Study: Male Circumcision Healthy...For Women

This article on claims that the New England Journal of Medicine has published a new study which purports that men with foreskin intact are more likely to carry a virus which could contribute to cervical cancer in their partners. The study conducted in five countries found HPV in nearly 20 percent of uncircumcised men, but fewer than 6 percent of all circumcised men. For women, their chance of developing cervical cancer was at least 58 percent lower if their current partner was circumcised, even if the partner had a history of multiple partners. So while the "it's healthy for men" argument may no longer hold water for circumcising boys, apparently "it's healthy for women" will.

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NH Senate Passes Men's Commission Bill - Updated

I've just found out that the NH Senate passed HB 587, to establish a NH Men's Commission! The vote was 13-10. Getting a roll call vote was essential on passing this bill, as we suspect there were a few people who changed their vote when they knew they would be held personally accountable for it. I'll provide more details in the next day or two. Update: The NH Union Leader printed this article today offering some more details about the passage of the bill.

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Audio of Sacks, Angelucci KABC Appearance Now Available

Men's issues columnist Glenn Sacks and Marc Angelucci of Stop Abuse For Everyone appeared on KABC's Al Rantel show last week to discuss Glenn's column on the domestic abuse of a baseball pitcher by his wife (both celebrities). The audio of that show is now available at Glenn's Web site. The issue of domestic violence against men seems to be getting more and more press lately. Glenn and Marc deserve praise for getting the message out there on the airwaves.

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Men Never Do Their Share of Housework? Not so!

Glenn Sacks has turned out yet another column, in which he examines a study which confirms that men do, indeed, do their "fair share" of housework, in spite of the old media and feminist myth that women are forced into housework slavery. Sacks looks at the matter of percentages. The recently released study shows that women do an average of 27 hours of housework a week, compared to 16 hours a week for men. Balanced against this, however, is the study's less-publicized finding that the average man spends 14 hours a week more on the job than the average woman. Thus men's overall contribution to the household is actually slightly higher than women's.

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Reuters Health: Men Are Abused As Often As Women

Marc Angelucci writes "Reuters Health printed a short article announcing the results of UK Researcher John Archer's meta-analysis which found that women physically abuse intimate partners as often as men do, but that men usually just take it and don't seek help. The complete report appeared in the 2/02 issue of the Psychological Bulletin, published by the American Psychological Association. There is simply no way they can discredit this. Maybe we should send *this* to 48 hours?"

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Man Ordered to Support 29-year-old Son

The Italian justice system has taken a great leap backward in child support law. It recently ordered a man to financially support his 29-year-old son (who holds a law degree) until that son can "find the career he wants." The judges said parents' duty of maintenance did not expire when their children reached adulthood, but continued unchanged until they could prove either that their children had reached economic independence or had failed to do so through culpable inertia. An adult son who refused work that did not reflect his training, abilities and personal interests could not be held to blame, they said. Apparently, the son owns a home and maintains a diverse investment portfolio in addition to his father's support.

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A Male Victim and a Female Abuser Speak Out On Domestic Violence

My latest column is a Part II to "Broken Silence," my column two weeks ago about a mainstream columnist's admission that he purposefully ignored studies on male victims of domestic violence in favor of reporting on females. In Part II, I have suspended my normal editorializing in favor of allowing a male victim of domestic violence and a female who once committed domestic violence against her boyfriend to tell their stories on the issue of male victims. The column will also run today on Wendy McElroy's In addition to the two main sources, you're going to find some useful information herein from some other names you should easily recognize if you've been perusing this site (or men's issues in California and the Arizona desert) for a while.

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Men's Hour April Programme Now Out

Raymond Cuttill writes "The Men's Hour April programme is now out including: an interview with Steven Stevenson who ran a masculist workshop in Australia and lived, news of Tawny Kitaen, the actress arrested for domestic violence, news of a New Jersey improvement in child support for men, events in London this month, Dr Bill Thompson, a lecturer and expert witness recently raided by the police, infanticide, the BBC and Andrea Yates. It’s at"

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A Politician is Charged with DV

warble writes "We finally have an example of a Democratic politician that was subjected to DV. He has filed charges against his wife for domestic assault, and he claims that his wife provoked him to slap her by her assault. Clearly, he was a victim of DV. The story can be found here. I will be interested to have you guys help me learn if this State (Maryland) has primary aggressor laws. It will also be interesting to learn if this four-term Democrat voted in favor of those laws. I am wondering if we should make a lot of noise over this event. What do you think? Also of note is that the Legislative Woman’s Caucus is affording him special treatment by failing to condemn him directly as they would a male in the general public."

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Hate my Father? No Ma'am!

Glenn Sacks submitted a great article as a feature submission for MANN. In it, he talks about the willingness for young men to say, "don't blame me for women's oppression - blame my father or grandfather," and how the examples of Glenn's own father and grandfather only prove that men's sacrifices and burdens are not recognized today. If ever there were an anthem for the men's and fathers' movement, this piece has got to be it. Read More below to view his essay.

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CBS' 48 Hours Misandric Program on Domestic Violence

SJones writes "CBS ran a program recently about men who abuse women on 48 Hours. They titled it "Living With The Enemy" and it made me sick. Two stories were done in which the women who were allegedly abused were clearly lying about many important details and the men they accused were ultimately destroyed. CBS presented the women as 'victims' even before the trials, clearly showing their sexist view that a man and only a man can abuse and is guilty as soon as he is accused. The weblink to the program is here. The program originally aired early last year, but apparently the misandric pigs at CBS felt it was so good that they needed to spew it one more time. On CBS's webpage there is a transcript from a chat session that took place immediately following the original showing of the program. It is incredibly offensive and misandric, but it needs to be seen. This is the level of ignorance and anti-male hatred we are up against."

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Comment Rating System Now Working!

The "comment rating/moderation system" has been broken for a long time, and I finally got around to fixing it tonight. I'd like to take a moment to explain the system as best I can in a few words so that people don't jump to misleading conclusions about the system. Please click Read More below to view my two-minute tutorial...

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MANN/ Chat Gets New Moderator

Sorry for the really late notice, but tonight's is taking place at 8 p.m. EDT in the chat room. Tonight, meet Sunni Marivillosa, who will be taking over the chat reigns from Wendy McElroy on the Sunday night chats. Considering it's after 8 p.m., the chat is already in progress. Please stop by and say "hello."

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Single Women Make $1.02 For Single Men's $1

This article on the Arizona Republic Web site claims that women in general are paid less than men, but adds that a new study conducted by the Employment Policy Foundation says that full-time women who have never married, do not have children, and live alone make about two cents more than their male counterparts in the same boat. The study's author, economist Ron Bird, says the findings are important because they show that lower pay is a result of family choices rather than gender discrimination. Bird's theory is that employers are not responsible for the lower pay.

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Male Victims of Domestic Abuse Flood KABC Lines

Men's issues columnist Glenn Sacks reports that KABC Phone lines were jammed with abused men seeking to tell their stories on the Al Rantel Show on KABC 790 AM Los Angeles on Friday 4/5. Rantel, Sacks, and Marc Angelucci of Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE) discussed Glenn's latest column "Domestic Assault on Baseball Player is no Laughing Matter" and the prevalence of domestic violence against men. Earlier in the day Glenn appeared on "Feminazi Radio" with Susan Smith-Harmon on WGNU AM 920 in St. Louis. Again, male DV victims shared their stories of domestic abuse and judicial discrimination against men. On Thursday, Glenn made a short appearance on the Larry Elder Show on KABC AM 790 in Los Angeles. Larry discussed the domestic assault upon baseball player Chuck Finley and covered domestic violence against men comprehensively and without compromise.

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