Submitted by Scott on Wed, 2002-10-02 20:50
Due to the generosity of several individuals, has received the full $200 in donations which were matched with another $200 from Richard Cann. I'm in the process of getting permission to name the donors who contributed during this time, but felt it was important to announce that the matching fund drive is over so people were aware of this fact. I'm humbled that people completed this drive so quickly, and cannot thank you all enough. Update: The following people are to be thanked as generous supporters of Marc Angelucci, Steve Imparl, Thomas Parker, Luke Brackett, Christopher Fritz, David H, K.S, Anonymous1, Anonymous2 (member of NCFM-LA), and of course, Richard Cann.
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Submitted by Scott on Wed, 2002-10-02 18:44
Steve writes "Scott Haltzman and I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night (10/2), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the usual location. The topic for this chat will be "War with Iraq: A Men's Activism Issue." They're in the news daily: war, Iraq, the draft, weapons of mass destruction, inspections, the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. All of these points ignore--or at least understate--the simple reality. If the United States (and its allies) go to war, it will be men dying, and men killing men. We can debate foreign policy and national security until we are blue in the face, but a war with Iraq still means a lot of dead men. Join us at this week's MANN chat to discuss why the prospect of war in Iraq is an important men's issue. Invite some friends to the chat, too!"
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Submitted by Scott on Wed, 2002-10-02 02:31
Men's Health America has released a special report called Heart Disease: Why Are Men Still at Higher Risk of Death. This informative posting includes some statistics on heart disease, factors that have affected the rates of heart disease, and most importantly, why men are at such higher risk for death from heart disease. It will serve as good material to draw on for an upcoming activism project that MHA is doing.
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Submitted by Scott on Tue, 2002-10-01 22:41
Dan Lynch writes "Joe Manthey has come out with an article that coincides with every thing I have been saying for a while now. I really like the way he puts this piece together and shows up Michael Moore for what Michael is really doing "Curing Sexism with Sexism"?!. Duh! Anyways I want people to look at this piece objectively. Try to not see the points about racial hate crimes as a tit for tat but to see how misconceptions create hostility; hence, more crime and division."
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Submitted by Scott on Tue, 2002-10-01 03:53
alphamale writes "Will the male-bashing by corporations ever stop? The latest company is the A & P grocery chain in Canada. In their most recent flyer (ending October 05) one page 2 they have an advertisement for a "60 minute quick roast." The large bold heading reads "So easy it could be cooked by a child. Heck, even a husband."
I hope you are all as outraged as I am. As a husband and father of two I am deeply offended by this ad. I hope you too will show your outrage. A & P can be contacted at or 1-877-76fresh. We must stand up against this type of sexist, misandrist advertising! For a fact, you know they will not be running an ad next week with the word wife inserted for husband!
As for me.....I've stopped shopping there. They just lost thousands of dollars of my business."
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Submitted by Scott on Mon, 2002-09-30 20:23
Thundercloud. writes "Well, here we are at the end of September, 'Prostate Cancer Awareness Month'. So, did everyone else see all the news coverage and reports on this in the media? ... Neither did I.
I watched and waited all month to see even ONE mention of the subject.
But I waited in vain. I saw zilch! However, I did notice Katie Couric, about a week ago, reminding everyone that October is 'Breast Cancer Awareness Month'! How nice (and typical) of her and the rest of the media to remind us that October is "Breast Cancer Awareness Month", during "Prostate Cancer Awareness Month". and make NO mention of the latter!" Thundercould makes some valid points. I also saw very little attention to PCAW compared to what I remember last year. Where did we go wrong this time - what do you think?
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Submitted by Scott on Mon, 2002-09-30 07:14
Marc writes "Governor Davis vetoed AB2240. In Davis' statement below you can see that his reason is mostly based on the requirement of "personal service." In my opinion the personal service amendment was a poison pill and should never have been there. We're nowhere near finished with this." An Anonymous User also wrote in with the bad news, saying "An insightful explanation of WHY he's ignoring DNA evidence is in this news story: "the state might not meet federal requirements on collecting child support payments, putting California at risk of losing $40 million in federal funds." My take on it is that Governor Davis is defrauding men, taxpayers and the U.S. government." See the Read More section below for the veto letter that Davis wrote himself.
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2002-09-29 16:21
drakematrix writes "I am a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. This week, my column discussed Paternity Fraud Legislation pending in the Michigan State Legislature. you can access the story by going to this page." Nice work, Michael. We need to get these issues addressed in colleges and universities, and help educate men as early as possible.
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2002-09-28 22:45
Foster's Daily Democrat reports here about the rejection of Scott Hampton's nomination to the NH Commission on the Status of Men. Rep. David Bickford had a really strong quote printed, saying that Hampton's nomination by Shaheen "was kind of like putting Osama bin Laden on a Jewish, anti-defamation board." Also of interest is that the NCFC-NH web site now has a summary of the current history of the NHCSM, which is useful to get background on the commission.
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2002-09-28 05:08
Wendy McElroy will be moderating this week's iFeminist/ on-line chat, this Sunday, Sept. 29, at 9 PM EST. I will be there to discuss the current status of the NH Commission on the Status of Men and what still needs to be done (we're not totally out of the woods yet). Please join us at the iFeminist chat room for the discussion.
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2002-09-28 01:16
SJones writes "A man whose wife is a member of a socialist female supremacist terror organization called MOVE was found shot to death after a judge ruled that he could have visitation with his own child. The ex-wife said she would never let him see his child, but she was not arrested for flagrantly violating the order, of course. The story of his murder is here." This is absolutely shocking.
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2002-09-28 00:37
Men's Health America writes, "In June, Men's Health Magazine issued a call for readers to send in a form to support passage of a bill to create the federal Office of Men's Health. 3,000 readers enthusiastically responded. Then, Men's Health Magazine took the 3,000 names to members of the House of Representatives. Lo and behold, 15 additional Representatives agreed to co-sponsor the bill. So now the bill has 119 co-sponsors! The November 5 elections are six short weeks away. We need to make the Office of Men's Health a campaign issue. Find out if your Representative is supporting the bill (H.R. 632) by visiting this page. And then raise a ruckus if they're not.
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2002-09-27 20:32
As more evidence that the public outrcy and acknowledgement of the problem of paternity fraud continues to rise, New Jersey is the newest state to have an anti paternity fraud group form. Their web site can be seen here. Thanks to frank_h for this info. Word is that they've already started on state legislation, and they have two billboards advertising their cause in the Trenton, NJ area.
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Submitted by Scott on Thu, 2002-09-26 21:41
warble writes "What follows is the exact quote of Senator Kuehl's testimony as given in the Senate on the Paternity Justice Act. In transcribing this from a video, every effort has been made to preserve the actual statements made by her. They are rather incredible to say the least! NCFM, LA is interested in your objective comments and suggestions of how this can be used.
" See the Read More section below for the transcript of the speech.
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Submitted by Brad on Thu, 2002-09-26 17:43
RPB659 writes in on a recent article found in Massachusetts News. The article reports on the research done by Steve Basile on domestic violence and how the facts don't match up with commonly held beliefs.
Basile found that female defendants were just as abusive as male defendants in terms of both physical and psychological aggression. The results fly in the face of feminist orthodoxy on which the domestic violence industry has been built.
"Domestic violence is time and time again painted exclusively as something male batterers do to their innocent female victims," said Basile. "Our laws, policies and practices unfortunately reflect this myth."
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