Stuart Miller On Marital Rape

Stuart Miller, a father's advocate, has written a controversial article on marital rape discussing some problems with the entire concept. As he says, "Contrary to popular propaganda, we do not live in a patriarchal society. Rather, we live in a paternalistic society where we bend over backwards to protect women and children to such an extent that it overshadows our own common sense." Throughout the article he points out this kind of thinking for the problem it is, and how it's not good for society in general.

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Glenn Sacks To Appear in Two Radio Broadcasts

Glenn Sacks has informed us that he will be appearing on the Al Rantel show tonight to discuss his most recent column "In Defense of Russell Yates." The show may be heard on KABC-AM 790 in Los Angeles and starts at 7 p.m. PST. Sacks will also appear on the Sterling Show on 610 WTVN-AM in Columbus, Ohio, on Monday, March 18 at 9 p.m. EST to discuss the same column. Update: Glenn is also appearing on KLBJ-AM 590 in Austin, Texas today (3/13) at 1:20 p.m. CST.

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More Misandry in Massachusetts

Luek writes "This is another article about the infamous sex abuse case of Gerald Amirault who was refused parole by the unelected Governor Jane Swift. The usually stern parole board recommended that Amirault be paroled, and his two female codefendants had already been released from prison some time ago. What makes this story uniquely bizarre is that the same Governor Swift who went against the recommendation of her own parole board for the release of Gerald Amirault, just last year issued a full pardon to five women who were convicted and executed during the Salem witch trials in 1692! For an even more in-depth insight on just how toxically misandric Massachusetts has become under the MS-rule of Governor Swift, check out the web site of The Father's Coalition of Massachusetts. It is not for the faint hearted."

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Yates Guilty of Capital Murder

This story from Yahoo! News reports that the Texas jury in the trial of Andrea Yates has found her guilty of capital murder. Now that the guilty verdict has been returned, the jurors face the task of deciding Yates' sentence, whether it be the death penalty (what the prosecutors are fighting for) or life in prison.

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Gender Double Standards in Justice Hurt Everyone

My latest column, which will also appear today on Wendy McElroy's, examines the recent cases of Chante Mallard (who allowed a homeless man to die while trapped in her broken windshield), Andrea Yates (who drowned her five children), and Jaymie Hutchins (who shot an alleged child abuser in the groin). Apparently, the justice systems of the United States consider these women less culpable for their criminal acts than Tommy Davis, an 8-year-old Ann Arbor boy, who pulled a toy gun on three of his peers.

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iFeminism: A Women's Movement Friendly To Men

Wendy McElroy's latest Fox News column explores some of the most-often-asked questions she encounters about individualist feminism, like what is it? And how can a feminist movement not be anti-male? Here are Wendy's answers. Wendy has consistently demonstrated to that she firmly believes in men's equal rights. A "welcome" sign for men must be posted on the door of feminism. They are fathers, mates, sons, friends and neighbors. It is folly to "solve" a human problem without consulting and co-operating with one-half of the species.

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NJ Law Still Enforces Child Support by Proven Non-Bio Men

The Ox
sent us this article from regarding paternity fraud, where men are still forced to pay child support for children that have been proven not their own via DNA testing. The article includes a fairly technical legal background of the common law which has led to this situation, and is a good read to understand why things have become so messed up in the legal system with regard to paternity these days.

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In Defense of Russell Yates

Glenn Sacks submitted his latest column, which also today ran in the Houston Chronicle. Sacks points out that the harsh criticisms mainstream (largely female) press have heaped upon Mr. Yates may be unwarranted. What these and others forget is that it's hard to make the right decision when you don't have a lot of options. According to Andrea Yates' brother, Andrew Kennedy, Russell Yates "did his best....He trusted the doctors and he did everything they said to do. He made sure she took her medication."

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MANN Movie Reviewers E-mail List

I have set up an e-mail list for people who would like to write movie reviews for A few people e-mailed me personally stating that they wanted to join the list, and I have subscribed them. But if you haven't received the mailing list welcome message and still want to join up, click here and enter your e-mail address in the subscription form.

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Male Gymnast Limited by Double Standards

Foster's Daily Democrat reports here that high school gymnast Ryan Chandler can't compete for points in state competitions because he's male, and there isn't sufficient participation in gymnastics by males to create a separate category for them. Chandler's coach Karla Underwood is quoted as saying, "I think it’s ridiculous...If it was the opposite way something would surely be done. We’ve been trying to get something done but nobody will listen." Coach Underwood also explains that while men do have some advantage in gymnastics due to their strength, women also have advantages over men in terms of flexibility and that the scale of the equipment is geared toward smaller women. Many thanks to Rams for sending this story our way.

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Women Lawyers Want to Work 20% Fewer Hours to Raise Children

gte910h writes "This is a editorial by Karen Selick of the Independent Women's Forum. It denounces a recent proposal in Canada to make women lawyers who are raising children be allowed to bill 20% fewer hours then other lawyers at a firm while being paid the same." And how about fathers who are raising children? Anyone who can't see the double standard in this must be blind. The title of this article, "Equal Pay for Less Work" also makes a very common sense argument against this.

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El Dildo Bandito Headed to Court

The Rocky Mountain News reports here that Bob Rowan, the man who took down the male bashing art exhibit "Hung out to dry" from the Boulder, CO public library, is headed to trial. The artist who created the work, Susanne Walker, insists on pressing criminal tampering charges against him despite the fact that Rowan has received incredible public support for his actions. The article doesn't exactly paint Rowan as a saint, but it is fairly balanced quoting several people from both sides of the dispute.

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"Take Our Daughters To Work Day" Is Sexist

This story in the Press Democrat reports on Joe Manthey, a men's rights advocate who has filed a lawsuit against his county board of supervisors for their support of the sexist, misandrist holiday for girls known as "Take Our Daughters To Work Day." The problem is that the local government is supporting this sexism with public funds. Manthey's attorney, Chris Ferry of Pleasant Hill, said public agencies cannot put on any event that excludes participation based on gender. "Nothing is more rewarding to a child than to see their mother or father do well in public and be recognized," Ferry said. "The way the county has this event set up, it is being denied to boys. You can't do that. It's discrimination." Contact the Press Democrat to show your support for Mantheny here

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More Divorce Subsidies for Women

Neil Steyskal writes "The IRS rules currently contain at least six incentives for women to divorce their husbands. For example, he is taxed on child support even though she has the use of the money. Now, the national debate on pensions and Social Security reform is providing feminists with the opening to establish even more divorce incentives. Here's one."

Like0 Dislike0 Go After Those Deadbeats!

Anonymous User writes "Time to raid the accounts of NCPs in Tennessee. This person is so ignorant of the true amount owed and where it actually goes it's appalling. No need to worry about the life of the [non-custodial parent], just raid raid raid. Please write this editor so that wrongs can be righted." In fact, the author of this editorial advocates the same backward beliefs about child support collection which have recently led other states to re-examine their systems. You may contact the editor here.

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