Harvard Stalling Gender and Education Center, Angering Jane Fonda

CJ sent us this Boston Globe article and writes "Last March actress Jane Fonda announced that she was donating $12.5 million to Harvard University to fund a Center on Gender and Education. Now, many say that Fonda is displeased at the pace with which Harvard has made use of her gift and is seriously considering withholding the $6 million balance."

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Giving Women Land the Path to Solve World Hunger?

crescentluna submitted this story and writes "Apparently at the World Food Summit the idea of giving women equal property rights as men will end world hunger. Not quite sure if this is an issue for men's rights, it might be just the article but it doesn't seem to show any direct evidence between increased women's property rights and less instances of hunger, and this whole talk of 'if today children continue to be fed, it is because of women' is a little one-sided."

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On-line Chat About Realities of Pornography Industry

Tonight, Sunday the 16th, at 9:00 p.m. EDT join Wendy McElroy and "Mason" in the free ifeminists/mensactivism chat room to discuss the realities of the pornography industry. Wendy has done a lot of research in this area and this is a rare opportunity to speak with "Mason", who I assume is a person who works or has worked in pornography. Is pornography really exploitation of women? Men? Join this chat and find out.

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The Myth of the Deadbeat Dad

Stephen Baskerville has done it again, this time getting published in the June issue of
Liberty, exposing the family courts to a wider audience of reader. I don't really have much
left to say, apart from click this link
which will lead you to the article which from the Alliance for Non-Custodial Parents Rights
and the article is a PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file to view.

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Happy Father's Day!

I know this site has not been updated in the past few days, and it's been because I've had a lot of things to do to prepare for Father's Day and some other family events this weekend. I ended up spending the day with my dad yesterday, and it was a lot of fun - we put together a computer for him out of some spare parts I was able to dig up (including the backup server MANN used during that hardware failure). Anyways, I hope others are having a great Father's Day weekend, whether it will be spent being with your dad, honoring his memory, participating in activism, or whatever you find is most appropriate. If you're in the southeastern NH area and want to celebrate the passage of the Men's Commission bill and men's issues in general, the NCFC-NH group is having a very informal meeting tonight at the Town Hall in Newington, NH starting at about 7 PM.

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A Man's Right To Choose

I've just found a
superb article
outlining what choice for men is, and best of all is that it's written
from a moral viewpoint which is quite hard to refute. While some of you might think this is
old news, bear in mind the article makes for an excellent introduction to C4M that is
written to appeal to a universal audience, and is well worth bookmarking to put in
discussions and the like. The article was taken from the
Alabama Family Rights Association page.

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Glenn Sacks Hits the Airwaves Again

This page lists a series of upcoming radio programs that men's issues writer Glenn Sacks will be a guest on. Sacks' upcoming Father's Day column, "American Fathers Get a Bad Rap" will be his main topic, and is sure to be of interest to activists.

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Sex Bias in Treating Heart Disease Refuted

Tom Campbell writes "This
is a link to an article in the Annals of Internal Medicine that looked at the treatment of heart disease in men and in women. There have been many articles in the medical literature that have purported to prove that women are discriminated against in receiving healthcare, in spite of women's overall greater longevity. These authors took a closer look, and found that when matched for severity, there was no difference in how men and women were treated for coronary heart disease."

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Global Male-Only DNA Database Grows

Robex writes "This article from the BBC shows that the UK (and Scotland in particular) is not the only country pressing ahead with a male-only DNA database. It seems that it's quite prevalent in Australia too, but has rightly been condemned by various civil liberties groups. Again, I would urge all men who ever find themselves subject to such a "request" to resist."

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Men's Hour June Programme Released

Raymond Cuttill writes "Due to delays and illness the June programme is finally out. It includes news about London protests in April. An interview with Richard Pitchers about the Californian Constitutional
Challenge (Friday June 14th 12pm at Supreme Court, San Francisco) and news of the NCFM event later in June (Friday June 21st 7pm, Minneapolis). There will also be a special update programme on Sunday 16th June 9pm BST, 4pm EDT, about the NCFM event."

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Men's Health Special Report Focuses on Global Issues

A special report on the status of men's health worldwide was released by Men's Health America. This report focused on the longevity of men and women, and find that the lower status of men's health is a worldwide problem. Go here to read the report and learn just how pervasive the neglect of men's lives has become. And if you haven't already subscribed to the MHA announcement list, it is highly recommended.

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Upcoming Constitutional Challenge to CA Custody/Child Support Laws

jigme writes, "A Constitutional Challenge directly attacking the Child Support Laws practices, policies and procedures in the State of California will be held at the San Francisco Superior Court, Friday, June 14th, 2002 at 12 Noon at 400 McAllister Street in San Francisco. This Challenge is going all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. The main Constitutional Challenge will be joined by more than 50 Fathers by JOINDER and/or Intervention. We clearly see the whole system as a fraud and will be holding a news conference with the mainstream media as well as having 1000 fathers protest at this event. If you would endeavor to participate, please call us at 925-363-5470
or 925-449-8436. E-mail livebeatdad2(at)msn.com or petedclark(at)hotmail.com or jigcho(at)webtv.net.

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U.S. Army Funds Domestic Abuse Study On Women Only

SJones writes "According to this article the United States Army used our tax dollars to hire feminists at Johns Hopkins to do a study on how badly women, and ONLY women, are affected by being victims of domestic abuse. The article not only promotes the myth of female victimhood and male guilt, but even provides a link to the National Crime Prevention Council, which further promotes the feminist lie by stating among other things that 4 million women are abused each year by husbands and boyfriends (no mention of lesbian partners) while no mention is made of male victims of domestic abuse at all."

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On-line Chat with Bettina Greaves

This Sunday's (6/9) jointly sponsored MANN/iFeminists on-line chat will feature guest Bettina Greaves. Bettina is a free-market scholar, an expert on Ludwig von Mises, a witness to decades of classical liberal history... Come to ask wide ranging questions. Join us at this link around 9 PM EDT.

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Zohrab on Media Bias

Peter Zorhab from the NZ Equality Party sent in another article on media bias. In this piece, he focuses more broadly on the influece of left-wing politics and the struggle men's issues has in getting airtime in this environment. Whether your politics are left or right, his points provoke a lot of thought on this issue.

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