More Anti-Male Bias in L.A. County Agenda

Marc Angelucci writes "Here you can read L.A. County's agenda for today. Take a look at Items 28 and 32 for more anti-male bias. Excerpt from Item #28: “specialized services in the areas of domestic violence against Cambodian refugee WOMAN and child care training and certification in total amount of $383,909...” Apparently Cambodian men are never DV victims, so they need not be included. Never mind that "approximately 1.5 million women and 834,732 men are raped and/or physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually in the United States." Excerpt from Item 32: “...$361,000...annually from the State Office of Criminal Justice Planning…to help combat teen pregnancy by prosecuting adult MALES who violate existing statutory rape laws with minor females and to obtain court orders against the fathers to increase child support collections, effective July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2003.” Is this a sincere effort to combat teen pregnancy? Or is it targeting men for the purpose of political grandstanding? Is imprisoning young males and then seeking child support from them an efficient, rational and effective way to use $361,000 a year to combat teen pregnancy? This is another reason we need a commission for men."

Like0 Dislike0 Pays Tribute to Sept. 11 Victims

Steve Imparl's site was changed this morning, to create a memorial to the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks. As a site to help promote psycholocial healing, I felt that this was very appropriate. Thanks, Steve.

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Good News for the NH Bickford Campaign

If the New Hampshire primary election is any indication, Rep. David Bickford has a clear shot of being re-elected to the NH House. According to this Foster's Daily Democrat story, he received the most votes of any of the other candidates in his district. Rep. Bickford was the original sponsor of HB 587, which established a Commission on the Status of Men in this state. Many people responded from the plea on MANN to help David out, since due to redistricting he was going to have to campaign in six new towns, many of which historically vote only for Democrats (Bickford considers himself a moderate Republican). Due to the outpouring of support, David was able to buy and put up many signs in his district, and the effort clearly paid off. Thanks to everyone that gave David support in any form. His e-mail is

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CEDAW Show-Down Approaching: It's Time to Act!

As this post on Men's News Daily states, the United States Senate will be voting in the near future on whether to ratify the CEDAW treaty, which is well known to be a piece of gender feminist propaganda with wide ramifications that would make it harder for legitimate men's issues related to discrimination to be acknowledged. You are asked to write to your Senators and voice your opposition to the treaty. Please take a moment to let them know what you think - the members of N.O.W. certainly are.

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Sacks and Thompson Respond to "Deadbeat Dad Raids"

Glenn Sacks and Diana Thompson co-authored an article discussing the recent federal raids on "deadbeat dads," which resulted in dozens of arrests in recent weeks. The Sacks & Thompson duo shed light on the phenomena of "deadbeat dads," and find that unemployment, not apathy, is the primary factor in fathers who aren't paying child support. They then continue to tear down the myths about fathers who are not paying sufficient child support, discussing the need to enforce visitation rights and offer unemployed fathers more access to employment resources, rather than stigmatizing them and throwing them in jail.

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Dan Rather Takes Dixie Chicks to Task for "Goodbye Earl" Video

Thundercloud. writes "Any one see "60 Minutes Special Edition", a few nights ago? Well, if you did, maybe you were as shocked as I was to see the Dixie Chicks taken to task about their video celebrating the murdering of men, called, "Goodbye Earl." Dan Rather (of all people), in an interview with the "Chicks", asked one of them: "Do you think it would've been OK if a male singing group had done a video showing the celebration of guys murdering a woman?" Of course, she gave the usual glib answer - she said something like: "No it wouldn't be OK. It's OK for US though, because we look so innocent..." HUH? Well, at least someone in the usually anti-male news media took these misandrists to task."

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Equal Opportunity Today

Since we're noting the possible undermining of the NH Men's Commission, I thought it would be worth pointing out the stacking of the so-called Equal Opportunities Commission in the United Kingdom. Note that the chair, deputy chair, and chief executive are all women. In total, there are 13 women and 3 men -- equal opportunity in the allegedly post-feminist, western world.

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Glenn Sacks on Creating Boy-Friendly Classrooms

Glenn Sacks had a new article printed in the Los Angeles Daily News late last week on the topic of boys' educational needs. In it, Sacks discusses how discipline of boys is becoming a worsening problem in schools, and that this indicates how schools are failing to meet boys' needs. Sacks then goes on to make constructive suggestions on how to improve the classroom environment both to reduce discipline problems as well as be more inclusive of the teaching methods boys are most responsive to. Please pass this article around to any educators you know.

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Is the NH Men's Commission Being Sabotaged?

Last Tuesday, the list of nominees NH Governor Jeanne Shaheen made for the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men were released. Information about the seven nominees can be found on the NCFC-NH web site. However, the news is not all good. NCFC-NH members spent a lot of time lobbying for passage of this bill, and were alone through much of this process. Now that the list has been released (after tremendous delay, I might add), we are surprised to find that few of the names are even familiar to us. One individual on the list, Scott Hampton, even went on NH Public Radio debating Rep. Bickford about the legislation, saying that NH does not need a men's commission. It is suspicious, to say the least, that Hampton would then be nominated for the commission. Is the commission being sabotaged? I personally believe it is. And we only have about two weeks to stop it. For this reason, you will see a much lower number of new stories posted to MANN for the next week or so. I'm going to be putting a lot of resources into getting to the bottom of this mess and trying to do what I can correct it.

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NFL Helping to Promote Prostate Cancer Awareness

napnip sent me a link to this PDF document which announces that the National Football League is promoting prostate cancer awareness this month, particularly during Prostate Cancer Awareness Week (Sept. 15-21). As David Crawford, the founder of the Prostate Cancer Educational Council said, "There could be no better partner for reaching our target audience." Keep an eye out for players talking about this issue during this month. If you haven't already, also check out the PCAW web site.

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Gelles Article Details Repression of DV Research

Dr. Richard Gelles wrote an important article for men's activists that details some of the ways that research about DV against men has been repressed and attacked over the years. It's an incredible eye-opener, and is definitely must-read material for DV activists. The L.A. chapter of NCFM received permission to reprint it on their web site, and it can be viewed here.

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Outline of Men's Issues

Steve Imparl has put together a very comprehensive outline of men's issues (focusing on men's legal rights), in a PDF document that can be downloaded here. This could be a useful reference for many people, so feel free to download it and give Steve your feedback at

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Interview Discusses L.A. Lawsuit Over Men's Commission

Dan Lynch writes "Dan Curry wanted people to hear this Thompson and Sacks interview (part one, part two) with Marc Angelucci, the leader of the LA chapter of NCFM. On September 3, Angelucci discussed LA/NCFM's groundbreaking civil rights lawsuit and its drive to create a Los Angeles Commission for Men. Angelucci will also discuss his campaign to increase services for male victims of domestic violence in Los Angeles. Angelucci, Thompson, and Sacks will also discuss the California Senate's recent passage of the Paternity Justice Act (AB 2240) and the work and testimony of both the American Coalition for Fathers and Children (ACFC) and LA/NCFM on behalf of the bill. Listeners are urged to write, call, or fax California Governor Gray Davis and urge him to sign this bill.
Davis can be contacted by e-mail at, by phone at 916-445-2841, by fax at 916-445-4633, or by regular mail at Governor's Office, Governor Gray Davis, State Capitol Building,
Sacramento, CA 95814. Listeners are urged to write "I support AB 2240" in big letters across the top of their letters and faxes. For more information on the National Coalition of Free Men, visit their website at"

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Progressive Wins, We Lose?

Thundercloud. writes "I don't know about the rest of the country, but where I live, Progressive Insurance is running their "Man being castrated with pliers, by ex-wife" commercial again. They are running it just as often as before our 'letters of protest', and at all hours of the day. Even when children can see it. It seems misandry wins, yet again. As for me, I'm just gonna go bang my head against the wall."

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Call for Ideas: Honouring Men's Advocates

Dan Lynch writes "I'd like to suggest an open discussion about honouring those who we feel have contributed to the rights, health and glory of men. I'm sure everyone has their favorites but I would like to name as many names as we can brainstorm to accredit to our cause. It could even be people who contribute to this board or people from the past. It could even be people who did so inadvertently in respect to fairness , fellowship or advocacy of any sort towards men. This could be a time to make an awareness of even the least of the notables. I for one strongly believe in knowledge as the precursor to activism. Once we are armed with knowledge nothing can stop us. It's also good to know who is out there and who is on our side and with the constant growth of the men's movement hopefully this is something we will have to up date all the time."

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