Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2002-03-30 02:34
Tony writes "There is a new report out about mens health. I have not read it all (its very long at 80+ pages) but from the opening pages it seems very good, acknowledging "Men's health is greatly ignored,.." You can click here to download the PDF file." The title of the report is In Their Own Right: Addressing the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of American Men, and it is published by the Alan Guttmacher Institute.
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2002-03-29 22:29
warble writes "On March 23 at midnight, KCAL channel 9 aired an episode of Cheaters that I believe glorifies and condones violence against men. The name of the couple was Christian & Bret. It was about Bret being a cheating husband. What was disturbing were the three distinct alleged physical assaults on Bret by Christian. In addition, there was a police response where Bret was seeking protection from the DV. Cheaters helped Christian avoid arrest. The host pointed out that Bret wanted protection and was asking the police to have his wife arrested for DV. Further, Christian repeatedly brought into question the issue of child neglect. She was claiming that the child was suffering for want of formula. Clearly, the Child Protection Services should have been called and Christian arrested. However, I believe that the host of obstructed justice. You can voice your protest at, and you can write or call KCAL channel 9 in Los Angeles to voice your dismay at KCAL."
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2002-03-29 17:27
Garth writes "These two stories (one, two), describe the Kerkorkian child support battle. Lisa Bonder Kerkorkian is asking for $324,000 a month to support their 4 year old daughter. It has been shown, however, that she faked the DNA paternity test. Unfortunately, the husband signed a paternity document, which of course nullifies the fact that the girl is not his daughter. Also of note, he must pay half his wife's legal bill because she only has 12 million dollars, whereas he has 6.5 billion."
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2002-03-29 06:24
Marc Angelucci writes "Dear Abby on March 22nd printed a letter by Phil Cook of Stop Abuse For Everyone and she responded by admitting that domestic violence in not a gender issue but a human issue and that female-to-male violence is an "ugly, often ignored problem."" This is a good sign that the truth about domestic violence against men is starting to enter common knowledge.
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2002-03-28 19:00
Congressman Ron Paul has written an interesting article Against Military Conscription arguing that conscription violates the principles of democracy, among other common sense ideas. The only problem I have with this article is the fact he puts a gender-neutral spin on the draft, which I feel is quite misleading. Having said that, men's advocates should take notice of the arguments within, as most of them are quite good but easily understated, for example: "A military draft also appears to contradict the constitutional prohibition of involuntary servitude."
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Submitted by Nightmist on Thu, 2002-03-28 01:18
Conservative columnist Debbie Schlussel wrote this column about our favorite misandrist Gloria Steinem, who recently claimed at a YWCA charity event that masculinity is responsible for all the evil in the world. Yup, that's the solution to terrorism against Americans-let's give our boys Barbies, pearls, and china patterns. Everyone knows that would have prevented attacks on the WTC. And created some real macho firemen and policemen to rescue the victims.
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Submitted by Nightmist on Wed, 2002-03-27 01:40
This story on NewsMax describes gender feminist icon Gloria Steinem's latest hate-rant against men. She spoke at a YWCA charity event, where she blamed masculinity for everything from pedophilia in the Catholic Church, to Nazism, to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. Anyone know where one may write to Steinem so we may impart to her what a misandrist bigot she is?
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Submitted by Nightmist on Tue, 2002-03-26 17:26
My latest column, which will also appear today on Wendy McElroy's points out the hypocrisy of Western media when covering the issue of domestic violence, and how they ignore male victims even when the evidence is in their own faces. Drawing on nationally syndicated columnist Armstrong Williams' recent admission of his own cultural bias, I feel it is time for all media to examine their own cultural biases when reporting on domestic violence. It shouldn't be a gender issue.
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Submitted by Scott on Tue, 2002-03-26 04:45
Neil Steyskal writes "Since the most severe risks for men derive from having children (paternity fraud, divorce, child support, etc.), this report about the development of a contraceptive for men is extremely important. I hope we can find ways to promote its rapid completion and distribution."
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Submitted by Scott on Mon, 2002-03-25 21:17
In what's sure to be a controversial article for the men's movement, Cathy Young criticized men's activists and specific leaders in the men's movement for supporting Russell Yates and claiming that he is not responsible for his wife's murder of their children. The Boston Globe article can be read here. Young doesn't deny that the media blame put on Russell Yates was at times unfair, but she firmly believes that Mr. Yates is morally culpable for this tragedy.
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Submitted by Scott on Mon, 2002-03-25 00:49
Men's Health America writes, "National Mens Health Week, an effort to highlight the needs and disparities of mens health, has now gone international. Beginning this year, Mens Health America will describe Mens Health Week as International Mens Health Week. Mens health organizations in the United States, Canada, England, and Australia will be participating in the event. The international scope of mens health was highlighted this past November, when the First World Congress on Men's Health was convened in Vienna, Austria. The dates of this years International Mens Health Week will be June 10-16. These dates are designed to culminate in Fathers Day on June 16."
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2002-03-24 20:16
SJones writes "A woman repeatedly tried to murder her boyfriend. She finally succeeded and, big surprise, she now claims to be the 'real' victim. Why she was never arrested for domestic violence for her previous attempts is not explained, nor why she was not in jail for attempted murder. The story, in which he is called her 'partner,' is here."
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2002-03-24 02:12
An Anonymous User writes, "If you want to see an example of statistical semantics to fit a particular agenda, then read this BBC article which features the title "Women beat men in web browsing". The basis for this claim is that women use their time online more "purposefully" - the examples being "shopping, organising travel, banking, and sending e-greeting cards" (!). Men's lack of "purposeful" use of the web include "browsing, reading content and downloading software"."
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2002-03-23 23:07
Ouzinki writes "Did anyone else witness the "teach BOYS early" advertising segment on the History Channel on the night of 3-20-02? It was in a commercial spot about 7:30 PM (Alaska time), and featured a bit that showed women and children as the only victims of violence. The final segment of the commercial stated "in order to stop violence against Women, TEACH BOYS EARLY" (emphasis mine). I've seen this particularly disgusting advertisement on the History Channel once before, but couldn't remember the date/time. I checked my watch this time 'round, and upon going to thier web site, found no email link to express my displeasure. Does anyone have an email address to anyone that counts at History Channel? This abomination must be stopped."
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Submitted by Nightmist on Fri, 2002-03-22 23:51
This commentary in the Washington Times seems to be the author's mea culpa for ignoring male victims of domestic violence in a previous column. He had reported that a woman is battered every 15 seconds, but completely failed to mention the male statistic, which was in the very same study. This rousing omission was not lost on my readers. Shortly after the commentary ran, letters streamed — poured — into our office documenting acts of domestic violence committed against men. The accounts were tied together by a common theme: the reluctance of men to come forward, for fear of being emasculated. The author also admits he purposefully neglected to mention male victims as a result of his adherence to "longstanding cultural myths." It's good to see this kind of admission of neglect in print. Williams is a nationally syndicated columnist.
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