Wannabe Fathers Ramp-up Testosterone

Raindrop writes "Newscientist reports that men wanting a baby "unconsciously"
increase testosterone levels. This goes against popular opinion of the "little brain" controlling the "big brain" - seems it's the other way around."

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Biological Clock Strikes Men Too

Tummler writes "Men who put their career before having a family should beware: the ticking of the biological clock is as important for fertility in men as it is in women.

American scientists have discovered that genetic damage to sperm routinely starts to cause infertility in men as young as 35." Scott's update: Men's News Daily also has an interesting follow-up article to this story.

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Battered Men's Conference this Saturday

This is just a final reminder that the 2nd Annual Conference on Male Victims of Domestic Abuse will be held this Saturday in Portland, Maine. Word is that Mary Cleary from AMEN (Abused MEN) will be at the event, coming all the way from Ireland. I also know other attendees are coming from all parts of the U.S. and even Canada.

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cyberMan & Harbinger Join Forces in E-Book Publishing

Trudy W Schuett writes "cyberManbooks.com announced today it now offers e-published
versions of books from Harbinger Press, http://harbpress.com
an independent specialty publisher.

"Our books are meant for, and bought by both genders. Frankly,
more women buy them than men. But our male audience is also
important and more reachable on the Internet. The men who buy
books, especially nonfiction on issues pertinent to them as men,
are more likely to be on the Internet, and often more at home
acquiring and reading them there. It's an obvious place to take
them, " says Keith MacLeod, owner of Harbinger Press. Harbinger
features titles such as: "The Ultimate Survival Guide for the
Single Father" and "Multiple Scandals Of Child Support."

See the Read More section for the rest of the press release.

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MANN Chat: Open Forum

Steve writes "This week's MANN chat will be Wednesday night (10/16),
starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the usual location. This chat
will be an open forum, with no designated topic.  Come to discuss any
men's activism issues that you consider important, and invite a friend to
join you."

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RACP Concludes Circumcision is Not Medically Justified

I received the following press release from NoCirc.org: "San Anselmo, CA – Last week, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians
(RACP), along with six other Australasian medical associations, published
its new circumcision policy statement concluding, “After extensive review of
the literature the RACP reaffirms that there is no medical indication for
routine male circumcision.”
" Read More for the rest of the release.

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Letter Template for DV Awareness

Equalitarian62 writes, "October is Domestic violence awareness month in the United States. Last year I created a letter template that could be sent to media outlets across the USA. My own letter was published in the Denver Rocky Mountain News. I am sending an edited (more concise) version to the Denver Post this year (it had to be less than 200 words). Those of you in the United States are urged to contact as many media
outlets as possible (newspaper, radio, TV, magazines, etc.). My
template may be used, or you can modify it or write your own letter
or email.
" To view the sample letter, view the Read More section below. Making use of a sample letter like this takes only minutes, and can make a big impact in numbers. Please help inform the media that domestic violence is not a gender issue, but a human one.

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When Men's Health Doesn't Count

Glenn Sacks' most recent column, "When Men's Health Doesn't Count", just ran in the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot (10/9/02). To comment on the article, write to the Virginian-Pilot. The piece was co-written by Dianna Thompson, executive director of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children.

The Men's Health Act needs popular support. To write a letter to your Representative, go to this link.

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NCFM Announces New Web News Service

Tom Williamson writes, "The National Coalition of Free Men (NCFM) has just initiated a brand new project at its web site. The new service is an automated news page that scans the internet for relevant headlines from magazines and from other web sites. Headlines will change every week and sometimes every day. Our material is divided up into five categories: Divorce, Civil Rights, Life Style, Health and Fashion. A short list of articles appears on the front page with a brief description. If you want to see a much longer list, simply click on MORE beneath the topic heading. Here is a really neat feature: There is an orange flag next to most of the individual articles. If you want to see a list of related articles click on the orange flag. This is great for anyone doing research; for anyone looking to find material to expand on a topic."

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Interesting Bias in a Homeless Outreach Program

Marc Angelucci writes "The Union Rescue Mission is the most recognized and probably the largest homeless program in Los Angeles. Its programs have a non-denominational Christian basis and serve a huge population of homeless people, mostly men. Ray found the website when searching for organizations that might support a commission for men. That's when we noticed this. If you look under "services," you'll see "Men's Programs," and you'll also see "Women and Family Programs." The women's programs are heavily centered around children and "family" while the men's programs seem to leave parenting and children out almost entirely, with some exceptions. This is probably just reflecting a reality that homeless women are more often with their children than homeless men are, so I'm not making any outright attack here. But wouldn't that still, arguably, create a good reason to create a program that encourages the men to increase their involvement with their children in order to help inspire them to overcome difficulties and to increase father involvement even among homeless men? From what I've read, most homeless men are fathers. And given research we know by Sanford Braver and others, it's likely that a lot of these men are apart from their kids due to judicial and systemic bias against them, perhaps in combination with mental disabilities or other factors (which can even be caused or influenced by the systemic bias). Maybe some of us could contact them and perhaps even praise them their work while also politely sharing some thoughts. I'm curious how others would react to this."

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Ireland's Supreme Court Rules Part of DV Act Unconstitutional

Mark Rosenthal writes, "Ireland's Supreme Court just declared the Interim Barring Order provision of Ireland's Domestic Violence Act to be unconstitutional. Read about it on the AMEN website here. AMEN is an organization in Ireland set up by Mary Cleary in 1997 to provide support for male victims of domestic abuse and their children. On October 19, 2002, Mary Cleary will be emcee at the Battered Men's Helpline 2nd Annual Conference on Male Victims of Domestic Abuse in Portland, Maine."

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Makers of Celexa/Lexapro Focus on Male Depression

Anonymous User writes "I found a brochure [on depression in men] at www.lexapro.com. It is a guide for male victims of depression. This is the first time I have seen a brochure geared specifically toward men for this disease. I encourage male victims of depression to write the makers of Lexapro and thank them for this attention." While Lexapro obviously has a financial interest in marketing their product to men, they clearly state that depression "is an equal opportunity illness, affecting all ages, races, and economic groups, and both genders" and they are contributing to awareness about depression in men.

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MA State Trooper Wins Suit for False Sex Harassment Accusation

Anonymous User sent us this Boston Globe story and writes "A Suffolk County jury found Tuesday that Elaine Whitfield Sharp knowingly made false accusations that trooper Randy Cipoletta propositioned her for sex and fondled her breasts after arresting her for driving under the influence of alcohol in May 1998." Sharp is a high-profile defense attorney who apparently thought she could get away with this. The ruling will be appealed.

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CBS Program JAG States DV is 50/50 Issue

Tom writes "We have some reason to celebrate. Last night my wife yelled to me "You better come watch this." When I made it to the TV she said a lead character on the CBS show JAG had just stated that 50% of Domestic violence is committed by women. How bout that! Network TV has now proclaimed that women are indeed violent in relationships. I hope my man Thundercloud got to watch this. It did my heart good. The tide is certainly turning. You can give them feedback here."

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MANN Chat: Integrated Men

Steve writes "I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night (10/9), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the usual location. The topic for this chat will be 'Integrated Men: Healing Ourselves, Healing the World.'"

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