Armenian-American Fraternity Brought Together by Fathers

donaldcameron1 writes "This article from Business Wire is wonderful example of just how important children have always been to their fathers, and how important fathers are to their children.
Specifically: "
The Armenian-American TREX Fraternity was founded in Fresno during the 1920's. Inspired by hatred, prejudice and ignorance, the group was founded as a social club by Armenian fathers whose children weren't being invited to school events. They formed their own social club to fill the void. The fraternity now boasts 1,000 members and 15 chapters statewide, with 70 members in the Orange County chapter." I have e-mailed, the Armenian National Committee of America for a more appropriate link to The Armenian-American TREX Fraternity but have not received it yet."

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Men's Family Life Related to Stroke Risk

Matthew writes "This article from Yahoo! news talks about a recent study from Israel that shows that mens risk of stroke is reduced if they have a happy family life. Men were also less likely to have a stroke if they had fewer financial concerns."

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Amy Gehring Admits Having Sex with Pupil

Douglas Rome, alphamale
, and warble all submitted news about the recent confession of Amy Gehring in media interviews, after her trial ended where she was acquitted. warble writes "This article quotes Amy Gehring as “…having sex with a 16-year-old pupil, saying she felt "quite stupid for all of the things I did". Where are the feminists on this issue? Worse, Ms. Gehring was previously “identified as a "risk" to children, but still allowed to work in another school.” This would not have happened if this teacher were a male." She has a lot of nerve for confessing this after the trial. Could she really feel bad about the situation, or is she mocking the judicial system and gloating that she got away with it?

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February Men's Hour Now Available

Raymond Cuttill writes "It contains segments with Trudy W. Schuett about the DesertLight Journal and (the new men's publisher) and Raymond Cuttill about It also has an item about women terrorists. It's at or to go direct to the February programme: here."

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Georgia Proposes Another Father-Friendly Bill

Wayne writes "It looks like the State of Georgia sees the massive injustices heaped upon men and is ACTING to correct some of the problems. Georgians for Child Support Reform Supports
House Bill 672 because: The current child support guidelines result in excessive and inappropriate awards leaving all but the very wealthy with little left to support themselves. The incomes and child costs of BOTH parents are part of the proposed new guideline. Child-related tax benefits are shared with both parents as part of House Bill 672.
House Bill 672 would replace the current guidelines that use only the one parent's income. Through fair and equitable child support awards, children will no longer be treated as a financial prize by either parent."

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Marathon Chat for cyberMan Launch

Trudy W Schuett writes "Celebrate V-Day our way! is holding its Grand Opening Thursday, February 14th. Drop by for the marathon chat! Meet cyberMan authors Dave Bates, Bernard Chapin, and Hareendran Kallinkeel, and talk to Raymond Cuttill and Trudy Schuett, publishers and owners of Find out about the first-ever international man-friendly publisher, and chat with our homies all over the world." Click Read More below to view the schedule of the chat for various time zones.

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UNH Student Creates Stop Hating Men Campus Group

Scott Garman (now why does that name sound familiar?) is apparently fed up with the way men at the University of New Hampshire were being treated, particularly after the vandalism of a fraternity house by radicals who want to portray men as rapists. His goals with the newly found Stop Hating Men group are to bring men and women from the University community together to speak out against male bashing at UNH. The organization has a web site which can be seen here.

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Boycott Ford For Discrimination Against Men

My latest column, which should also appear later today on Wendy McElroy's, examines the blatant discrimination against men (particularly white men) exercised recently by Ford Motor Co., toward both its employees and its buying public (via a male bashing commercial). Although Ford recently settled the lawsuit brought against it by employees, and pulled the ad campaign from most of its Canadian market, it'll take more than lawsuits and complaints to an advertising panel to change the company's ways.

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Wendy McElroy: Take Back Valentine's Day

In her latest column on Fox News, Wendy McElroy closely examines how gender (anti-male) feminists have attempted to take over and destroy Valentine's Day with V-Day (the V stands for Vagina, Violence [against women by men], and Victory) on college campuses. Among other "celebrations" is usually the presentation of Eve Ensler's male-bashing and child abuse-celebrating play The Vagina Monologues. In McElroy's words: Since 1998, V-Day events have been sponsored on university campuses across America. The stated purpose is to raise awareness. In reality, V-Day embodies the same double standard and dishonesty that has characterized most feminist pronouncements for decades.

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Georgia Passes Paternity Fraud Bill

In an incredible victory, Georgia's Senate passed a bill giving men recourse in the event of paternity fraud. This means that when a divorced man takes a DNA test and is proven not to be the father of a child, he is not obligated to pay child support for that child. This common sense law was a long and difficult struggle, but in the end, the efforts paid off. For example, in the GA Senate, the bill passed with a 90% vote in favor of it. You can read a press release about the victory on

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WorldWoman News Claims Newspapers are Male Shaped

Anonymous User writes "This site claims the following:
"Newspapers are male shaped. They are testosterone fueled, knee-jerk, confrontational, short term, pompous and status conscious. They are also punchy, strong, uncompromising and incisive. And they reflect the direction in which the editor wants to move. Usually, that editor is a man.""
This seems like the definition of a feminist "knee-jerk" reaction if you ask me. What's most disconcerting is that this kind of posturing is sure to sell the paper to her target audience.

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Domestic Abuse in Scotland

Anonymous User writes "There is a heavy duty rotation on Scottish TV of a government sponsored advert which claims that 1 in 5 women will be a victim of domestic abuse. On looking for this "recent study" I came across this page on the Scottish Executive's web site. It summarises a recent open forum on domestic abuse and reports this exchange on the subject of abused men: "A query was raised about the proposed research into abused men. Care needed to be taken with the questions to ensure a proper picture. Some men may be subject to retaliation from women they have abused. Care should also be taken as to whom should be given the contract. Academics may not have a proper knowledge of the issue. ANSWER - The Minister promised a tight specification and monitoring." It concerns me greatly that at the highest level of Parliament, there is such ignorance and dogma implicit in the research strategy. The delegate list is interesting too."

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Men Are Redundant for Reproduction? So Are Women

This story in the Guardian Unlimited claims that the invention of an artificial womb has become reality. Scientists have created prototypes made out of cells extracted from women's bodies. Embryos successfully attached themselves to the walls of these laboratory wombs and began to grow. However, experiments had to be terminated after a few days to comply with in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) regulations. Interestingly, those concerned with ethics have already scheduled a conference in Oklahoma next week. 'There are going to be real problems,' said organiser Dr Scott Gelfand, of Oklahoma State University. 'Some feminists even say artificial wombs mean men could eliminate women from the planet and still perpetuate our species. That's a bit alarmist. Nevertheless, this subject clearly raises strong feelings.'

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City Bans Clothed Public Erections

Like Tennessee and Mississippi before it, another nudity ordinance has banned clothed "visibly turgid" genitals in public, in essence banning manhood. The town officials say it won't apply to normal occurences, but it's up to them to decide what is or is not a normal erection. "This is not meant to be a tricky term, or give our police officers difficulty in enforcing the law," said Kerstetter. Before the vote, Supervisor Dennis Sharrow suggested removing the word "covered" from the ordinance. Kerstetter said the inclusion of covered male genitals in legal definitions of nudity has been upheld by the Supreme Court.

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Eight Teen Girls Charged With Attempted Murder of Counselor

This horrifying story in The Journal News details how eight girls in Cottage 12 attacked their counselor. The counselor was punched, kicked, stomped and scratched by the girls before "they doused her with rubbing alcohol and set it on fire,'' Alagno said. "They continued to beat her and then doused her face with chlorine bleach." They also cut her hair with scissors, beat her with a telephone and kicked her down two flights of steps, according to the charges read in court last night. The girls were giggling as they entered the courtroom. So far, one person said "without making excuses" said that they suffer emotional problems.

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