Raising Money to Publicize Warren Farrell's Latest Book

Marc Angelucci writes "I am passing this message on from Larry Hellmann of the National Congress for Fathers and Children. He is trying to raise some money to publicize Father & Child Reunion. Given the cowardly lies that gender feminists have been spreading about Warren to effectively shut him up, I think this is a worthwhile effort and I will contribute a couple hundred to it." Click Read More below to view the announcement.

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Misandric Governor Swift Drops Out Of Race

Luek writes "Well, here is some good news! The misandric unelected female Governor of Massachusetts, Jane Swift is bowing out of the Governor's race.
What is significant here is that she was banking heavily on the femmunist voting block and their pressure groups to get elected. This tactic did not work in an ultra liberal state such as Massachusetts. This needs to be monitored as a political bellwether on how the men's movement is gaining status and how the election of the new Governor will affect the deplorable situation in the family court system in that unhappy state. I think it is a very good sign."

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Back (Yes, Again)

MANN is back, once again. I had to restore the database from backup tapes after I had hosed the system on Wednesday, so things are in the state they were in as of Wednesday morning at about 2 AM, including queued stories. All of that, and moderation still isn't quite working right. *Ack*...

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Gloria Steinem and the CIA

An Anonymous User writes, "There's an amazing article over here by Henry Makow, Ph.D. Makow claims that Gloria Steinem (a la "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" fame) has strong ties to the CIA, and that certain spook organizations are responsible for the success of feminism and other liberal movements in the last century. I thought the article was kinda soaked in conspiracy theories, but if Steinem was involved with the CIA, we had better find out more about it."

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Boys' Eating Disorders Unfold

Bill Kuhl sent us this article and writes, "Today's St. Louis Post-Dispatch has a good article on boys and eating disorders. About the first third or so of the article talks about how boys are not recognized as potentially having the disease and it follows the travails of one boy to get help. Apparently he had to be driven from St. Louis to Iowa to get inpatient treatment that accepts boys."

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Mucking Around with the Database...

I'll be trying to fix the slash database early in the morning of Wednesday, and the site may become unstable or disappear for a bit. I'll be attempting to fix the broken moderation system so that comments can be rated correctly, which if you haven't noticed, isn't working as it's supposed to. I'll delete this posting when the work is done, whether it succeeds or not.

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March Men's Hour is Out

Raymond Cuttill writes "The March Men's Hour is out. Our answer to the sexist BBC's claim that the woman's hour has general appeal and therefore there's no need for a men's hour. It includes Barry Worrall (Cheltenham Group and UK Men's Movement) about the destruction of marriage and how the judges are making up law, Rape Trials (Calls for anonymity for rape suspects ignored in spite of suicides by men later proved innocent) and Women's History Month. It's at www.menshour.com."

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Office of Men's Health Resource Center

The campaign to establish a national Office of Men's Health now has a new web site advocating it, which can be seen here. Note the link towards the bottom of the page where you can send off an e-mail of support for HR 632 to your Representatives and Senators. It only takes a minute to do! The Media Fact Sheet on their site also provides some useful stats that can be referenced when advocating for men's health.

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Dave Brown: Debtors' Prisons Return

SJones writes "The Ottawa Citizen has run an article detailing how men are being thrown into debtors prisons in the name of feminism and crushing those 'dead beat dads.' The article is here." The author of this article is, once again, Dave Brown. Brown continues to confront issues that no one else wants to address, and he deserves a lot of support for the flak he must take on a continual basis. His e-mail is: dbrown@thecitizen.southam.ca.

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Joe Manthey Interview Today on the Dan Curry Show

DanCurry writes "Joe Manthey will be on the Dan Curry Show Monday, March 18, at 6 p.m. PST to discuss the civil rights lawsuit against the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors on "Take your Daughters to work" day. Some question have arisen as to whether this is the right path to pursue. Don't miss this opportunity to voice your opinion." Some people have wondered aloud whether Manthey's lawsuit prompted Ms magazine to recently change the program to "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day."

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Men Can Be Victims of Stalkers Too

This article in the Nashville Scene is more than a year old, but I think it's important to consider as some folks take on more public roles in men's rights issues. The article details the experiences of one male victim of stalking, and makes it pretty plain that anyone can become someone else's obsession, even in Internet forums like this one. According to Seema Zeya, senior program director of the Stalking Resource Center at the National Center for Victims of Crime, men are often too ashamed to report their stalkers. "We haven't gotten a lot of calls from male stalking victims," she says. "They're usually not really comfortable because they feel embarrassed and they're afraid that they won't be taken seriously. Unfortunately, they often are not taken seriously when they do report the crimes. Also, men have complained to us that there are not any support groups in their area for male victims of stalking crimes." Let's hope that's changing.

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Tennessee Shared Parenting Bill Under Attack

On tonight's episode of "Your Legal Rights," which airs on Saturday nights on Nashville's 1510 WLAC-AM, a representative of the Tennessee Women's Political Caucas called in to complain about the state's proposed "Shared Parenting Bill," which would make joint custody the "default" judgement in child custody cases. Although the bill is sponsored by a feminist, the caller disparaged Dads Against Discrimination and father's rights groups in general for bills like this one. She and the hosts disparaged the group for seeking equal rights for men. The TWPC representative is scheduled to be a guest on the show next Saturday night to discuss the bill, which both hosts (Charles Galbreath and Fletcher Long) admitted they knew absolutely nothing about, yet were entirely willing to deride. You can listen to "Your Legal Rights" live on the Internet, Saturday nights at 7 p.m. CST. I encourage anyone interested in supporting this bill to call the show and point out the flaws of this TWPC representative's arguments.

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Ms Attempts to Subject Boys to "Work Day" Reprogramming

This article from the Clare Booth Policy Institute examines Ms. magazine's recent "change of heart" concerning "Take Our Daughters To Work Day" and its name change to "Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day." Ms plans to adopt the change next year. This was, perhaps, in response to male advocate Joe Manthey's civil rights lawsuit against the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors. Manthey contends that government support of this holiday discriminates against boys. Manthey is correct in that assumption. However, the Ms. Foundation's plans are now doubly detrimental. It offers boys no benefits and subjects them to the same feminist propaganda girls have had to endure.

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Irish Man Who Protested Family Court Cleared of Charges

This story in Ireland's Longford Leader reports that an unnamed Irish man who chained himself to a seat in Carrick-on-Shannon court house in protest against Ireland's discriminatory family law system was cleared of public disorder charges. The man who cannot be named for legal reasons and in order to protect the identity of his spouse and children was charged with a breach of the peace at Carrick court house when he refused to leave the court room when requested by Judge Deery. The man chained himself to a seat and attempted to read out a statement outlining alleged discrimination against men within the Family Law court. The gentleman was also supported by a throng of other protestors outside court.

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Yates Gets Life in Prison, Eligible For Parole in 40 Years

This story on CNN.com details the jury's sentence handed down on Andrea Yates today. Yates was convicted earlier this week of capital murder in the June drowning deaths of her children. Prosecutors were seeking the death penalty. "This crime is of horrific proportions," prosecutor Kaylynn Williford said during closing arguments Friday morning. "This crime is a crime of the ultimate betrayal -- the betrayal of a mother to her children."

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