Allegedly Date-raped Man Forced To Pay Child Support

This story on reports on a man who has been ordered to pay child support for a baby conceived through forced sex. According to the man, he was drugged and date-raped by the child's mother, who then sued him for child support. The baby, a boy, was born March 3, 1998, and paternity actions initially were brought against two men, court records said. Blood tests determined the man ordered to pay child support was the father.

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Exploiting Deprived Children for Entertainment

ronn pointed us to this article by the Ottawa Citizen's Dave Brown. Brown laments the exploitation of children and fathers on talk shows, particularly those which feature "Who's the daddy?" themes. I have to agree - this kind of voyeurism is degrading, it exploits children, and it almost never sympathetically treats fathers who were tricked into parenthood. That these kinds of talk shows exist says a lot about our screwed up priorities.

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MANN is Looking for Movie Reviewers is looking for volunteer movie reviewers, to analyze new movies from a masculist perspective. We currently have one person who is willing to write regular reviews if we can find at least a couple more. If you're regular moviegoer, this could be a fun activism project. Note that we're looking for in-depth reviews, not just a review of a few sentences. Post on the comment board here or e-mail if this interests you.

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DV Protection Law Goes Too Far

Live Free or Die sent us this link and writes "A blind, wheelchair-bound man was arrested by New Hampshire police for violating a restraining order - when he called his ex-wife on the phone. I really doubt a blind man in a wheelchair can be that much of a threat, and the police agreed. But they were forced to arrest him (and take him via ambulance to jail where they refused to hold him for liability reasons) because of the zero-tolerance domestic violence laws. The police would like to have "more discretion" on whether to arrest in cases like this."

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It's Time To Vanquish Paternity Fraud

My latest column, which will also be available as a guest editorial on Wendy McElroy's, examines a recent case of Kafkaesque paternity fraud and points to some hope on the horizon in the form of new state legislation to deal with these types of problems.

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McElroy: NOW Used Yates For Political Gain

Wendy McElroy's latest Fox News column examines the National Organization for Women's (now played-down) support of Andrea Yates, mother who drowned her five children in a bathtub. McElroy points out that NOW wanted to use the case to point the finger at men, who, in NOW's opinion, keep women locked up and tied down to homes and families. McElroy also explores other examples of NOW's attempts to politicize criminal acts.

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Advertising Standards Canada

bledso submitted a link to the Canadian Advertising Standards organization. The site is very useful for activists and includes information on how to submit a complaint about an advertisement and includes reports about advertisement complaints. Our friends from Canada will find this to be some very useful information. Bookmark this site!

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Maximum Exposure: Men are Stupid

Anonymous User writes "The TV show Maximum Exposure aired a show last night focused entirely on the stupidity of males. Lines such as "we're so stupid, it's a miracle women even let us get near them," "if these guys don't make you feel superior, compare yourself to the morons on our list," and "if you still ain't convinced men are IQ-challenged, stay with us" were said throughout and were far too numerous to keep track of. The show aired in Richmond on TV Channel 6 (web site, phone # (804) 254-3600 General Manager - Mark Pimental), which is a CBS-affiliate.
Needless to say, the show would never have aired the same show with the genders revered. I am contacting Channel 6 myself and think it would be great if we all held WTVR and CBS accountable for what they are allowing to be broadcast on their networks."

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Prostate Cancer Research "10 Years Behind" Breast Cancer Research

The Men's Health America mailing list included this article from the California Press Democrat, which mentioned that prostate cancer research is ten years behind breast cancer research. Talk about a great quote to make use of! Also, this post from the British Medical Journal discusses men's health but perpetuated the notion that medical research used to ignore women.

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Glenn Sacks on the Radio

Glenn Sacks is getting some serious airtime to discuss his latest controversial article, Shouldn't Men Have a Choice, Too? Glenn will appear on the show In the Heat of the Night on KLSX 97.1 FM (Los Angeles) at 10 PM PST this Sunday (2/24). Listen to the show live at this link. Then he will appear on The Dave Taylor Show on CHQR AM 770 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The show will be at 1 PM PST on Monday, February 25. You can listen live here. Finally, Glenn will once again appear on the Al Rantel Show (KABC AM 790 in Los Angeles) on Friday, March 1 at 7 PM PST.

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Feb. 20 DesertLight Journal

Click here to check out the latest DesertLight Journal e-zine. This one includes news of a new group to combat false child abuse accusations, important news about the cyberManbooks e-publisher, the Unity Wall, which offers and outlet for people to tell their stories about unjust child support, and more. Trudy Schuett also announced that the DLJ web site is visited by people in 30 countries. Keep up the great work, Trudy!

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Murder Charges Dismissed for Louisville Woman

ronn submitted this story about a woman who stabbed her two year-old son about 30 times with a butcher knife, killing him. However, the murder charges have been dropped after four psychiatrists found the woman to be mentally ill, with a rare disorder called Addison’s disease. I did some searches on the internet for Addison's web sites and found that while depression can be one of the symptoms of the disease, it is not generally considered to be the cause of severe mental problems. The woman was sentenced to "up to" 360 days in a mental health program.

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False Alarm

After extensive investigation into the suspicious network activity on today, I have determined that our intrusion detection systems found a false positive. So there's no need to worry - the "cyber grrrl 3l337" hackers from N.O.W. haven't gotten us yet. :) Still, I have taken additional precautions and will be monitoring the server closely for further suspicious activity over the short-term future.

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Man Stabbed After Failing to Propose

ronn sent us this disturbing story where a man was stabbed below the ear by his girlfriend when he didn't propose to her on Valentine's Day, as she was expecting. ""The suspect wanted the victim to marry her and he was not at that point in the relationship at the time. So, she allegedly stabbed him right below the right ear lobe," said Sgt. Robert Douglas of the Oklahoma City Police Department."

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Article on Female Forms of Aggression

garypc writes "The New York Times Magazine has an excellent article about how young females are just as aggressive as young males, but that they are aggressive in a different way called "relational aggression." I felt it gave a very fair minded insight into how young males are not more malicious than than young females. It brings a reasonable voice to the discussion of gender differences."

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