New Study Again Confirms Egalitarian Nature of DV

A new study has been done on domestic violence which focuses on DV among college students. Included among the study's authors is Dr. Murray Straus, and the University of New Hampshire was one of the schools where data samples were taken. The results came out as all of the Sociological studies have shown; that assaults are committed by women and men at about equal rates. In some cases, women were even more likely to be the aggressor than men. Foster's Daily Democrat reports on the study here. Update: Foster's has printed another story on the study today. Second Update: The Concord Monitor printed a must-read article on the study, too.

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Questioning the Public Funding of Women's Studies Programs

Ray writes "This article is linked through to the IWF, and is as relevant to issues affecting men as any all-male topic. Should taxpayer dollars be used to fund college level Women's Studies programs that are used to support an anti-male/radical feminist agenda? Are the distortions taught in the Women's Studies programs actually traumatizing otherwise healthy females more than the fallacy they preach of; ie man as patriarchal oppressor? It appears this article from the Independent Women's Forum speaks volumes about where the vitriolic rhetoric against men in America is spawned, hatched, and nurtured, but you be the judge."

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Attorneys Petition American Bar Association President

Marc writes "This is a petition some of us sent to Robert Hirshon, president of the American Bar Asociation, about their misleading info on male victims. I've been telling them about this for almost two years now and they still aren't doing anything. If you have a moment you may want to write to Robert Hirshon at and explain why the ABA should be more fair to male victims." Read More below to view the petition.

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Data Restored; MANN Back to Normal (I Hope!)

Once again has overcome another technical glitch, and it appears that I was able to utilize partial backups to recover data up until the night of the crash. If anything is acting odd, let me know. For now, I'm just glad things appear to be working at all! :)

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Education Trends Harming Men

Mike Medved has written
an article
about the problems men and boys have when it comes to education in America. Of course, this is a western problem, but there's nothing wrong with localizing your efforts. Anyway, he's quite aware of the double standards here, and in my opinion takes a hard line stance
in defense of the nearest man, which is much needed.

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Review of What Men Know That Women Don't

Here's a review of Rich Zubaty's
book What Men Know That Women Don't and it's well worth reading. While the reviewer writes from a Christian viewpoint, don't let that put you off, as the review gives a in-depth look at Zubaty's writings far more than most. I think I'll leave at that and let you judge for yourself.

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MHA Special Report on Male Longevity

Men's Health America released a special report on male longevity (or the lack thereof) which can be read here. Some interesting facts from the report: " The World Health Report, published every year by the World Health Organization (WHO), is the most authoritative source of information on life expectancy and mortality patterns in every country around the world...The rate of suicide is almost universally higher among men compared to women by an aggregate ratio of 3.5 to 1... The lifespan gender gap exists in almost every country in the world. The disparity ranges from 3.8 years in Israel to a disturbing 15.4 years in the Russian Federation."

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Attack on Boys/Men in Academia

Josh writes "This story focuses on the attack on boys in Academia, exposing the lies about girls being shortchanged, the elimination of recess from public schools, and other such things." I believe we may have linked to a similar story recently from the Massachusetts News, but even if so, the information this article provides could be very useful in educating people on men's rights issues that boys and young men face.

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Male Mortality Bigger Problem than Cancer

Raindrop writes "'If you could make male mortality rates the same as female rates, you would do more good than curing cancer.', according to a New Scientist report on male mortality rates." What a great sound bite - I'd highly recommend using that one with politicians. The study spanned 20 countries again confirms the urgency of the "death gap" issue.

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Man Killed; Woman Set Free on 30k Bail

Ray writes "Now, from MND, another sensational story of domestic violence from the category of: "I don't need no stinking steam roller." A man is run over, flat as a pancake, dead as a doornail and this is no “Road Runner” cartoon. Now, here’s the shocker: $30,000.00 [bail] and she’s back out on the street. I guess when a woman kills her husband she’s no longer a threat to society, since in this case, the only one she had to kill is now laid out on the slab. Way to go Ms. you really showed that cheating man. We can’t wait to see the rest of the circus." The woman has been charged with first degree murder. His daughter watched him die. $30k bail?

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Anthology of Men's Thoughts Published: It's a Dick Thing

Don Koberg sent us a press release about a new compilation of men's writings, entitled It's a Dick Thing: Secret Thoughts of Silent Men. The book was contributed to by thirty-three men and covers all kinds of perspectives related to maleness. "When silent men speak to confess, advise, laugh, question, brag a bit, and repair, anything is possible. The silence of the male is herewith broken." The press release is downloadable in MS Word format.

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"Blackshirts" Support Fascism

Another story in Australia's The Age offers more information about the "blackshirts," a group of men who are aggressively protesting they way they are treated by the family court system by publicly shaming vindictive ex-wives and using other controversial methods, which some claim is harassment. According to a spokesman for the group, the blackshirts support fascism, and claim that the Nazi's weren't fascists. To me, this is a big disappointment, and I hope the public does not make an association with the men's movement and this radical group.

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Is the Progressive insurance Ad Gone?

Mark Thundercloud. writes "I haven't seen the anti-male Progressive Insurance commercial in about a week or so. Does anybody know whether that abominbale thing has been taken off the air, or not? Did we win?"

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An All Too Common Story

Ronn submitted Henry Makow's latest article, NWO Tyranny: Men are Being Kicked in the Teeth, which outlines the all too common story of a man who begins to struggle being a provider for his family, whose wife gets fed up with him, brings false accusations against him, and divorces him and takes his children away. With so many men seeing this fate, it's frustrating that so few will heed the warning before it's too late. But this story must be told again and again until people listen.

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Bulimia Now an Excuse for Shooting Boyfriends

This article from New Hampshire's Union Leader shocked me. It's about a woman who emptied a revolver at her boyfriend, hitting him once in the leg, and who in the end received a suspended sentence. The defense's main strategy was to claim that her condition of bulimia caused mental instability. I don't think that changes the fact she would have killed this guy if she had experience with aiming handguns. But we definitely have to blame the man in this case too, who pleaded, "That woman has been punished enough. . .Let her go free" to the judge. Sheesh.

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