MANN Chat: Men's Apathy About Men's Issues

Steve writes "I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night
(11/20), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the usual location. The topic
for this chat will be 'Why Are Men So Apathetic About Men's Issues?'  
The title says it all.  Let's figure out some answers at this week's 
MANN chat.  Invite a friend or two to join you!"
Scott's Update: The chat server that QuickChat uses is apparently down, so unfortunately tonight's chat must be cancelled. We do intend to revisit this topic during the next on-line chat, though.

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Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and DV Hearings

Maryland Judicial Equality Committee writes "The court documents of the infamous witch trails are on line. After a case review of the seventeen people who were executed for Abuse by Witchcraft, there was a consistent pattern by the court in it's methods of determining guilt. The court's pattern is disturbingly similar to today's Domestic Violence hearings. The details and links to the documents are on this page. Like then Governor William Phips of Mass., who will have the courage to challenge our current dysfunctional legal system?"

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Progressive Insurance Threatened with Federal Legal Action

incredibletulkas writes "I have just threated with civil action in federal district court for its "Voodoo Doll" commercial, via the following warning:

This notice is a final warning of federal civil action. If does not immediately cease and desist from its rampant anti-male hate-messages, and such are not removed from public airwaves immediately, I will immediately file suit in federal court seeking maximum damages for willful and malicious conduct as well as abuse of public airwaves, citing precedent including previous violations of federal sanctions placed for similar previous case law pertaining to offensive messages attacking race or gender." Read More for the rest of this letter.

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Men's Groups Speak at L.A. County Supervisor Meeting - Lawsuit News

Marc Angelucci sent me a press release which can be downloaded here. It begins, "About 20 or more activists from the L.A. chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men and
others will hold a rally outside the L.A. County Board of Supervisors’ meeting on November 19, from 9am-12pm. We will also testify before the Supervisors during public comment (Item 76) to ask the County to create a Commission for Men that will address issues affecting men, such as child custody, paternity fraud, domestic violence, prostate cancer, prison rape and false accusations. The testimony can be viewed live from the County website at this link. We have also filed a lawsuit to that effect based on equal protection (Superior Ct. BC77370).
" This is some very important news, and the press release has more details, so please take a look at it.

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Rights & Responsibilities

Wendy McElroy's most recent article exposes Martha Burk's contempt for men.

"According to PC feminism, the woman alone has the right of choice in carrying a pregnancy to term while the man bears legal responsibility for child support. Yet, in paying child support, he has no guarantee of joint custody or even visitation rights."
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UK Sex Offenders to Have Electronic Chip Implanted

John Knouten writes "
The technology is being developed to implant electronic chips into sex offenders which will monitor their sexual arousal, thus signaling when they may present a criminal danger. The story is here. Civil liberties groups are horrified."

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A Founding Mother Speaks Out

This one'll put you off your feed.

Germaine Greer is generally recognized as one of the founding mothers of second wave feminism. (You know, that's when feminism was so loving and well intentioned, before it was hijacked.) Well, the great feminist icon had this to say in a Guardian article. I love the fact that she carries on about how vile men are and how 99.9% could be elimated without any real loss. Then she finishes the article by saying, "Women would find a world without men flat and savourless; it is men who dream of a world without women."

The world waited to stop Adolf Hitler, and tens of millions suffered horribly as a result. How long will the world wait before stopping these feminists?

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Series of Articles Document Violent Crime by Women

SJones refutes the idea that women are incapable of violent crime (and the light tone with which the media portrays it) with the following examples from recent news: "An Iranian woman cut off her husband's ear with a knife after he simply asked her why she was late coming home. He reported to police that she becomes extremely angry easily and often beats him up. The story is here.

A gang of armed and dangerous pregnant women in Ecuador went on a crime spree and said they did not care who saw them because sexist Ecuadoran law places pregnant women above the law. After their pregnancy tests came back positive the police were forced to release them all. The story is here.

Two 14 year old girls robbed a bank in New York and their mother drove the getaway car. The story is here.

A South African man died after his wife became angry with him and grabbed him by the testicles, squeezing and causing him unbearable pain from which he passed out and never recovered. The story is here.

A Cambodian woman murdered her husband with repeated axe strikes to the genitals so that she could run away with her son-in-law. The story was, of course, dumped into the Oddly Enough news as if it were nothing but a joke."

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Radical Feminists Attempt to Silence Senator Anne Cools

AFG writes "These video links show what the radical feminists don't want you to see. During a conference discussing domestic violence and shared parenting in Canada, Senator Anne Cools (who has fought for the rights of both sexes) was repeatedly shouted down by militant man-hating feminists. At certain times, they even attempted to get the camera shut off, as they didn't want their misandry exposed. One ray of hope at the conference: Most of the audience applauded Cools whenever she stood up to the feminists. I would like to extend my support and thanks to Senator Cools for standing up for what is right and for what is fair. And here is a link to Anne Cools' site (if anyone wants to send her a thank you note)."

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NYTimes Magazine DV Article

Matt Campbell writes "This is a good article questioning the efficacy of DV-related mandatory arrest laws. Still, the article fails to mention that half of DV cases are women assaulting men, though at least it mentions DV vs. men a little more more than in passing. But it also does not discuss the anti-male judicial bias in DV cases, even ones where men were clearly the victim."

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Sexism Against Dads at the IRS

Aleph Null writes "Check out this link at the IRS web site. Notice the genders of the presumed child support offenders - always male! File your complaints here. You can also include a reference to statistics which indicate that non-custodial moms are more likely to be in arrears than non-custodial dads."

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Suicide Epidemic at School Not Raising the Right Questions

frank h writes "This story concerns two successful suicides and one attempted suicide within in the span of one week in the Pioneer Central School District near Buffalo, New York. As I sit here shaking my head, all I can say is Isn't about time someone started to investigate why our sons are doing this?!"

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Man Arrested For Self-Defense

Anthony Davis was almost killed in a knife attack by his ex-girlfriend. His defense is that he defended himself by punching his assailant. She got black eyes; he almost died; he was arrested. Read about it here.

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Glenn to Appear on ABC Radio in Australia

Glenn will discuss the increasing trend towards men as primary caregivers of children with host Madeleine Randall on ABC Radio's Early Morning program in Australia on Monday, November 18 at 8:30 am PST. You can listen to the show via the Internet.

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Wendy McElroy exposes feminism's "urban legends"

FoxNews has recently commented on an article by Wendy McElroy that elaborates on how feminism destroys the lives of people who dare to contradict it.

[T]he media should stop treating slander as though it was a counter-argument. When men who question feminist data are bashed as batterers, reporters should demand hard evidence for this criminal charge.

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