingly attack my facts and figures, so a few positive responses sent to would be nice. Thanks!"

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Abuse Letter Printed in LA Times

The LA Times printed Shawn Larsen's letter regarding the Times recent article which spoke of abuse of women and children but ignored men. Thanks to Neil Steyskal for this submission, and thanks to the rest of you who wrote the LA Times. Scott's update: Shawn Larsen himself wrote in to tell us about this success. Great work, Shawn!

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The Wrestlers Have Balls

Neil Steyskal submitted this story from USA Today about a group of college wrestling advocates who are taking the Education Department to task (in court) over the destruction of men's sports by Title IX. The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, alleges that the Education Department's interpretation of the law has wrongly prompted colleges to bring their athletic programs into compliance by eliminating men's teams and scholarships. An Anonymous User also submitted this story from

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Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Case of Man Forced to Pay for Child Not His Own

Thomas writes "This article describes the recent refusal by the US Supreme Court to hear the case of a man forced to pay child support for children born by his then-wife as a result of her cheating on him. For now, at least, this all-too-common, monstrous injustice must be fought on a state-by-state basis." Ouch. This is a major loss for the cause of men's reproductive rights.

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MANN/iFeminists Chat: Divorce and Suicide

This Sunday's (1/20) joint MANN/ chat will be on whether the law is morally responsible for the suicides of fathers who seem to be arbitrarily denied access to their children. The recent protest/suicide of Derrick Miller has temporarily, at least, brought some attention to this problem. What should be done? What are also the implications for the children, the women, society? Join us at 9:00 PM EST at the chat room.

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