Judge Flips Coin to Decide Which Parent Kids Stay with for Christmas

Ganglion42 sent in this story which states that a family court judge flipped a coin to decide which parent would have their children over Christmas. Ganglion42 writes "Finally! A judge who does something where she can't be accused of bias!" In a situation where both parents have an equally good case for visitation, I don't mind this much at all, given that other options are generally so biased against men.

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Yukon Court Narrows Definition of Harassment

donaldcameron1 submitted this article from the National Post regarding a recent Appeals Court decision in the Yukon about what constitutes harassment. The court claimed that "an "objective" standard must be met so the "words convey a threat of serious bodily harm to a reasonable person," rather than someone simply feeling afraid. This is good news, since it makes it much harder for a woman to make a false harassment claim against a man by inventing perceived threats. After all, just the existence of men today seems to threaten women, or at least the radical feminists would like us to think so.

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Male-Friendly Relationship Improvement

Dr. Scott Haltzman will be hosting a presentation on Valentine's Day next week, at the Providence, RI Marriott hotel. His talk is titled, "Give Cupid a Chance: Five Relationship-Boosting Ways to Shoot Love’s Arrow Back Into the Heart of Your Marriage." Dr. Haltzman is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Brown and runs the SecretsofMarriedMen.com web site. He has a very pro-male perspective, and best of all, the presentation is free! Look here for more info on how to pre-register.

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Doc Love: Men, Stand Up For Yourselves In Personal Relationships

This dating advice column on AskMen.com examines the problem of "marital fraud," and how men have become easy pushovers for women in the dating game. One reader writes in with this horror story: Fifteen months after buying a house (of which I was the sole mortgage holder), six years of marriage, and two toddlers, I arrived home from work one day, only to be arrested on phony domestic abuse charges. (In my state, this is the only way she could have me removed from the home). This was done with the full support (both emotional and financial) of a meddling mother-in-law. And with the prospect of a fairly large divorce settlement dancing in her head, she was even quoted by mutual friends as being "better off financially without me than with me!"

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DNA Clears Another Man Convicted of Rape

It's happened again. This story in the L.A. Times reports on Bruce Godschalk, who was imprisoned 15 years ago for allegedly raping two different women. DNA testing on samples from the rape kit and Godschalk have exonerated him. But [the prosecutor] said he would not release Godschalk immediately, maintaining the samples may not be from the rapist and that he cannot discount Godschalk's taped confession. Godschalk's advocates say the evidence more than points to his innocence.

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Book Discussion of Patai's Heterophobia

Will Johnson writes "Daphne Patai has written an excellent expose of the Sexual Harassment Industry created by academic feminists for the express purposes of proving "male wickedness" and "women's victimhood", "bringing men to heel", driving a wedge between men and women, and in the end "dismantling heterosexuality." iFeminists.com will begin a discussion of Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism on Wednesday, February 20 at the iFeminists Writers and Writing forum. A longer description of the book and discussion schedule are found here.
A good review of the book was written by Brian Carnell. Finally, click here to read an interview with the author Daphne Patai."

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"Deadbeat Dads" Used to Promote National ID System

Del Parker submitted this article from TooGoodReports, which discusses the federal government's use of databases to track details about the lives of its citizens. So why is this related to men's issues? Well, the key argument being put forth to promote these systems is that they will be used to track "deadbeat dads." It's always nice to have a scapegoat that everyone hates in order to implement freedom-usurping surveillance systems, and apparently "deadbeat dads" seem to be a universal group that lawmakers can target.

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Fatherhood Coalition Urges Resistance to MA Child Support Guidelines

Adam sent us this press release from the MA Fatherhood Coalition and writes "This has been coming for some time now, and if anything, it's going to take much courage for this to come together and be effective. By participating, men basically say goodbye to their old lives and hello to being a criminal, or at least to having a criminal record where there was none before. The feminist campaign to criminalize all men is underway at full steam. In my opinion, this shows the time for making drastic changes is well past, and is upon us." It's important to note that this group has tried legal means to have the support guidelines changed, and the new CS guidelines were not changed in favor of the testimony of over a hundred fathers and supporters during public hearings last year on changing the guidelines.

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When the Babes Beat Up the Boys

ronn submitted this story from AlterNet, which examines current media violence against men by women and wonders: "What are these women so angry about?" Michelle Goldberg attempts to point out the hypocrisy of women wanting to be sexual predators and punishing men for the same thing. This new wave of violence against men is no longer about empowered heroines protecting the world from metaphorical rapists and pillagers. This is about raw, crazy, Fatal Attraction-style vengeance. But in this era of the swinging single girl, of hook ups and friendly fucks and Sex and the City, what exactly are women getting revenge for?

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Birds Are Better Men Than Humans

Bledso writes "This is another condescending article that would never have been printed if the genders were reversed. Notice the wonderful credentials of the first "expert". the article lashes out at human men quite a bit because, apparently, the Australian bowerbird must keep a clean nest, have sharp feathers, and be sensitive to attract a mate. The "expert on human and animal behavior" claims human males are incapable of sensitivity, among other things.

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U.S. Air Force Explains Fitness Test Standards

Captain Pistachio submitted this article from U.S. Air Force News and writes "With all the recent articles about male/female double standards in the military I thought this might be Illuminating." The article is two years old, but it is enlightening because it states that men and women have the same standards for crunches (based on age instead of gender), but that women have lower standards for push-ups (based on age and gender).

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Men To Be Cited For Women Baring Breasts

This story in the Houston Chronicle details Houston's efforts to cut down on Mardi Gras revelry this year by citing any woman who bares her breasts and any man who holds a topless woman on his shoulders for disorderly conduct. Apparently, the police believe women's bare breasts are responsible for starting riots. My question: why cite the men? It's the women who are baring their breasts.

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MANN Chat: Male Role Models and Mentoring

Tonight's offical Mensactivism.org on-line chat will be held on the topic of mentoring and role models for young men. More and more young men these days are growing up without fathers, and what kind of male role models do they have? This discussion will focus on how fatherless young men will affect the men's movement, what we can do to help promote good role models for them, and ideas on how to get directly involved in mentoring men yourself. Join us at 9:30 PM EST tonight, 2/6, in the MANN chat room.

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The Evolution of the Child Support Collection Racket

Luek writes "This article by Richard Green, M.D. explains how and why the corrupt child support collections racket became a corrupt racket over the years since the late 1980's. It proves the old adage, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." A must read and archive article for future reference."

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Media Celebrates Amy Gehrig's Acquittal

alphamale writes "While this article was once again chosen from the Globe & Mail, I would like to point out that every major news site in Canada, as their top story, ran with the "Amy is innocent" headline. I'm too shocked, depressed and appalled to comment. Read the story for yourself. Something has to be done about this. If Amy had been a man, there would be protest marches in every major city in the Western Hemisphere. Well, okay, maybe not every major city, but there sure as heck would be a huge outcry in the media. Come guys, are we just going to sit back and let women like Amy go free? For how many decades are we going to allow women to not be held accountable for their actions? We need to "take back the day!""

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